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weekend BMQ 25 NOV

I was there as well, I'm in Sect 3, i think I maybe got 45mins of sleep the entire weekend.  We have the MCpl that is leading the PT and motivation sessions, suffice it to say we did quite a few more pushups and what not :)
at first i found him very inspiring. now i'm more scared of him, but still very motivational!
it's a healthy cross of fear and respect!  :salute:
I found him to be less scary because of his jokes during the lunch lineup..with a particular private.
He made me laugh too hard to be scared of him for the rest of my life.  ;D
But I do feel bad for you, being in his section and all. Good luck with that and all the push-ups I see from my line.

LOL, that was classic.  That's pretty much him in a nutshell, if you do it right, he's great and has a good sense of humour, if you screw up or dont work as a unit, you're gonna be in for it, I wouldnt have it any other way. 

On the sat while we were waiting to go back to the armoury we banged out about 140 pushups due to some mistakes that happened earlier in the day, suffice it to say that at the end of the evening when that persons pack was found and we had to do even more my arms were baked, doin the complete shake when he has us in extended pushup position for the 15 secs or so while he continues to correct us
I was wondering what he was yelling about, other than the fact that there was a kit on the ground and he was kicking it..then I was really confused when he told everyone to do push-ups. ??? :pushup:
If the person lost his/her pack then did he/she not notice it lying there later?
I think he's great though, at least in way of getting us to be more responsible for our kits, saving us alot of time and money if we ever lose one.
I've been hearing someone in my section quit, and wondering why, we have really nice leaders and have not had it hard except for being slow getting our uniforms.
we were split into 2 rows, then did 50 jumping jacks
then we stretched, ran laps...ran...fast...did push-ups...
got into random groups and went to different stations: leg raises (they like those), sit-ups w/partner, wall-sits (fun, my personal favorite), triangle push-ups and double shoulder width push-ups
then we ran some more...ran as fast as we could (I in the sense that I ended up jogging at the end but passed everyone that was running really fast and had to walk...rabbit wins yay!)
Mpl got angry for some reason (yes, the funny one) and we got to do some push-ups...and leg raises...then at last breakfast!
It was worth it all for the waffles...ummmmm waffles.
the waffles were so dry i could not swallow it.... and i can eat most things.

drink LOTS of water. and if you can, get some of that powder Gatorade and take it to mix the water, the extra salts on board will help fight that nasty dry mouth you get!
hey now....the waffles were good, if you remembered to get the maple syrup, and they were great compared to the potatoes we had...every morning lol

I hope the gatorade tip works, I think I'll try it for this weekend

I wonder if we will have PT everyday now...or just one day again.
nothing could be worse than those powdered eggs we had the one morning, and I found the homefries were actually good.  As far as PT goes, im guessing we'll do some fri night, sat 5am, sun 5am.
Oi, am I glad eggs make me sick and therefore I don't have to eat them..hehe lucky me.
Powdered?!?!? sounds gross!
I guess it's good I went to the gym sunday and am going today, not that it'll make much of a difference.
Thanks for the answer.
i was lucky enought to go on night shifts when i got back. i got out running twice on my days off. then with one day off of nights, i went to day shifts (12 hour shifts too) finished those up, and ended up with a bad chest infection. started the meds last night, and i've been bed ridden for two days. at least i'm getting good rest LOL..... i'm expecting things to be cleared up for this weekend.
Yikes  :o
Tell them you're sick when you get there so they don't expect your best.
Get better soon.

:mg: don't want to be puking doing this!
definitely, and it seems we may be in for a small 2.5km march, possibly with our c7's on sunday
Hold on...I thought anything under 5 km at the beginning was a run...only a 2.5 km march? That doesn't sound right...sounds too short.