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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

The headline is bad. The first sentence just makes a person  :brickwall:

from TheStar.com

South Korean baby starves to death as parents play online game
Published On Sat Mar 6 2010
The Associated Press

SEOUL-A South Korean couple addicted to an Internet game about raising a virtual child were arrested for neglecting their real 3-month-old daughter and letting her starve to death, news reports said.

The couple spent between four and six hours every day at Internet cafes in Suwon, a city just south of Seoul, and bottle-fed their baby only once a day, the Yonhap news agency and other South Korean media reported, citing police.

The couple found their baby dead on Sept. 24 when they returned home after playing online games at a nearby Internet cafe all night, Yonhap reported.

The 41-year-old father and his 25-year-old wife, both jobless, went into hiding at a relative’s home north of Seoul after a police autopsy found the baby died because of a long period of malnutrition, the report said. Police arrested the couple on Wednesday, it said.

“I’m sorry to my daughter and hope she doesn’t get sick in heaven,” the father was quoted as saying by Yonhap.

News reports said the girl was born prematurely, weighing 5 pounds (2.25 kilograms), and had spent one month in an incubator.

The couple, who met each other through an Internet chat site, was reportedly obsessed with a role-playing game called “Prius Online” in which they nurtured a virtual girl dubbed “Anima.”

Calls to the Suwon police team handling the case rang unanswered Saturday.
wouf...  Wouf... WOUF! OWW! F$#@! S%$#! F@%$!

That was the sound of the BiL trying on our dogs new anti barking shock collar...
:rofl: I've seen those used those to shock someone before. The resulting fun is priceless.
I wonder if it would work on some of the kids that come into the RC. Just the ones that ask the really stupid questions like "is it like true you have to like get up when someone tells you or like can you sleep in" Here's your collar!!
File this one under ironic:

Inmate too sick for execution

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Gov. Ted Strickland on Monday postponed the execution of a convicted killer who managed to take an overdose of pills in his death row cell and was found unconscious just hours before he was to be driven to his execution.

Lawrence Reynolds Jr., 43, who was sentenced to die for killing his neighbor in 1994, was found unconscious around 11:30 p.m. Sunday at the Ohio State Penitentiary in Youngstown, prisons spokeswoman Julie Walburn said. He was alone in his cell on death row, she said.

Reynolds, who was scheduled to die by lethal injection Tuesday, was showing signs of consciousness Monday at a Youngstown hospital, but medical staff weren’t prepared to release him, Walburn said. He was upgraded from serious to stable condition.

The inmate managed to take the pills despite being under a 72-hour watch — routine for inmates approaching an execution date — that includes frequent monitoring by prison guards, Walburn said. She did not say what kind of pills they were or how he got them, and an investigation is under way.

More on link

What the heck, should have just given him more pills.  ::)
I guess $4.9M is the amount it's worth to be stupid enough to get in a vehicle with a driver who has been drinking.  ::)
Mark MacDonald was driving...Ben Gardiner was a passenger in said vehicle.
OC Transpo failed to have proper winter tires on the bus;
Failed to train the drivers properly; and
Forced the drivers to work without sufficient rest.

Ben Gardiner is also suing Mark MacDonald's brother (holder of the deceased's estate), the driver himself, some restaurants and on and on.

Didn't Mr Gardiner not get into said vehicle with said driver of his own volition?  If he argues that Mark MacDonald (RIP) was drunk, well, what would that make Mr. Gardiner? 

Didnt you get the memo TV and Moe?

There is no such thing as accepting responsibility anymore! Deflect, duck and sue. :rage:
PMedMoe said:

I want to mail him a "Get well soon" card.  :)

Hermann Goring managed to cheat his executioner with an O.D..

Ohio is the same state that botched a lethal injection on a guy last year. He survived it, and they had to send him back to his cell. My bet is that there will not be a second attempt.
Mid Aged Silverback said:
Didnt you get the memo TV and Moe?

