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Wearing Uniform in Public (merged)

Jim Seggie said:
I think Tim Horton's and Starbucks changed that. Its very common to see CF personell with a Tim's or Starbucks in hand  on the street in uniform.

I don't recognize the authority of either corporation to change the Dress Regulations.

Occam said:
I don't think you'd hear any grief from him by calling him the CFCWO.

I can guarantee it.  His position is CF CWO, commonly referred to generically as "the CF Chief".  His rank is CPO1.
Haggis said:
I don't recognize the authority of either corporation to change the Dress Regulations.

It's not that they can change them - but it seems that there's a consensus not to enforce those rules particularly. I don't think anyone sees a particular issue with someone in uniform drinking a coffee as they commute, as just about everyone else does. Nor listening to an iPod on public transit. You can do those things and still look professional - I guess that's the guideline that informs the discretion in enforcement of those regulations.
You would think that listening to an ipod in uniform on the bus would be limited to the younger crowd who seem to need to be constantly stimulated but there is a full Colonel I sometimes see with his on and it just looks wrong. He often has his jacket open while wearing it as well.  It is against regulations and that should be it.  I wear civvies to and from work myself...just my tuppence worth.
Moose have you talked to said Colonel and reminded him he is in public?
sledge said:
Moose have you talked to said Colonel and reminded him he is in public?

Just devil's advocate here, but wouldn't you look like a touch of an ass if; as a MCpl you tried to dress down a Col?
Never did your JLC/PLQ yet eh? The answer is everyone is responsible for dress. So you POLITELY point out the problem to said Colonel. If that doesnt work I have found going to your Senior NCO. For me usually the ships coxswain with thier name and let them deal with them.
Silverfire said:
Just devil's advocate here, but wouldn't you look like a touch of an *** if; as a MCpl you tried to dress down a Col?

Its not an issue. I have done it routinely with high ranking officers, including one General. There is no need for a "dressing down", just a polite reminder of what the rules are is usually quite enough.
A cpl correcting a colonels dress and deportment on the bus is like a new poster correcting an old dogs spelling or grammar here  ;)

Sure in theory it works but in practice the 'Thanks Corporal you're right" turns in to "yes, Corporal. You're right. Say, whats the name of your CO I'd like to pass your name on to him with my praise".

don't get me wrong sometimes it works and the higher rank is quite thankful but you really gotta watch the delivery.

I noticed a key phrase in the regs, "non-issued headphones" were not to be used- as if the public can tell the difference between Ipod headphones and cheap CF issue ones?

One bonus of headphones is that it adds a very small layer of standoff between the CF soldier and the commuter who wants to start a political debate.

Maybe I'm biased though, I've gotten a talkin to for speaking on the phone while driving (someone called a complaint to my unit because they saw someone "in uniform" talking on the phone on the same day I had a vehicle signed out, even though there's hundreds of airforce guys in cadpat working up the road- and no it wasn't me) from someone who eats and drives in uniform  ;D
sledge said:
Never did your JLC/PLQ yet eh? The answer is everyone is responsible for dress. So you POLITELY point out the problem to said Colonel. If that doesnt work I have found going to your Senior NCO. For me usually the ships coxswain with thier name and let them deal with them.

Before and after PLQ, I've found it to be a hell of a lot less grief to not talk to said Colonel. If its an individual who's neither a part of my unit nor one that I regularly encounter, I let it be. His own peers and subordinates have ample opportunity to aid his personal development, as opposed to someone who's in the same room for five minutes with questionable privacy.

If it is someone under my umbrella, then I'd pass the info on to a senior NCO in my CoC for them to either quietly nudge the person about it or have someone more appropriate do so.

