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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

Wacky!  Deja Vu!  I heard about these guys somewhere before. 

Say it ain't so, crazy Christians?  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/42541.0.html

Remember Kirk Cameron (aka Mike Seaver)?  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/42694/post-373242.html#msg373242

Deja Vu!
"Genesis is not science," said Mary Dawson, curator emeritus of vertebrate paleontology at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. "Genesis is a tale that was handed down for generations by people who really knew nothing about science, who knew nothing about natural history, and certainly knew nothing about what fossils were." 

I think we all know I'm one of those "CRAZY CHRISTIANS"

and this quote by the scientist is quite correct.  A lot of Gensis has been traced back to a Babylonian myth of how they thought the world was created.

I'm quite interested to see how this place describes the creation of the earth, especially since there are 2 creation stories in Gensis.  I wonder
which one they picked?  ::) ::) ;D
I'd actually like to visit this museum to see their evidence.

Not saying that i'd agree with their arguments (I'd actually be incredibly surprised if I did), but it would be interesting to see what they present.  Hell, who knows, I might even be able to have an intelligent debate with the curators.  At least, I'd hope that possibility existed. 

Oh and Trinity, if you don't mind my asking, what are your views on the whole creation vs evolution debate? 
God created the world

and still is... and we are co-creators with god at the moment

but.. evolution.. falls more into my beliefs

Who is to say god didn't' mean for evolution to happen.
Trinity said:
Who is to say god didn't' mean for evolution to happen.

Evolution has enough magic all its own to satisfy most people.
God created the world

and still is... and we are co-creators with god at the moment

but.. evolution.. falls more into my beliefs

Who is to say god didn't' mean for evolution to happen.

Those are very logical beliefs.  I wish more people on the creationists side were like you, padre. 
Well God created the Earth in 6 days, on the 7th he rested.

Now I ask you what is a day to a cosmically powerful world creating being? I think if you look at it that way however many milions of years it took for evolution to happen and reach a relative stasis point makes a lot of sense.

Apparently the Westboro Baptist Church claims the soldiers' deaths are a sign of God punishing America for tolerating homosexuality....so they travel the country protesting at soldiers' funerals.

[Posted in compliance with applicable copyright laws]
Protesters face off at Ky. GI's funeral By SAMIRA JAFARI, Associated Press Writer
Sat Sep 30, 4:16 PM ET

Demonstrators squared off Saturday outside a funeral home where a service was being held for a solider, the first such scene in Kentucky since a judge suspended a state law that required a 300-foot buffer zone for protests at military funerals.

Dozens of demonstrators surrounded London Funeral Home, waved American flags and exchanged shouts for more than an hour before the service with members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan., which tours the country protesting at military funerals.

Church members held signs across the street that read, "America is doomed," "Thank God for 9/11," and "Thank God for dead soldiers."

The family of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Jason Jones had invited a half-dozen groups to wave full-size American flags, express their support of U.S. soldiers and honor Jones after hearing about the church's plans to protest the funeral, according to military officials.

More than 200 mourners, including Gov. Ernie Fletcher, filled the chapel to pay tribute to the 29-year-old Kentucky National Guardsman, who was found dead in his quarters in Iraq on Sept. 20 from causes not related to combat. The military is investigating the death.

Little was said of the demonstration during the funeral, though the Rev. Charles Taylor told mourners that the presence of the Westboro protesters was "a dishonor."

"I feel sorry for them," he said, adding, "I appreciate the folks holding the flags."

Last week, U.S. District Judge Karen Caldwell wrote that the state law could restrict the free speech rights of people in nearby homes, sidewalks and streets, even if they cannot be seen or heard by funeral participants.

The law, passed this year, was aimed at members of the Kansas church, which claims the soldiers' deaths are a sign of God punishing America for tolerating homosexuality.

About a dozen states have similar laws, and Congress passed a law this year prohibiting protests at military funerals at federal cemeteries.

Joe Gilliland was protesting to honor Jones and his family. When asked about Westboro, he said, "I think they have rights just like we do. They have the right to do whatever they want to, but I'm not sure this is the right place for it."
They've been doing that for about a year now, I think. Keep in mind the church in question has only approx 100 members and about 80 of them are biologically related to the king whacko Fred Phelps. They are also the proud owners of http://www.godhatescanada.com/
Thankfully most states are passing legislation banning these protests or setting minimum distances to give the grieving the peace and respect deserved.
xmarcx said:
God Hates Canada   www.godhatescanada.com

Oh man...that is hillarious!  Canada, a homo-fascist state with a filthy fag agenda.
Gee, and when they burned a Canadian flag in religious protest, (that makes it OK  ::) ), they were reviled by "so-called Christians of Canada."
There was a long thread about something similar a year ago

(rev. Phelps and his followers protesting, and bikers protesting the protesters)

This topic has been hashed on quite a bit,  they're freaks and they do their own cause more harm than good.  Which suits me fine.

God hates Canada?  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/45165.0.html

Dead soldier's home vandalized  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/40433.0.html 

and it was even nominated in http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33938/post-260114.html#msg260114  for most ruthless most ruthless terrorist organization. I just love American politics, but truth be told I know people like that up here.  So obsessed with one topic they forget human decency and dignity in a persuit of their goal.
Fred Phelps is an example of a right wing extremist Christian organization.

There are more than a few of them that are willing to do or say anything
to promote their agenda including killing (just like Muslim extremist aka Taliban).

Case in point - the abortion doctor killings/bombings.  Home grown Christian terrorists.  :D
In other news, God also seems to hate Sweden (www.godhatessweden.com) and America (www.godhatesamerica.com). The things these wackos will say and do never ceases to amaze me.
Trinity said:
Fred Phelps is an example of a right wing extremist Christian organization.

There are more than a few of them that are willing to do or say anything
to promote their agenda including killing (just like Muslim extremist aka Taliban).

Case in point - the abortion doctor killings/bombings.  Home grown Christian terrorists.  :D

+1 Well stated Trinity......
simply put, wow... :o
Their arguments and points had such depth were obviously well thought out...
I'd never seen that before, whats with the hatred of sweden? That stuff about the royal family was WAY out of order.
I must be reading a different bible to them
No,  same Bible.  The only problem is that you can interpret anything from anything.  It is called "Tendentious".  I can read the Bible, Torah or a box of Cheerios and justify anything I want.  I respect that most religious people are true seekers,  but we can't ignore that some twist dogma to attain their own ends.  Call me a utilitarian,  but we can easily tell the difference by how effective the group is.  How much closer are they to God by their actions,  how much good do they do?
Amusingly, God also apparently hates Germany & Australia.............. He also hates England...... not the UK or Great Britain, but England, so I guess Wales, Scotland & N.Ireland are in his good books............ Surprisingly, run a search, God does not hate Luxembourg, Monaco or Fiji............ With those 3 united, thats the true axis of evil!  ;D Sheesh......... Some people's kids.  I guess this makes Trinity the child of darkness masqueurading amongst the troops spreading talk of false idols and Gods throughout the ranks of Canada's oppressive war machine.................  ;D

Sorry Trinity, I couldn't resist.

sson Canada will unleash its army of mindles, sodomizing, fag, nympho zombies...wow...can you believe this crap? I've been effected by the WBC...must.... blah blah blah blah

hoenstly they should be labelled, banned, and constantly under surveilance by monkeys!  ;D though shalt not forget thy monkeys!