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weekend BMQ 25 NOV

GO!!! said:
Why in gods name would you put a wash basin in your rucksack or valise - is this on someones kit list?

I've always got mine in my valise for core signals exercises, as we're mounted, all the kit we need, we bring with us, no follow-up kit... I'm guessing the same goes for most mounted troops. Never use the thing though... usually shave out of my canteen cup.
I heard it was and last weekend one private showed up at Ft. York.
i got a list that says they are at moss park....but?!?
guess it doesn't matter too much, and we'll find out soon enough.
one of the guys in bmq 3 is in my coy. he said york armouries, so im gonna expect 3 groups, wheee
well it should be fun, and a lot noisier!
got to like two groups of fire pickets at night walking around, talking and lettin' those doors slam shut, now we'll have three groups. lol
Ya, not to mention sentries too...which I think we'll probably begin soon enough!
Hey Polo!

It's Leung... so hows the course going for ya?

Just wondering :)

I'm going to assume you are either on First Aid or the C7 shoot.
It's going great! Too bad we haven't had much of a chance to talk.
I'm going to be studying for my exams over this weekend (which is the course weekend)...not too sure if it's such a good idea.
This is the fourth weekend, have the swim test, yay, but we haven't gotten to first aid.

Wow it's just the fourth weekend?

I guess you had a holiday break then that's why.
Or perhaps I just haven't seen you in a while haha.

Swim test? I never did one... hmm I wonder if it's a new requirement.

Well, good luck on your exams. But don't miss a weekend unless you can get it approved by your platoon officer.

I'm just going to bring study notes for our five minute breaks on the weekend, don't plan to miss it though.
But, we did get a nice three week break though  :)
For all you FNG's, I have quite a few possibly helpful and/or interesting PDF files on my computer that are availible for any of you that want them. One of them is the official instructions on how to put together your rucksack - properly, step by step. Some other stuff is just cool/fun and interesting to read, like the CF Unarmed Combat Instruction Manual...

If any of you want it, personal message me.

Ahh! How you guys doing. Just noticed this thread, and realized that I'm on the same course as you guys. I was the section senior of 1 Section this past weekend, if you can remember me. Btw, am I the only one having trouble stuffing the things into the one ruck sack or what? I guess we are no longer required to bring everything thats on the packing list.. Or are we?  :o
The to-be officers in my section just told me to cut what we don't use, but i'm not sure about the rain gear because the weather has been all screwy. If you have problems packing the ruck sack put your PT gear in under your sleeping bag, ditch the extra boots, cut everything as simple as possible...have you ever washed your hair w/soap, it saves space!
Well, I would say that unless you are told to bring both sleeping bags, you only need one, it will cut way down on space. For lineing the ruck, you can pick up large volume drybags at Crappy Tire for a few bucks. They are bright yellow, so make sure they dont stick out, or drop more money on a real "Seal Bag", they come in mat black.

The stuff you are talking about, You should easily be able to fit it all in your ruck, you must not have enough determination.

Manimal, are you from Owen Sound? if so, do you parade with the unit?

Also, who is this PT god you speak of?
LOL, ya, hes pretty quick, but there are worse people to have for a PT instructor. He is understanding of somepeople......Though it may be hard, you will be better off for sticking through a hard PT session. Remember, MABY 10% of Canadians activley exercise, so be one of them, and keep it up after your course.
foerestedwarrior said:
there are worse people to have for a PT instructor.

Definitely, considering some have no clue what they are doing and think it is fun to just run troops into the ground.

Personally, I would refrain from using the word "worse" towards this particular individual, since his experience as a fitness instructor is second to none. He also happens to own and operate a very successful fitness business as his civilian occupation (those of you taking 32CBG PLQ in the past 3 years should have encountered him and some of his staff).

In my experience, the only instructor whose PT was tougher, was a certain R22R WO with a nickname "TP" ;)
Now I'm not sure if we're talking about the same person here.