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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

GhostofJacK said:
*blink blink*
Wow. Isn't this type of scenario the reason why McD's coffee cups now have to say 'WARNING: Contents may be hot' when you order yourself a large HOT coffee?

Though I agree that the "hot bench" lawsuit above may be a bit silly, the hot coffee at McDonalds lawsuit really wasn't... it was portrayed as frivolous by media and McDonalds, as one would expect to get hot coffee when one orders hot coffee, but coffee served at 190 degrees Fahrenheit is a little excessive.  Try this little experiment; heat some water up to 190 degrees Fahrenheit and put it in a paper cup. Hold it and tell me it's not hot... Option B; read THIS, and THIS... then THIS... Nothing like 3rd degree burns with your coffee.

Now, granted, using your knees to hold a hot cup of coffee might not be the smartest thing to do, but, think of how many times you have done something similar... if you say you haven't, you're either not really paying attention to your actions or just lying.

The hot coffee labels are there to make you look like an idiot after someone hands you a cup of coffee at 190 degrees Fahrenheit and you burn yourself... 'cause you ordered a HOT coffee.

Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack the thread; I just hate it when people use that particular case as an example of a "frivolous" lawsuit when it really wasn't.

Sitting on a black marble bench, that has been baking in the hot Texas sun for a day, and burning yourself... well, that's just foolish. Did she never think; "wow, this bench is kinda hot... perhaps I shouldn't sit here."?
RHFC_piper said:
Sitting on a black marble bench, that has been baking in the hot Texas sun for a day, and burning yourself... well, that's just foolish. Did she never think; "wow, this bench is kinda hot... perhaps I shouldn't sit here."?

Exactly.  It's like walking on a hot beach barefoot... are you going to sue the sun?  Or the sand?  Or both?  Or the municipality for not putting up a warning sign about hot sand?  Seems like that's what she thought the Cowboys should have done.  ::) 

Hopefully if a reasonable person would assess that there "just might" be some inherent risk there, the courts would put the onus on that person to act accordingly.  From the Cowboys' perspective, I wonder if an omnibus sign saying "Use these facilities at your own risk" would do the trick.  ...What a money-grubber. 

Like RHFC_piper, I see the hot coffee thing a bit differently.  The tea from Tim Horton's is fresh out of a boiling carafe - hence the two cups (which doesn't help much).  Not expecting boiling water, and not realizing that it wasn't an anomaly but, rather, their SOP, I burned my tongue on it a couple of times.  Did I sue - no.  But I did start asking for them to put a scoop of ice cubes in; makes the perfect hot temp for drinking.  My point is that it was WAY hotter than I would have reasonably expected, hotter than their coffee, and I can kind of see where a lawsuit might come from, if a person were of that bent.     
bridges said:
I burned my tongue on it a couple of times
A quick learner?  :whistle:

You're going to love sticking your tongue on a metal pole in winter.    ;D
Journeyman said:
A quick learner?  :whistle:

You're going to love sticking your tongue on a metal pole in winter.    ;D

Already got that t-shirt - I'm from Saskatchewan.  ;D  It was a bus shelter in Saskatoon, I was 5 or 6 and I still remember it fairly vividly. 

Now - I deliberately tried to forestall any snarky comments (futilely) by mentioning how I thought it was just an anomaly the first time.  It was so hot that I thought they couldn't possibly do that as their SOP.  Turns out, they do.  Fortunately there's an easy work-around. 
I assure you, there was no intent to be snarky -- mocking, well most certainly, but not snarky.  ;D

As for Saskatoon, one of my parents was from Moose Jaw, I spent a good chunk of my career in Edmonton, and well....my ex-wife's heart -- I'm very familiar with icy temperatures.  :nod:
Journeyman said:
I assure you, there was no intent to be snarky -- mocking, well most certainly, but not snarky.  ;D

As for Saskatoon, one of my parents was from Moose Jaw, I spent a good chunk of my career in Edmonton, and well....my ex-wife's heart -- I'm very familiar with icy temperatures.  :nod:


I really meant "mocking" comments, not snarky.  Anyway, no offence taken.  :moose: 

So in summary, when I burn myself on a hot drink, it's the restauranteur's fault (at least in part).  When someone else burns their rear on a hot bench, it's because they're a moron.  Yep, I think that's about right...
Actually, in order to make tea properly, the water should be at a rolling boil to start.  Otherwise, it's not hot enough to brew.  Coffee does not require the water to be as hot in order to do the same.  The moral is, let your tea cool a bit before drinking.  You should also pull the infuser/bags out of the water after about two minutes as well and never squeeze the bag (says the sailor  ;D), or else you will bruise the tea and make it bitter.  To make stronger tea, use more more tea.  Don't brew it longer.

