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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

Awww....comeon...where's your patriotism .................she was your GG.......how could you..... ;D
Re: What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?
« Reply #2896 on: Today at 17:30:42 »

    * Quote

Asked, and answered, all on one screen shot:

* Asked and Answered.png (92 kB, 1280x196 - viewed 32 times.)

Agreed, concur and ditto.!        :+1:
In the seemingly never-ending ways on how to cushion children against ever having hurt feelings, an increasing number of schools in England are "banning" children from having a best friend.

Off with the BFFs?

"The best accessory a girl can have is her best friend."  Paris Hilton.

Not sure I've ever agreed with Ms. Hilton on anything in the past, but I do like the sentiment behind this thought from a woman who can probably afford many different material accoutrements. But an increasing number of schools in England wouldn't condone this type of accessorizing, as they move to introduce a policy banning "Best Friends". The thinking is that they would rather the children played in large groups, and not get too attached to one child, as it can cause hurt feelings should that relationship break up. What? Are children never allowed to experience feeling bad?

In my mind this is the latest in a string of bad policies which diminish, not enhance, the childhood of our children. We've already got policies that don't allow them to fail in school; they get "progress reports" instead of hard grades; they're forced to invite the whole class to their birthday party; and don't even get me started on the "every team gets a trophy" or "no-score" soccer leagues. Heck, I still remember the good old days when, as kids, we only gave Valentine's cards to people we actually wanted to give Valentine's cards to. Crazy, right?

Even with this "policy" in place, BFF, or "Best Friends Forever" friendships will still form, and the only difference will be is that the kids may be made to feel bad about doing it. This is progress?

More at link.

Absolutely crazy.  ::)
Make you wonder (a) about the shrinks that are giving advice like this to school staff and (b) how many tax dollars went into grants for said shrinks to sit back and take notes about the results of said advice...stuff like this is why we will have folks wandering around in a permanent state of adjustment disorder, because they've never been able to experience any kind of hurt, physical or otherwise.  This really smacks of a study of some sort  :pop:

Our society continues to crumble from within.  This is but another sign.
So we're driving friendship underground?  I can see it now.  The poor child stands in front of the committee and is asked,"when did you last see your friend?"

Technoviking said:
Our society continues to crumble from within.  This is but another sign.
Then its time we told nit wits like this (the experts, not TV) in our best Sergeant Major or OC voice to "SOD OFF and mind your own business!"
Nothing heard thus far today, however I fully expect something stupid to be said during a VVIP visit this morning. I will report further.....
What's that expression?  "I don't want to live in this world anymore."

Dinosaurs, birthdays not allowed on tests

Schools in New York City are no longer allowed to use the words dinosaurs, birthdays, dancing or Halloween on city-issued tests because the words "could evoke unpleasant emotions in students."

The words terrorism and slavery are also deemed too scary, the New York Post reported Monday.

Also banned are any references to diseases or divorces, because students may have an ill friend or relative, or family members who have separated.


Words about wealth are banned because they could make students jealous, while poverty is also not allowed.

More at link

It's just a sunshiny, lollipop, group-hugging world with rainbows and pink unicorns, isn't it?  ::)
WTF?!?! :brickwall: :brickwall:

B.C. woman wants 'Albino Rhino' off menu at Earls
CBC News
Posted: Mar 26, 2012 3:48 PM PT
Last Updated: Mar 26, 2012 9:17 PM PT

A Metro Vancouver woman with albinism has launched a human rights complaint against a popular chain restaurant, saying the restaurant's "albino" branding of menu items is going too far.

More at LINK

I quite unusually find myself at a loss for words.

She's just hearing "CHA-CHING!!!"...not to be taken as any sort of pseudo racial thing towards anyone of Chinese extraction incidentally.

PMedMoe said:
It's just a sunshiny, lollipop, group-hugging world with rainbows and pink unicorns, isn't it?  ::)

I am so offended  :-[

It isn't all sunshiny here.

I hate lollipops.

Group-hugs infringe on my 'space'.

I have yet to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; let alone find that elusive end of the rainbow.


SALMON......it is SALMON! and friggin unicorns are a figment of some sick imagination.
George Wallace said:
I am so offended  :-[

It isn't all sunshiny here.

I hate lollipops.

Group-hugs infringe on my 'space'.

I have yet to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow; let alone find that elusive end of the rainbow.


SALMON......it is SALMON! and friggin unicorns are a figment of some sick imagination.


I am launching a human rights complaint that brings suits against stupid human rights complaints. Right after I get kajillions of dollars from the advertising execs, women's groups etc for portraying white mid aged men as stupid lugs.

We are in fact just lugs.