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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

You beat me to the Albino Rhino comment from Earl's.  Heard it on the radio this AM and thought.... Have I not been drinking Albino Rhino Beer for the last..... 20 YEARS!!!  Is this person new to Canada, or just had her mortgage rate increased and needs $$ from somewhere?

Either way, pretty sure I hear the frivolous lawsuit fairy jingling her womyn studies tambourine coming to force us to think the way she does.  You know, if the Jehovah's witness that comes to my door cannot get me to convert, one story in the news most certainly will not.
ModlrMike said:
B.C. woman wants 'Albino Rhino' off menu at Earls
CBC News
Posted: Mar 26, 2012 3:48 PM PT
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2012 9:17 PM PT

A Metro Vancouver woman with albinism has launched a human rights complaint against a popular chain restaurant, saying the restaurant's "albino" branding of menu items is going too far.

More at LINK

I quite unusually find myself at a loss for words.

The lady is quoted:"So how does it work, in [the case of albinism] that you can market food with a medical condition?"

I'm OK with it, but I'm guessing that "McDysentary"  burgers won't have much market appeal.
PMedMoe said:
What's that expression?  "I don't want to live in this world anymore."

Dinosaurs, birthdays not allowed on tests

Schools in New York City are no longer allowed to use the words dinosaurs, birthdays, dancing or Halloween on city-issued tests because the words "could evoke unpleasant emotions in students."

The words terrorism and slavery are also deemed too scary, the New York Post reported Monday.

Also banned are any references to diseases or divorces, because students may have an ill friend or relative, or family members who have separated.


Words about wealth are banned because they could make students jealous, while poverty is also not allowed.

More at link

It's just a sunshiny, lollipop, group-hugging world with rainbows and pink unicorns, isn't it?  ::)

Isn't it interesting how a stupid idea sounds even more stupid when it's published?
Pusser said:
Isn't it interesting how a stupid idea sounds even more stupid when it's published?

Isn't that called the Force Development process?
Heard a good one the other day by a TV anchor.

"The majority of young driver car fatalities occur while driving".  Really? I wouldn't have guessed.
Pusser said:
Isn't it interesting how a stupid idea sounds even more stupid when it's published?
Next are the words Food, Clothing, Dental care, Soap, as not all can afford these items and may make some students upset.
Perhaps we should ban use of the word "the?"  As a definite article, it's elitist.  I'm sorry for having used it myself. ???
Let's just ban language all together, that way the French can't offend anyone by bitching that signs need to be in French. Americans won't be offended when they are told "Presione 2 para hablar con un operador en español". Canadians won't be offended when Americans say "oot" when Canadians say "out". And So on. >:D
Offends people that only believe in creationism, since the world is only 6000 years old, there is no way that dinosaurs existed.

Either that or the little tots will have nightmares about giant reptiles with huge teeth chasing them.

Or parents going insane over some big over stuffed purple singing children's entertainment character.

Of all three. You decide. ;D
Easter egg hunt cancelled because parents cheated
Article Link
27/03/2012 7:26:35 AM

An annual Easter egg hunt attended by hundreds of children in Old Colorado City, Colorado has been cancelled because of misbehaviour last year.

Not by the kids, but by their parents.

Too many parents determined to see their kids get an egg jumped a rope marking the boundaries of the children-only hunt at Bancroft Park last year.

The hunt was over in seconds, to the consternation of eggless tots and those parents who followed the rules.

Parenting observers cite this as a prime example of so-called "helicopter parents" - those who hover over their children and are involved in every aspect of their children's lives to ensure that they don't fail, even at an Easter egg hunt.

Ron Alsop, author of "The Trophy Kids Grow Up," which examines the "millennial children" generation, says the parents could not resist jumping over the rope to help their kids.

Alsop calls it the perfect metaphor for millennial children - that their parents can not stay out of their children's lives.

He says the parents don't give their children enough chances to learn from mistakes.
Just heard about this on the news.


Ultimate Tazer Ball combines shock and soccer

People alarmed by Ultimate Fighting are sure to be shocked by Ultimate Tazer Ball, a new game in which players use stun guns to floor their opponents.

Its backers say the game will develop into an “exciting sport of the future.”

Although the league has yet to play an official game, Ultimate Tazer Ball has a website touting four teams, including a Toronto franchise called the Terror, and a YouTube video that shows players dashing around an indoor soccer pitch, zapping each other with hand-held stun guns.

The guns are not as powerful as the type used by police, but can still produce a painful shock.

Players on each four-man team attempt to score using a beach-ball sized soccer ball. The video shows players shocking each other with the stun guns. With each successful stun, players collapse to the turf, writhing in pain.

More on link
George Wallace said:
I am so offended  :-[

It isn't all sunshiny here.

I hate lollipops.

Group-hugs infringe on my 'space'.

I have yet to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; let alone find that elusive end of the rainbow.


SALMON......it is SALMON! and friggin unicorns are a figment of some sick imagination.

Farmed Salmon, contaminated with Mercury.

On a separate note: I'm siding w/ the Albinos on this one. Albino Rhino is a silly name for a beer, more of a gimmick.
Get Nautical said:
Farmed Salmon, contaminated with Mercury.

Are you talking about that little guy with wings on his feet that Jimmies love so much?  Is he impregnating fish now?
George Wallace said:
Are you talking about that little guy with wings on his feet that Jimmies love so much?  Is he impregnating fish now?

George Wallace said:
Are you talking about that little guy with wings on his feet that Jimmies love so much?  Is he impregnating fish now?

Nah, we don't do fish.  Only pigs.  :nod:
211RadOp said:
Nah, we don't do fish.  Only pigs.  :nod:
Speaking loosely for Lineman, we are THE pigs and generally wake up smelling fishy of the nether regions  8)

Edit to add, for all 211 types (including futuring trade upgrades) Operators do do pigs, generally of the female persuasion,  just to clear a possible misintrpretation.