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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Kat Stevens said:
When I was a kid, we took one of those awesome family driving vacations.  My brother sister (14 and 15) and I(9) were fighting like a sack full of soaked cats. 

There is 6 years between by son and daughter. Being posted in Halifax and having family in Toronto made the annual Christmas trek very enjoyable. NOT!! Whenever we travelled the kids would put their coats in the back of the car. We had a Honda CRV. On one particular trip it was worse than usual so I asked what was going on. What I got was "He's breathing my air" Now not wanting to lose anyone due to lack of air and having electric widows controllable from the drivers seat and lockable from the other seats, I did what any caring father would do. I made sure neither of my children went without air. I put both back windows down at 110km in December somewhere around Quebec City. After 5 minutes both kids were shivering and yelling to put the windows up. Even the dog was looking at me. I asked very calmly if there was now enough air to last them both until we reached the next gas stop about 2 hours away. Oddly enough there was and we never had an air problem in the car after that.

All you need to do is asses the situation and come up with a solution that meets the needs of everyone. Or at least the adults!
College students arrested for not paying tip

Basically, a group of college students were in a pub, and managed to get really terrible service. Like, fetch your own refills from the bar, find your own napkins because the waitress is busy smoking, wait over an hour for some wings type terrible service.

Because the pub has one of those stupid "groups over 6 have a added gratuity of 18% added" policy, despite the service, they were expected to leave a tip. They paid their actual bill, but refused to leave said tip, so the manager called the cops and had them arrested.

Talk about customer service! Remind me never to visit the Lehigh Pub in Bethlehem, PA.
So, I was out shopping and saw a chocolate advent calendars and grabbed one for my daughter.  I have been buying them for about 12yrs for the kids.  Give it to her when I get home and she looks at it and asks "Why did you get me a 'Until New Years' calendar?"


Didn't know they even made such a thing.  Are you so politically correct I can't even get my kid a advent calendar? 

Eventually found one, but most were the New Years ones.  >:(

Maybe not so much dumb, but frustrating!
Welcome to Canada. The land run by the miniority. In more ways than one!
Well this one is definitely the best.

This took place while going through Canada Customs on my way home from Afghanistan (I was wearing my uniform, with 3 Canada flags on it, and carrying my green passport)

I am bout the middle of the line, and get to the counter, hand the agent my passport only to be greeted with: "Welcome to Canada, is your visit business or pleasure?"

I didn't give her a response, just shook my head, and lost the remaining respect I had left for CBSA.
NL_engineer said:
Well this one is definitely the best.

This took place while going through Canada Customs on my way home from Afghanistan (I was wearing my uniform, with 3 Canada flags on it, and carrying my green passport)

I am bout the middle of the line, and get to the counter, hand the agent my passport only to be greeted with: "Welcome to Canada, is your visit business or pleasure?"

I didn't give her a response, just shook my head, and lost the remaining respect I had left for CBSA.

I had a similar experience when I flew into Halifax in 2003. I was flown home from Gibralter after chopping out of the Persian Gulf because of a family emergecy. So because I was coming home and had stuff at home to wear all I brought was a carryon bag.

The CBSA officer took my form and saw that I had been out of the country for over 6 months. And yes I had the green passport. He asked me where the rest of my stuff was. I told him it was on my ship. He then said "Then your shipping it" I said no and explained I was in the Navy and was flying home and the rest of my stuff was on the Warship. "So it is being shipped" came back from the protector of our boarders. This went on for a couple of minutes until I asked to see a supervisor. So I told my story again and they both looked confused. Eventully the supervisor saw it my way but was still leary of my story.

You would think that a military hub like Halifax where every night there is a news story about the CF and the Navy most people would understand. I guess if you have half a mind to be a CBSA agent that's enough!

FDO said:
You would think that a military hub like Halifax where every night there is a news story about the CF and the Navy most people would understand. I guess if you have half a mind to be a CBSA agent that's enough!

I still think that the CBSA agents are told that CF members are terrorists.  I bet I would have a way easier time getting in if I said I was going to blow up something.  they also preceded to swab my combat kit for traces of explosives  ::)

I was on a CF flight, with about 100 other guys in uniform; you would think they would get the hint  ::)
I've had nothing but good experiences with CBSA dudes.  Coming home on compassionate leave one year ago from this Saturday, the agent looked at my green passport, smiled and said "Welcome home."  My customs card was given the secret code for "pass through": in other words, I was able to leave Pearson without the massive search or swabbing or probings.
Everyone has a job to do. None more important than the rest. There's two sides to every story. I'll tend NOT to believe the exchanges you guys have quoted, until proven otherwise. That is probably just how you decide to remember them, not exactly how they happened. Now I'll wait to see if one of our highly qualified CBSA members appears here and starts cooking up a little crow.

