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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

On the phone with a customer: what do you mean my camshaft is broken?

me: we dont know that yet. but it sounds like a good idea
I thought about putting this under the thread regarding Col. Williams, but I decided it belonged here instead.

Overheard today: Two women, both Civil Servants, working in a Federal Building where there are several CF offices, in reference to the areest of Col Williams.

Female 1: "Hey, did you hear about that guy? The women he killed and the rapes?"

Female 2: "Yeah, can you believe it? It those Army guys, you know, we're supposed to trust them, and then this ... you can't trust ANY of them!"

Yeah ladies, that's right. You can't trust any of them ... nevermind that "that guy" is Air Force, not Army. Nevermind that at this point they're still ALLEGED offences. Nevermind that the facts of the cases haven't even really begun to be revealed yet, let alone been prooven. Nevermind that you WORK in a Federal Building with all kinds of DND employees. AND nevermind the fact that there's 70,000 members of the CF ... you can't trust ANY of them!


I think the only reason they said anything anywhere near me is the fact that Navy guys in office dress (salt & peppers) look like Comissionaires ... so they probably never even figured out that I was in the CF.
Not to mention that many (if not most) Commissionaires are ex-military anyway...
This'll tickle some of the Officers on here:

While talking about Dreadnoughts and the naval arms race in history the topic of Canada's Navy comes up and this gem:

"But we like, import like, the captains and stuff from britain right?"
"No...they're Canadian"
"But like, if we don't have an army, how do we have like a navy?"

SocialyDistorted said:
This'll tickle some of the Officers on here:

While talking about Dreadnoughts and the naval arms race in history the topic of Canada's Navy comes up and this gem:

"But we like, import like, the captains and stuff from britain right?"
"No...they're Canadian"
"But like, if we don't have an army, how do we have like a navy?"


Haha, here's the reply to that:

"you're so stupid you could be strangled with a cordless phone"

Heard on Blue Collar Sirius Satellite, so I can't take credit for it.
Dumbest thing I READ today, from today's' Toronto SUN {emphasis' mine}:
In training, which happens continuously, CF officers are denied sleep and food for days on end. In the field, their performance is constantly scrutinized through a formal system of after-action reports and evaluations.

I already ran around and asked all of the officers in our office if they were OK or if they needed a sandwich or a nap ...

Link to the whole Editorial:
Otis said:
I already ran around and asked all of the officers in our office if they were OK or if they needed a sandwich or a nap ...

Oh how I love CFRC Toronto :D

Its not going to be the same applying at CFRC Ottawa next year
From DND "Write The Troops" homepage
Not so much stupid, just made me smile......
Especially the part after the FYI,  ;D

Lisa - 2/3/2010 [12:15]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Afternoon boys & girls, Just wanted to say thank you for all you do to protect us & our freedom. I think we take for granted that it will always be there & forget the hard work you do to preserve our way of life here in the Great White North. PLEASE KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK!!! FYI- I think I was a Navy SEAL in a previous life, so if there's any openings in the Navy, let me know. Love you all, Lisa

From DND "Write The Troops" homepage
Not so much stupid, just made me smile......
Especially the part after the FYI,  ;D

Lisa - 2/3/2010 [12:15]
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
Afternoon boys & girls, Just wanted to say thank you for all you do to protect us & our freedom. I think we take for granted that it will always be there & forget the hard work you do to preserve our way of life here in the Great White North. PLEASE KEEP UP THE EXCELLENT WORK!!! FYI- I think I was a Navy SEAL in a previous life, so if there's any openings in the Navy, let me know. Love you all, Lisa


Amusing, but I was Knight Templar!
I was the Grand Inquisitor Torquemada... I wonder if there are any openings at the CHRC?
Yep, I think I was looking at this:


Location: Law, Ethics and Professional Practices class (college - usually 3rd year course for engineering students)

Situation: teacher explaining the midterm exam next week.

Teacher; "you will require the following items; notes, text book and a dictionary"

Student in back of class; "what do you mean by 'a dictionary'?"

Me: /facepalm "really?!?"

While at the mess in Esquimalt:

"You know, a lot of the time when I eat, I start feeling less hungry."
I have the same problem. Everytime I finish eating I'm fed up and have lost my appetite.

An email sent out today from Internal Communications Ottawa-Hull with this statement on it:

This message is being sent to all recipients on the DWAN and as such does not need to be forwarded to anyone on the DWAN.

was forwarded to the Unit by the Orderly Room.  ::)

Bad enough they forward us every CANFORGEN that comes out.