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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

geo said:
yeah - but you'd need a spouse like "tammy Faye" (fate worse than death)
Hey so I would be like Brokeback Evangelist then...well now that could have quite the following  ;D

geo said:
yeah - but you'd need a spouse like "tammy Faye" (fate worse than death)

On a more humourous note, I read in the news that Tammy Faye just went in for a makeover - when all the war paint was scraped off of her, the found Jimmy Hoffa...

mover1 said:
I believe that God does hate Canada
Unfortunately since god doesn't exist and is just a myth like any Greek or Egyptian god's of the past, his views on my country are irrelevant.

God, Santa, Unicorns, good looking women who cook and clean,  all figments of our imagination and should be treated as such.

You sir are a man after my own heart. If there was a god, he is the most sadistic son of a bitch for not slaughtering every SOB that trys to preach death in his name.
I just checked out that website....

Wow. Quite scary.

Foil hats, anyone?

Yeah, that is some pack of arseholes on that website.  More evidence of the harm that organized religion can do.  They almost got their own, though.  Check out these clowns narrowly getting lynched. 


Of course, it falls to the local police to protect these scum.  That is one seriously worked up crowd.  And as you would expect, look for the typical coward taunting the crowd by waving at them once they are clear.
I wonder if I walked up to Phelps, called him an inbred sodomite and kicked him in the nuts, could I claim it as God's will? Or could I just answer "42" when the local constabulary ask me why I did it?
Marauder said:
I wonder if I walked up to Phelps, called him an inbred sodomite and kicked him in the nuts, could I claim it as God's will? Or could I just answer "42" when the local constabulary ask me why I did it?

It would be a good enough answer for me  ;D
mover1 said:
I believe that God does hate Canada
Unfortunately since god doesn't exist and is just a myth like any Greek or Egyptian god's of the past, his views on my country are irrelevant.

God, Santa, Unicorns, good looking women who cook and clean,  all figments of our imagination and should be treated as such.

Not the place to discuss, if you wish to PM me I will be happy to debate God with you, as would many others on this board.
How is it that a discussion forum that has a topic about debating God not the place to debate God in a discussion?  ???
Oh dear...

Talk about a thread that would never end. It's probably better that we don't get into it.


To all you non-Godly types.... believing in God is a matter of faith, many say they have personally experienced God... I'm sorry you will not change their mind with logical analysis... just like you can't change my mind that cheese burgers are yummy... they just are, maybe not for you, but for yes for me. No matter what you can demonstrate, it won't change their view as it's not something that can be "disproven" (if you think otherwise, go look up "faith" in the dictionary and then lookup "tautology"). In the end, get over it.

To all you Godly types... people do have some very good reasons for not believing in the existance of your God... no, unfortunately any "proof" you can provide as to his existance can be discredited given enough time and effort....get over it. 

My .02 in hopes this doesn't become a pointless re-run of my highschool days.
I am sorry to all of you who are offended by my religious position, sorry I just do not believe in god.
Respect my views as I respect yours.

End of debate.

mover1 said:
I am sorry to all of you who are offended by my religious position, sorry I just do not believe in god.
Respect my views as I respect yours.

End of debate.
I'm assuming a buncha Bible-thumpers are pm-ing you?

If so, this is the Official Word: man's got just as much right to view as you do to yours. He has just as much right to express it. He also doesn't have to debate, explain, or even talk about it again, if he don't want to.

mover1, anybody becomes a problem about this, let the staff know.
Um, has God told anyone that he hates Canada? I couldn't imagine why God would hate a whole nation...
reproduced under fair dealings.... yadda yadda yadda

Museum uses bible to tell earth's history

By DYLAN T. LOVAN, Associated Press Writer1 hour, 56 minutes ago

Like most natural history museums, this one has exhibits showing dinosaurs roaming the Earth. Except here, the giant reptiles share the forest with Adam and Eve.

That, of course, is contradicted by science, but that's the point of the $25 million Creation Museum rising fast in rural Kentucky.

Its inspiration is the Bible — the literal interpretation that contends God created the heavens and the Earth and everything in them just a few thousand years ago.

"If the Bible is the word of God, and its history really is true, that's our presupposition or axiom, and we are starting there," museum founder Ken Ham said during recent tour of the sleek and modern facility, which is due to open next year.

Ham, an Australian native who started the Christian publishing company Answers in Genesis in the late 1970s, said the goal of his privately funded museum is to change minds and rebut the scientific point of view.

"We're going to show you that we can make sense of the different people groups, we can make sense of fossils, we can make sense of what you see in the world," he said.

Visitors to the museum, a few miles from Cincinnati, will be able to watch the story of creation unfold in a 180-seat special-effects theater, see a 40-foot-tall recreation of a section of Noah's Ark and stare into the jaws of robotic dinosaurs.

"It's education, but it's also doing it in an entertaining way," Ham said.

Scientists say fossils and sophisticated nuclear dating technology show that the Earth is more than 4 billion years old, the first dinosaurs appeared around 200 million years ago, and they died out well before the first human ancestors arose a few million years ago.

"Genesis is not science," said Mary Dawson, curator emeritus of vertebrate paleontology at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. "Genesis is a tale that was handed down for generations by people who really knew nothing about science, who knew nothing about natural history, and certainly knew nothing about what fossils were."

Ham said he believes most fossils are the result of the Great Flood described in Genesis.

Mark Looy, a vice president at Answers in Genesis, said the museum has received at least $21 million in private donations. He said two anonymous donors have given $1 million, and he expects the museum to be debt-free when it opens next May.

John Morris, president of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, an organization that promotes creationism, said the museum will affirm the doubts many people have about science, namely the notion that man evolved from lower forms of life.

"Americans just aren't gullible enough to believe that they came from a fish," he said.


I love the last line in that article....