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weekend BMQ 25 NOV

2.5 might be a good first march to teach us how to march right. and everytime we screw up they stop us and fix it. 2.5km might take all damn day ;)

what's a FFO march?
FFO = Full Fighting Order

Basically, you're wearing your combats, webbing, helmet an have your weapon; and you run in formation, and do whatever the instructers want(ie dive into every muddle puddle, etc).   Most of the FFO marches I did we ran the whole time, only on one did we mix it with walking/running. They were all a lot longer than 2.5km, but our course officer was a PT god, and 90% of the instructers were infantry.
this is our 2nd weekend, so i don't think it will be a FFO..... or at least i wouldn't expect it....but i'm wrong often!
I heard that the new PT guy is a worse monster....in fact the comment about having the buckets there during PT is true...he runs marathons easily and expects us to do the same. We in for it...better start running...today!
PS 'Manimal' and I were moved into a new section as of the end of today (to sec.4) so if anyone in that section is on the forum feel free to email me, it's on my profile.
Anyway...how do we fit our combat coat, helmet, tac vest and extra clothes, towels and PT gear into the ruck sack...including running shoes and shoe/shave kit?...and lions and tigers and bears oh my!

Hopefully one of you can figure this out...I sure can't! I don't even think the combat jacket will fit into the ruck sack by itself, ha!
yes, i've heard he's more then a PT monster, he's the PT god!  :crybaby:
it'll suck, but we love the suck ;D
PT Monster?  PT God?  A little worried here guys.  I start BMQ Jan.20 and thought I was in pretty good shape.  Now your talking about buckets?  What's the deal?  Does one guy do all of the PT instruction for all of the sections (for lack of a better word)? 
i was in great shape, and after a long string of events i lost some of where i was at. so i'm still not bad, but not as good as i could be.
it hasn't been horrible yet. it was tough, pretty tough, but it's do able. it's more about will power and pushing that little bit more then it is about PT. pain is just weakness leaving the body! suck it up, and push a little harder every time! it gets harder as you get better, just to keep pushing you to push more!

don't worry, the better your shape the better you'll do!
polo said:
Anyway...how do we fit our combat coat, helmet, tac vest and extra clothes, towels and PT gear into the ruck sack...including running shoes and shoe/shave kit?...and lions and tigers and bears oh my!

Can't be to difficult, just role everything up really tight an cram it in there.

This for your ruckmarches? Consider yourselves lucky, when I did mine we had to cram in everything on the kitlist, plus a sandbag, fun fun
We wore our webbing though, didn't cram into into our ruck.
It isn't for the ruckmarches (well it is but..) it's for the entire time we're there! It simply isn't large enough to fit EVERYTHING in! I'll try but I'll be leaving 2/3 of the kit list at home.
polo said:
It isn't for the ruckmarches (well it is but..) it's for the entire time we're there! It simply isn't large enough to fit EVERYTHING in! I'll try but I'll be leaving 2/3 of the kit list at home.

Wouldn't do this if I were you.  Have you been instructed yet on how to pack your rucksack?  If not, bring your stuff and someone will eventually show you.  If so, what's the problem?
The unit...well I'm not sure but it's at Fort York (most of the time).

We haven't been instructed except for rain stuff goes here and tiolletries go there...on the kit list, it even says to bring a duffel bag on the list but now they apperantly don't want us to bring the duffel!?!?! so confusing...
Old Ranger said:
What are the Cap Badges of your instructors?

I'm not involved with the course but my unit's in the armoury, the instructors are a mix from all the 32 Bde units.
There are 2 courses there now,
mine has infantry(a bunch), atrillery(2), one armoured...that i know of
hey polo i dont expect you to know me yet but im in sec 4 the asian dude with the glasses heh maybe you seen me walking around? anyways just want to welcome you to my section, personally i think my section is a real good section everyone helps eachother out, good motivation hell 4 out of 7 guys are officers! :P but there a cool bunch of guys so feel free to get involved with us when you join our sec. my section really emphasis on teamwork which is why we are usually the first ones to finish the task or not usually the section getting yelled at ;D so when you join our section maybe you can let the other former members of sec 6 know that since i noticed a little tension goin on there on sat or was it sec 5?( i really do not mean to brag or offend if i did i apologize) its just that on sunday when we heard that our section cdmr was leaving and that we were getting new members the section had a talk and that we were not goin to drop our standards. you were section senior during the weekend right? so you should have some experience with the guys from sec6,talk to them and let them know what are our expectations are TEAMWORK! if we help eachother out im sure you guys wont be doing as much push ups as before or if you guys have problems ask us and well be more than happy to help you guys infact on sunday i helped out one guy from ur section dont remember the name but he was the one having a little difficulty with drill? anyways once again welcome to sec4...wow my first post is a long one eh? lol
brin11 said:
Wouldn't do this if I were you.   Have you been instructed yet on how to pack your rucksack?   If not, bring your stuff and someone will eventually show you.   If so, what's the problem?

we were instructed how to pack our rucksacks and what to put in it. and we were told to pack a kit bag (duffle) and when mine was done. i wore the tac vest, helmet strapped to it. and even with my jacket on. the kit bag was still pretty full. that's bringing ONLY what's on the kit list.

i plan to put my PT in my valice.
pack the top of the ruck a little tighter. maybe even add a small stuff sac somewhere to the out side.....but i could see using non issued kit as a problem .....
the only way i can see getting all the shit in is to cut back a little bit on what to bring, cut the rain suit, only 1 extra uniform, no extra boots, and small pt stuff, cut the shavin kit to as small as possible, still doin all that I can see no way possible to get your winter jacket in there too.  This past weekend I had my ruck fairly full and my kit bag was pretty full
Hopefully someone will reply to packing suggestions or else how to attach a duffel bag to the rucksack...it would pretty much suck if we ended up doing a ruck march in the rain w/o coats!  :blotto:

One more week of school! WHOOHOO!!!  :o  :D
it can be done.
i used my bivy as a stuff sac, folded it in to a nice bag, and used bungee cords to strap it on the outside between my valice and air mattress.
i put my PT kit and my 2nd pair of boots in it. the stuff is packed tight, but i can carry it, and get to all the stuff without too much trouble!
it will require a couple packing/unpacking to get it right, but it's pretty bombproof now.