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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Boysen said:
Today a woman berated me for not wearing a poppy and thus not supporting the troops (my poppy was on my jacket which I had just taken off). I was wearing a bright red support our troops shirt.

...and did you give her her sign????
Phone call from my loving wife today, she asks me "do you want to go see Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Engvall, and Larry the Cable Guy at the A.C.C?"


Does a bear poop in the woods? Heck Yes!
Boysen said:
Sorry, it's probably because I'm sicker than a dog, but I'm not quite sure what you're talking about.  :P

The dumbest thing today you ask?
The Legion teling a mom and pop bakery in Coburg that the can't sell Poppy cookies (even though the proceeds from sales are donated.)
Copyright infringment they say is the reason for the demand that this bakeries dastardly attempt to undermine to Legion from being the sole flagwaver for veterans.
"No, we can't get a pitcher of Pabst!  I only like Pabst when it comes from a Keg!"
Promptly retorted "Where the hell do you think it comes from?  Do you think they pour 1000 cans into a barrel every morning?"
Jammer said:
The dumbest thing today you ask?
The Legion teling a mom and pop bakery in Coburg that the can't sell Poppy cookies (even though the proceeds from sales are donated.)
Copyright infringment they say is the reason for the demand that this bakeries dastardly attempt to undermine to Legion from being the sole flagwaver for veterans.

Are you frigging serious?
Copyright infringement? lol
Jammer said:
The Legion teling a mom and pop bakery in Coburg that the can't sell Poppy cookies

Just so long as they don't mess with The Poppy Family!:
Someone told me that is was normal for me
to pass the courses, as I'm reading the
courses books  :o !
Was watching the parade after the Remembrance Day ceremony in Vancouver. A lady probably in her mid fifties or older pipes up after the reserve units (I think) and the cadets (both of which seemed to be predominantly non Caucasian)  "All those people and not a single Canadian"
ASmith said:
Was watching the parade after the Remembrance Day ceremony in Vancouver. A lady probably in her mid fifties or older pipes up after the reserve units (I think) and the cadets (both of which seemed to be predominantly non Caucasian)  "All those people and not a single Canadian"

More Canadian than she by the sounds of it!  :cdn:
Well, not everyone in this country is happy that english speaking white folks are becoming a rare thing...

70% of the population of Toronto are Visible Minorities. How 70% is a minority is beyond me but diversity is alive and well in the GTA! If not for them current CF recruiting in TO would be at an almost standstill.

It does tend to give lots of choices when taking Mrs. FDO out for supper!
FDO said:
70% of the population of Toronto are Visible Minorities. How 70% is a minority is beyond me but diversity is alive and well in the GTA! 

And if TO is not diverse enough for you, well there's nothing a little Photoshop can't fix!  :)
( Roll your cursor over the photo ):

Or, if your photo is a little too diverse, not a problem either. Once again, Photoshop to the rescue!:
Complete article at link
Calgary family negotiates homework ban
Last Updated: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 | 9:45 AM MT
CBC News

A Calgary family concerned about their children's homework load has signed a contract with their school to eliminate the problem altogether.

Tom Milley and his wife Shelli have signed a formal "no homework" contract with their children's school.

"The way they do grades is by marking certain assignments and homework," he said. "If you're going to mark homework, whose work are you actually marking? Because if you send it home, you don't know who's doing it. It could be their older brothers or sisters or their parents."

"It's certainly something we encourage them to discuss with their teacher and their school administrator. Depending on circumstance, we will ensure what is being done is in the best interests of the child."

"I know there's people who like homework and people who don't want to do it. And this gives people choice to do whatever they want with their own time."

The Calgary Catholic School District has a committee examining the value of homework and will have new regulations next fall.

Words fail me.  ::)

Journeyman said:
Complete article at link
Words fail me.  ::)

You need to keep up with the program!  ;D


That's the way many schools are heading now...

edit link to go to the first page of the article
I personally am a big fan of the concept of grading only larger assignments and tests. Mainly because I rarely bothered to do it. The fact of the matter is that it is the results which count. If a student manages to absorb enough information and get enough practice on problems to do well merely by the work they do in class, I see no reason to force them to do additional work on top of that, just because some other students might require the extra work to bring them up to speed.

Of course, this does require a much better grasp, by the student, of their own limitations, so I wouldn't advocate such an approach at anything less than the high school level.

gcclarke said:
Of course, this does require a much better grasp, by the student, of their own limitations, so I wouldn't advocate such an approach at anything less than the high school level.
Hell, I still have no concept of my limitations! Regardless, this also requires a school system that will back a teacher saying, "sorry but your kid is a moron and NEEDS homework" -- a system that is actually allowed to fail students.

But school serves a much larger purpose than getting kids to associate 1066 with the Battle of Hastings. There's the whole aspect of socializing and instilling expected behaviours. With this being framed as "this gives people choice to do whatever they want with their own time," how can it not add to society's disfunctional nature and declining work ethic?
Forcing students to do a certain amount of mandated homework isn't the way to go about instilling a proper work ethic into them. Or, at least, it obviously hasn't been working to date, and I don't anticipate that changing drasticly anytime soon. Positive reinforcement is much more effective than negative reinforcement.

The way to go about things would be to properly evaluate students on the material learned, offer guidance on how to study should they wish to go ahead and do so, and also offer extra credit assignments to those who either are willing to go above and beyond to excel, or who are trying but may require the boost in order to avoid failure.

Thus, being willing to put in work will be associated with good things, as opposed to being associated with avoiding bad things.
I have read that the school systems now frown on marking tests with red ink in favour of green so as not to offend students.

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