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Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

davidhmd said:
Maybe someone should pose this question to him. It's quite the conundrum. Maybe he would have a star trek moment and *POOF* would explode. Problem solved.

Sadly no.

His theology is along the lines of being the only person that God talks to.
He is a prophet and anyone who disagrees with his beliefs/interpretation of
the bible is wrong, a sinner and will go to hell.

So... I doubt he considers himself American but more of a prophet of God and
only responsible to God himself... not the government or any laws that stand
in the way of his agenda.
I suspect that this group has a very different interpretation  than most people. ... but if you really look at it every religion has its own version of antinomianism.  I know a few NDPers who have said equally hurtful things to me (I'm trying to be gracefull,  but the Irish in me is starting to boil) ... and I know 'of' Muslims who also feel they can behave like this. I wish percussive therapy would help,  but it would just reaffirm their beliefs.
There's absolutely no point trying to make sense of nonsense.
Trinity said:
That's why I stopped reading the bible years ago.  ;D

KNEW IT  I thought you were just making it up as you went along!  Next time I'll check what you're quoting ;-)
Zell_Dietrich said:
KNEW IT  I thought you were just making it up as you went along!  Next time I'll check what you're quoting ;-)

For fun somedays I will make up quotes that are ridiculous and see if people believe me. Most do
at which point I stop and let them know I'm pulling their leg.  ::)
Trinity said:
For fun somedays I will make up quotes that are ridiculous and see if people believe me. Most do
at which point I stop and let them know I'm pulling their leg.   ::)

Now thats a service i'll sit in on....
Trinity said:
For fun somedays I will make up quotes that are ridiculous and see if people believe me. Most do
at which point I stop and let them know I'm pulling their leg.   ::)

*droned in a preacher's voice* And in Genisis 6:13 The lord said to Noah, "build me a Park and fill it with a pair of every animal..."
Church ordered to pay $10.9 million for funeral protest
Article Link

Church members picket the funerals of troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan

Church claims God is punishing the U.S. because of its tolerance for gays

Marine's father: "I couldn't let them get away with doing this to our military"

Church leaders say judgment will do nothing to stop their protests
(CNN) -- A federal jury in Baltimore, Maryland, Wednesday awarded $10.9 million to a father of a Marine whose funeral was picketed by members of a fundamentalist church carrying signs blaming soldiers' deaths on America's tolerance of homosexuals.

The family of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder -- who was killed in a vehicle accident in Iraq's Anbar province in 2006 -- sued the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, and its leaders for defamation, invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

Church members showed up at Snyder's funeral chanting derogatory slogans and holding picket signs with messages including "God Hates Fags."

They've picketed the funerals of dozens of troops killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming that God is punishing the United States because of its tolerance for homosexuality.

Al Snyder, father of the slain Marine, said he considered filing the lawsuit for a long time before going forward and that he hoped the judgment would make it harder for the church to continue such protests.

"It's hard enough burying a 20-year-old son, much less having to deal with something like this," he said, recalling that some of the other signs at the funeral included "Thank God for dead soldiers" and "Thank God for IEDs."  Watch the fallen Marine's father describe his reaction »

"As far as their picketing goes, they want to do it in front of a courthouse, they want to do it in a public park, I could care less. But I couldn't let them get away with doing this to our military," Al Snyder said.

Text of the complaint

"Every day in court I would just think of Matt and have him on my mind and know that he was watching out for me."

Snyder's attorney told jurors to pick an amount "that says don't do this in Maryland again. Do not bring your circus of hate to Maryland again," according to The Associated Press.

The award includes $2.9 million in compensatory damages and $8 million in punitive damages, a clerk in the judge's chambers said.

Lawyers for the church members argued Matthew Snyder's funeral was public and the First Amendment protects all points of view, even offensive ones, the AP reported.
More on link
Of all the lousy things to do.....
Picket the funeral service of LCpl Snyder? 
Blaming the war's results on FAGS? 
... associate the two together and you are saying that LCpl Snyder is somehow associated to GAYS... or gay himself!

Well, the church shouldn't have encouraged & organised that little demonstration - there are 364 other days in the year for them to do their little old song and dance....

Make em hurt big time!

PS - The above mentioned rant is against the church who has made a public circus out of something really private - shame on them!
geo said:
Of all the lousy things to do.....
Picket the funeral service of LCpl Snyder? 
Blaming the war's results on FAGS? 

I CERTAINLY can't speak for these fruit loops, but I thought it's more like, "as long as our nation tolerates homosexuality, then the deaths of our young men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan is punishment from God."

So, if everyone becomes a homophobe, the death of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan will stop, is that it? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight - time to recalibrate the foil hats, folks.
I doubt these wackos have any assests to seize, all they want is publicity and they got it. At least the jury made the right decision!
If you search "Westboro" on this site, you will get several threads about their antics. [ which I will get around to merging eventually]
They will protest any military burial as a result the Patriot Riders are usually in attendance.


Patriot Guard Riders Mission Statement

The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse amalgamation of riders from across the nation. We have one thing in common besides motorcycles. We have an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security. If you share this respect, please join us.

We don’t care what you ride or if you ride, what your political views are, or whether you’re a hawk or a dove. It is not a requirement that you be a veteran. It doesn't matter where you’re from or what your income is; you don’t even have to ride. The only prerequisite is Respect.

Our main mission is to attend the funeral services of fallen American heroes as invited guests of the family. Each mission we undertake has two basic objectives.

1. Show our sincere respect for our fallen heroes, their families, and their communities.

2. Shield the mourning family and their friends from interruptions created by any protestor or group of protestors.

We accomplish the latter through strictly legal and non-violent means.

To those of you who are currently serving and fighting for the freedoms of others, at home and abroad, please know that we are backing you.  We honor and support you with every mission we carry out, and we are praying for a safe return home for all.
Clever Counterprotest of the Day: San Diego Comic-Con patrons take on the hateful Westboro Baptist Church, who are in town to harangue attendees for false idol worship (seriously).

More photos at:


They've faced down humans time and time again, but Fred Phelps and his minions from the Westboro Baptist Church were not ready for the cosplay action that awaited them today at Comic-Con. After all, who can win against a counter protest that includes robots, magical anime girls, Trekkies, Jedi and...kittens?


Also according to Twitter, the hate group didn’t look too happy.

It's too bad religious groups have to deal with these types of nimrods.  There's always a few idiots.  I may be atheist, but I support organized religion, and it's too bad there are idiots like this, haha.

But it does make me happy to know that their level of support is so low in the larger population.  I think that's a good sign for humanity :P
That's good to see.  Regardless of the stripe I love to see these hateful  bastards get a taste of their own medicine.  Love seeing Bender there.