There is no such thing as accepting responsibility anymore! Deflect, duck and sue. :rage:
Yes, I was going to make a similar comment in my original post about how he must be one of those "everyone's fault but mine" people.  ::)
"allegations that the city didn’t make sure the bus had proper winter tires and that it failed to provide bus drivers proper training. The lawsuit says the city was negligent for allowing bus drivers to work excessive hours without sufficient rest."

Winter tires are not mandatory in Ontario.
I wish they were on emergency vehicles.

The bus company, I think, is exempt from the "Hours of Service" ( 2007 ) claim:
- no driving after 14 hours of on-duty time
- no driving after accumulating 13 hours of driving or 14 hours of on-duty time
- must take off at least eight consecutive hours after 13 hours of driving or 14 hours on duty
- must take off eight consecutive hours and minimum of 10 hours in total every day
- owner/operator (City) must accurately record and maintain the on-duty and off-duty records on a daily basis

5. A bus that is operated by or on behalf of a municipality as part of the municipality’s public transit service, either within the municipality or within 25 kilometres of the boundary of the municipality. O. Reg. 555/06, s. 3 (1); O. Reg. 405/07, s. 1 (1)."

But, the ambulance chasers personal injury lawyers are the experts on such matters.
I have no doubt they will get something. Just a question of how much. Maybe out of court for "an undisclosed amount."
As far as suing bar(s) is concerned:

Please don't overlook the fact that this individual/passenger climbed into a vehicle with a driver he had witnessed allegedly being served alcohol despite being obviously intoxicated in at least 3 bars named in the suit.  The bus driver had the green light and therefore the right of way. 

I witness people in the city of Ottawa come within inches of dying by driving through red lights, jaywalk and cross against the lights in front of buses trying to keep to tight schedules. 

I do not remember learning this one but the MTO Driver's handbook states, "You may turn left from a one-way road to a one-way road on a red light after coming to a complete stop and making sure the way is clear. Yield to pedestrians and traffic."

Am I old and forgetful or just ignorant after 30 years of driving?
Dumbest or funniest, your choice: LINK

FYI, Press release from Students Against War. From what I recall, similar protests have gone on at other universities.

March 16th, 2010 – Coast Salish Territories – Victoria, B.C. - University

of Victoria student club Students Against War is claiming victory after

the Canadian military failed to show up at the university’s annual Career

Fair in the Student Union Building on March 10th. The club, along with

other individuals and groups, has protested the presence of the Canadian

Forces at the University of Victoria’s Career Fair for the last three

years. The club believes the military’s absence indicates that the

University of Victoria Career Services, the body responsible for

organizing the career fair, has finally understood that students do not

welcome the military presence in their student space.

  “Students Against War exists to resist all forms of oppression; we reject

the Canadian Forces because it is a tool of the exploitative capitalist
and colonialist  state said one club member. Past Students Against

War protests against military recruitment on the campus have included

satirizing military recruitment, distributing educational materials, and

disrupting business at the recruitment table.

Students Against War believes that the University the Victoria Career

Services fails when it comes to offering students socially positive

employment opportunities. “We reject the presence of all employers at the

career fair who privilege corporate profit or the state over human life

and dignity” said one Students Against War protester. Students

Against War denounces several employers attending the career fair,

including CSIS, the RCMP, Department of National Defence Civilians,

Syncrude Canada, and the Royal Bank of Canada, the primary investor in the

Alberta Tar Sands.

Dumbest?  Funniest?

Tough call.  My inner oppresive capitalist is undecided.  :blotto:
Glad to see UVic hasn't changed any since I was a student there in the late 80's - imagine me as a reservist in a granola muching degree program...didn't go over well with alot of the "Save the Whales and Trees and "Shrooms" types.

But hey, I'm paid to defend their right to say what they like.

Funny how Students against War at UVic conveniently ignore the fact that we cancelled ALL "pay to attend" events (which University Job Fairs typically are ... we have to pay to be there...) across the country at the end of this fiscal year in order to save funds, because we had almost universally met our Intake Plan numbers for the year ...

Yeah, YOUR protesting caused us to not attend ... I'm sure.