As for purporting half brain capacities, some here seem to be scrambling for that crown. The preceding few posts, with the exception of TV, are my submissions for this thread.
I haven't heard anything dumb this morning but I am attending a luncheon this afternoon. On 17 Wing. What are the odds? Just a thought.... >:D
Technoviking said:
I've had nothing but good experiences with CBSA dudes.  Coming home on compassionate leave one year ago from this Saturday, the agent looked at my green passport, smiled and said "Welcome home."  My customs card was given the secret code for "pass through": in other words, I was able to leave Pearson without the massive search or swabbing or probings.
Ditto here.  Came home on HLTA, got the welcome home and the sad look on his face and a hand shake.  Got to the main out door, got the same except "what's in the barrack box"..."Military stuff" I said.  Followed by a confused look and a welcome home!  Had one ID 10 T experience with Customs but mostly easy going the rest of the time.  They're just trying to do their job for a tad more that what we get, I've seen some of the crap they have to put up with here, and they earn every penny of it.  Much like the Commissionaires who have to follow orders to the letter!
My  :2c:
Generally I have a fairly quick experience with Customs but the very few times I have had any issues I remind myself that military people have often tried to duck the rules and can't count the times during a mass return some ass-hat has been caught with a B Box full of cheap booze, smokes or other things they where told countless times not to bring back.
This took place while going through Canada Customs on my way home from Afghanistan (I was wearing my uniform, with 3 Canada flags on it, and carrying my green passport)

I am bout the middle of the line, and get to the counter, hand the agent my passport only to be greeted with: "Welcome to Canada, is your visit business or pleasure?"

I didn't give her a response, just shook my head, and lost the remaining respect I had left for CBSA.
So someone is having a bad day, tired or like everyone else (maybe except yourself) overwhelmed at work and makes a mistake and you lose respect? Do you find it tough being perfect???  ::)

I guess if you have half a mind to be a CBSA agent that's enough!
I have many undignified remarks to that one, but I will not lower myself to your (FDO and dapaterson) level. I do not want to insult others who do a similar job as yourself, they do not deserve it.

I still think that the CBSA agents are told that CF members are terrorists.  I bet I would have a way easier time getting in if I said I was going to blow up something.  they also preceded to swab my combat kit for traces of explosives 

I was on a CF flight, with about 100 other guys in uniform; you would think they would get the hint 

I am sitting here at my computer and I am looking at a list of all the contraband seized from troops coming back from A'stan at CFB Trenton, by "half-brain officers" . There is everything, including child pornography, prohibited weapons (trafficking and personell quantity), narcotics, significant amounts of jewellery, firearms and yes even booze and smokes and other various items. That is only from this calender year, this does not include flights from anywhere else or into another airport.
What do you expect them to do?? From what I am hearing the norm is to greet you and show you the way to the door, but if from some reason you are examined or questioned they are half wits???
Mark me up as one who has had positive experiences with CBSA.

Although I do think somewhere else on here I mentioned our military convoy getting stopped coming back from an ex in the states and one new agent not wanting to let us through because we were not allowed to have and bring back "M16" type of guns. Oh the look on the agents supervisors face when he waved us through...
WR said:
So someone is having a bad day, tired or like everyone else (maybe except yourself) overwhelmed at work and makes a mistake and you lose respect? Do you find it tough being perfect???  ::)

Ok when you swab COMBAT kit for GSR and explosive traces what are you?
NL_engineer said:
Ok when you swab COMBAT kit for GSR and explosive traces what are you?
Um...you'd probably then be a CBSA agent doing his or her job.

Now, what do I win? 8)
Technoviking said:
Um...you'd probably then be a CBSA agent doing his or her job.

Now, what do I win? 8)

Because we certainly wouldn't know of any other Federal departments that have policies and procedures that occasionally run contrary to common sense, now would we?  ::)
NL_engineer said:
Ok when you swab COMBAT kit for GSR and explosive traces what are you?
Now, if any of you CSI types can categorically state what the CBSA policy is for swabbing GSR, and why, please enlighten the rest of us.

Of course, the next time someone above you gives you a directive that you don't agree with\ think is stupid\ don't understand\ etc, I fully expect you to call them a half wit and tell them that you are above government policies and procedures because you're too special and rules don't apply to you.

The person was doing their job FFS.