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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

211RadOp said:

I can't believe you said (typed) that to me.

Where is the CF98 for hurt feelings?

I will deliver one to you personally on the 21st.  >:(
BYT Driver said:
...and we wonder why prices at big box stores are so high? 
It's a miracle society has survived this long where the criminal can sue the law enforcement folks when they get injured,....and for big bucks too!!  IIRC, if the police ever brought me home on a shoplifting call, I got to see what colour belt dad wore that day!  Not sure if I ever did it once.///

Right and wrong sure are messed up these days....

my :2c:

Then you get asshats like this who make a sport of it. Have a look around the 2:45 mark for a nice take-down:

They call it, "Urban Sprinting":
"Neg triggers security alarms in shops and provokes the security guards to chase him as he would try to run from the shop to the nearest burger bar as quickly as possible. He also screams his familiar battlecry "whoop whoop whoop whoop" while avoiding capture by the security guards On the second attempt at this, Neg was taken down on an escalator by the head of security who had retired two weeks before."
mariomike said:
Then you get asshats like this who make a sport of it. Have a look around the 2:45 mark for a nice take-down:

They call it, "Urban Sprinting":
"Neg triggers security alarms in shops and provokes the security guards to chase him as he would try to run from the shop to the nearest burger bar as quickly as possible. He also screams his familiar battlecry "whoop whoop whoop whoop" while avoiding capture by the security guards On the second attempt at this, Neg was taken down on an escalator by the head of security who had retired two weeks before."
He deserved that. No wonder we have issues with youth who disrespect authority when this clown is allowed to run around doing this.  :rage:
There was actually a thing on CBC last night (CBC is what my PVR defaults to when I turn it on) about shoplifting.  Interesting mentality behind it all.
Bzzliteyr said:
There was actually a thing on CBC last night (CBC is what my PVR defaults to when I turn it on) about shoplifting.  Interesting mentality behind it all.

Yes, there was. That's were I saw the story on the "urban sprinter".:
Bzzliteyr said:
There was actually a thing on CBC last night (CBC is what my PVR defaults to when I turn it on) about shoplifting.  Interesting mentality behind it all.
The mentality behind the CBC? It's cut & paste from Marx and Foucault  ;D
"What regulation states that a reservist has to send an email or call to let the CoC know that he won't be coming in for a Wednesday night?"
So, it was a beautfiul day in Montreal yesterday.  I took the dog for a walk to my local park and did the usual stroll with him.  Then I saw this:


Needless to say I was not impressed.
Add that up to today's disrespectful youth. 
Needless to say, this is the point where I say that I hope they caught the shathead and made him clean it...
Student to prof during class discussion, "I would really like to state my opinion, but I was too busy to read the assigned readings!"
At our "coffee klatch" one of our soon to be retired co-workers said he was sent recently for a guy under a subway train. They get there with the usual crowd near the head-end car. The guy is lying on the tracks. In one piece. The train had stopped in time. They jump in and give him a shake. Not a scratch on him. The guy - a drunk - comes to ( sort of ) and mumbles, "Oh no. Not again!"
Talk about the cat with nine lives.  :)
Couple days ago, explaining a Narcotic OD we attended;

Me: "Yea so we showed up and she was in Respiratory Arrest, so we pulled her out and started bagging her and th-"

EME Pte: "How the hell does that help her breath, that would make it worse!"

Yes he was serious, yes he's an idiot, and yes I laughed heartily.
MedKAWD said:
Couple days ago, explaining a Narcotic OD we attended;

Me: "Yea so we showed up and she was in Respiratory Arrest, so we pulled her out and started bagging her and th-"

EME Pte: "How the hell does that help her breath, that would make it worse!"

Yes he was serious, yes he's an idiot, and yes I laughed heartily.

Yup, I'm an idiot too. Sure, after 90 seconds on google, I was able to find out that "bagging" someone refers to "manually helping a patient breathe using an Ambu bag attached to a mask that covers the face". However I, much like I imagine this EME private did, initially assumed it referred to "bagging and tagging", ie wrapping someone up in a body bag to ship off to the morgue.

I guess the moral of the story is that you can't assume that everyone else understands your slang.
gcclarke said:
Yup, I'm an idiot too. Sure, after 90 seconds on google, I was able to find out that "bagging" someone refers to "manually helping a patient breathe using an Ambu bag attached to a mask that covers the face". However I, much like I imagine this EME private did, initially assumed it referred to "bagging and tagging", ie wrapping someone up in a body bag to ship off to the morgue.

I guess the moral of the story is that you can't assume that everyone else understands your slang.

Ummm, had he meant "bagging and tagging", I could have let it go.  His assumption of what "bagging" was however, and I'm a afraid to say, was a little more...inappropriate...  ;)
gcclarke said:
I guess the moral of the story is that you can't assume that everyone else understands your slang.
The last three FA courses I took, spoke to 'bagging', if only to show us the equipment available and that we weren't qualified to use it.

However, your point is taken and every military person, BMQ and above, should remember the same when speaking to someone who has never served.
It's not the headline that's dumb, nor the article itself; to me, it's the highlighted bit.  And, of course, the bail amount.

Drunken mom drove kids, court told

A Winnipeg woman pleaded to be released on bail Wednesday, three days after police arrested her allegedly driving her children to school while drunk.

"I will do anything, I miss my children horribly," said Colleen Denysiuk. "I don't want people to look at me and think I'm a horrible mother. I want a better life."

Court heard Denysiuk allegedly rear-ended another vehicle and drove off without exchanging particulars with the other driver. Police saw the collision and followed her to a nearby school where she dropped off her two young children.

Police arrested Denysiuk, who registered blood-alcohol readings of .322 -- more than four times the legal limit for driving.

"The facts of this offence are outrageous," said Crown attorney Raegan Rankin. "She is so very lucky (she didn't) hurt anybody. Her children deserve better, so do any other children walking to school at nine in the morning."

Denysiuk, 42, claimed she hadn't been drinking for 24 hours prior to her arrest and was "baffled" at her blood-alcohol readings. Denysiuk said she had been ill and was taking cough medications.

More at link

Baffled?  I'm sure you were as most people with that alcohol level would be unconscious, in a coma or possibly dead.

Cough medicine?  Yeah, sure.  By the bucket load.  ::)