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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Teflon said:
underjeep basically considering an order NOT to wear an issued green t-shirt as PT kit to be equivalent to an order to "kill those innocent civilians" in his intellectually debilitating "Widely spread misconception - Mixing military inform with civilian clothing -Tee" thread - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/104477/post-1112720.html#msg1112720
The thin edge of the wedge, you know - if we allow sex, it could lead to dancing and bad manners.....
Just saw a commercial for a product called Baboo.  Advertised as "The step before grown up milk".  ::)
Me: Bonjour.
Customer to wife: He speaks chinese, we might want to go somewhwere else.
Customer's wife: That was french dear.
FlyingDutchman said:
Me: Bonjour.
Customer to wife: He speaks chinese, we might want to go somewhwere else.
Customer's wife: That was french dear.
Maybe it was a dig at your accent. :)

Sometimes when I speak french, the folks at work, make fun of me. I somehow have a Chinese accent while speaking french.  ;D
Me : [ Just going threw some post on this site ]
Dad : Bart , I need your help
Me : Okay with what
Dad : There's this piece called Tornado for the air filter for my truck to make gas mileage better , can you look up how much it is?
Me : Yea , whats the peice called ?
Dad : Tornado
Me : trust me if I google that your not going to find what your looking for
Dad : [ get mad ] Just do what I say .....
Me : Google search bar -> [ Tornado ] pressed enter and walked away
Dad : 2 Hours later, I couldn't find it

LMAO !!!!
Vic Toews WRT to the bill he wanted to pass.

"either you're with us or the child pornographers."

what crap - from an elected representative.
PMedMoe said:
Just saw a commercial for a product called Baboo.  Advertised as "The step before grown up milk".  ::)
I just saw that ad!
Makes sence to me - From mother's natural breast milk, to fake milk, to cow's milk.
If other animals could reason, they would figure us crazy!
It's a tie:


Rick Santorum: Prenatal testing encourages abortions



Rick Santorum: Neither Feds nor States should be educating our kids. (Around 8:00 mark)

Bart905 said:
Me : [ Just going threw some post on this site ]
Dad : Bart , I need your help
Me : Okay with what
Dad : There's this piece called Tornado for the air filter for my truck to make gas mileage better , can you look up how much it is?
Me : Yea , whats the peice called ?
Dad : Tornado
Me : trust me if I google that your not going to find what your looking for
Dad : [ get mad ] Just do what I say .....
Me : Google search bar -> [ Tornado ] pressed enter and walked away
Dad : 2 Hours later, I couldn't find it

LMAO !!!!

Just for the receord, I found this site after typing "Tornado Air Filter" into google. All I'm saying is that I'm not entirely sure your Dad was the only one being dumb here. :)
MP pull me over last month while I'm driving a DND van.

MP: Is this your van?

Me: Nope, it's the Queens.

MP: Don't give me attitude.

Me: Just giving you the correct answer.


Waiting for my milpoints....
"We are getting rid of 10 positions but nobody is going to lose a job" (I bet a few of us will pick up a job or two or three)