As for sticking you tongue on a metal pole in winter, if you've got  a hot cup of tea/coffee - problem solved!
Pusser said:
Actually, in order to make tea properly, the water should be at a rolling boil to start.  Otherwise, it's not hot enough to brew.  Coffee does not require the water to be as hot in order to do the same.  The moral is, let your tea cool a bit before drinking.  You should also pull the infuser/bags out of the water after about two minutes as well and never squeeze the bag (says the sailor  ;D), or else you will bruise the tea and make it bitter.  To make stronger tea, use more more tea.  Don't brew it longer.

As for sticking you tongue on a metal pole in winter, if you've got  a hot cup of tea/coffee - problem solved!

All good points.  I've found that jasmine green tea is even quicker to cross the bitterness line.  Unfortunately the Teaopia staff at St-Laurent mall are quite firm that it has to steep for 3 min. like they do to all the other flavours.    :P

Such problems.

As for a hot beverage & cold pole  ( metal pole  ::)  ), yep.  If you're old enough to be carrying a hot coffee, you're old enough to not stick your tongue on the bus shelter... or to fix it, if you do. 
Dumbest thing today?

6 posts in a row regarding hot tea/coffee (now seven).  ;D
Dumbest thing today?

Calling IT support to change my phone number to my old one. I change offices and now I have the old CSM number. Yikes! No one will answer my calls now at work. As for IT, I'm getting the run around with them. :facepalm:

CSM Macey  ;D
Journeyman said:
A quick learner?  :whistle:

You're going to love sticking your tongue on a metal pole in winter.    ;D

I will admit, my old dog wasn't the quickest. When he went outside he use to hump the clothes line pole. And of course, one day was a little too cold for his "love making".  Good thing my current  dog now is fixed. Never doing that again! :D
RDJP said:
Dumbest thing today?

6 posts in a row regarding hot tea/coffee (now seven).  ;D

Yeah, I was kind of hoping noone would do the math there.    :-[   
Me: I wonder if casual Friday I can wear a Stormtrooper costume to work. Just trying to picture the looks on some of the people walking into my office. Best $2 spent, ever. Some one care to record this? Plus my charge parade?
Macey said:
Me: I wonder if casual Friday I can wear a Stormtrooper costume to work. Just trying to picture the looks on some of the people walking into my office. Best $2 spent, ever. Some one care to record this? Plus my charge parade?
October 31st falls on a Friday in the following years; 2014, 2025, 2031.
Fill yer boots! ;D
Macey said:
Me: I wonder if casual Friday I can wear a Stormtrooper costume to work. Just trying to picture the looks on some of the people walking into my office. Best $2 spent, ever. Some one care to record this? Plus my charge parade?
Though not heard today, many moons ago when I was in College, we had "Wednesday Night Briefings" on all things Navy: refits to traditions. Anyway, one Wednesday night, the good PO told us that the following Wednesday night would be a "come as you are" night...wrong thing to say to a bunch of high strung 20 year old sailors.  We had a guy dressed in full divers gear, several in their girlfriends clothing, one guy with nothing but an oversized bow tie and someone else with full goaltender equipment (Can't recall all the getups). If I ever find the pics, I will find an approriate thread (if such a thing exists!!!) and post them!
Ask and ye shall receive!
Macey said:
Me: I wonder if casual Friday I can wear a Stormtrooper costume to work. Just trying to picture the looks on some of the people walking into my office. Best $2 spent, ever. Some one care to record this? Plus my charge parade?

I dunno, when I think "casual", a Stormtrooper isn't exactly the first person to come to mind.  They seem a bit high-strung.  Maybe a Yoda costume instead. 
If you're going to go from Stormtrooper to Yoda for casual day, may as well go one step further.  Macey, you can probably pick one of these up on Ebay...
You guys just don´t know the right Stormtroopers: >:D

ironduke57 8)