A corporal may directly, respectfully point out a problem, and he can't directly be criticized for doing so, but I'd hope he'd know the personality of the person he criticizes first, for his own sake.
I didn't want to correct the Colonel on a bus where everyone would hear, it would be a bit humiliating for him and to be frank, me too. I remember years ago in Halifax when I was in the navy, an officer ordered me to go and tell a Master Seaman that he wasn't carrying his backpack correctly as he was going into the dockyard. I said to the officer that the  MS won't listen to me, but he took my details down and told me to do it. I ran up to the Master Seaman and politely informed him that he was not carrying his backpack correctly and promptly got told to f$%# off....what a surprise.  Once bitten, twice shy, and to be honest, these days, f$%#em, look like a twit all you want.
Is there any specific regulation about wearing or not wearing headress inside a mall?
Jim Seggie said:
I think Tim Horton's and Starbucks changed that. Its very common to see CF personell with a Tim's or Starbucks in hand  on the street in uniform.

It only says "eating" nothing about drinking.  ;D
Occam said:
Did you check the CF Dress Instructions?  Your answer is there....under "headdress", even.

Aaaand, because I'm bored and was curious...  ;D

"10. Non-Service Buildings. Headdress shall
not normally be removed in any public place,
including elevators. However, personnel may
observe the custom practised by civilians in regard
to the wearing of headdress in non-service
buildings such as restaurants, theatres and civil
courts. When on duty under arms as an escort in a
civil court, headdress shall not be removed."

So the answer, you should wear it. In practice (I'm assuming you mean when you go on lunchbreak etc...) we usually ditch the beret once we get into the food line. I have gotten to a point where I try to avoid wearing the uniform in public, nothing like trying to buy milk and bread on your way home after a long day and having someone in safeway try to tell you all of his political opinions. Yes sir, no blood for oil, may I go buy my cheerios now?  ;)
I am starting this thread because I am sitting in the TO airport and I am amazed at the personalized display of the uniform.  There are few Field Grade officers here wandering around and getting on flights for Hamilton, London, etc.  No berets, rain jackets opened down the front, one without bloused pants.  I have spoken to one but simply got a glassed over eye look and the how are you to speak to me.  They really look like slobs.  The best one is the female signals Major with open raincoat and her beret rolled up and threaded through the front rank.  A logistic officer, (can't see the rank) playing with his iPhone as he walks (into people sometimes).  Some Area RSM in LFCA really needs to teach the officers how to act in public!  I travel in combat when a meeting closes very close to my flights but I make sure that the beret is on when I move around and the coat is off and over my arm.
fraserdw said:
I am starting this thread because I am sitting in the TO airport and I am amazed at the personalized display of the uniform.  There are few Field Grade officers here wandering around and getting on flights for Hamilton, London, etc.  No berets, rain jackets opened down the front, one without bloused pants.  I have spoken to one but simply got a glassed over eye look and the how are you to speak to me.  They really look like slobs.  The best one is the female signals Major with open raincoat and her beret rolled up and threaded through the front rank.  A logistic officer, (can't see the rank) playing with his iPhone as he walks (into people sometimes).  Some Area RSM in LFCA really needs to teach the officers how to act in public!  I travel in combat when a meeting closes very close to my flights but I make sure that the beret is on when I move around and the coat is off and over my arm.

I came out of Montfort a few weeks back after some dental surgery. There was a signlas major standing at the bus shelter with neon green earbuds in listening to his iPod. I made sure he made eye contact, and then crisply saluted him. Best awkward high-five return I've gotten yet. He didn't take them out.
The amount of Officers I see in shopping centres and Home Depot etc who seem to think they dont have to wear headdress is amazing!
I saw a local Corporal on the train last week wearing FFO while I could see the beret sticking out of their left leg side pocket. If I'm not mistaken, the beret is supposed to come off on the Proletariat Chariot and don something like a toque or remain bear-headed until egress from the vehicle has been made, correct? He was standing at the platform wearing the helmet as well as on the train. Kosher?
Say something to them! IAW Dress Instructions, headdress is to be worn indoors except for eating establishments, NO personal ear buds/headphones, etc, etc, etc. There are tactful ways to do it and sometimes it is needed. I've done it quietly and I've done it (if the individual attempts to argue with me) in a more boisterous manner. Sadly, I have to admit, I had an MWO 'correct' me once at the airport in Ottawa too when I should have known better. I now purposely travel when it's work related in uniform.
I recall one Friday afternoon when I was in Ottawa recently walking from work  by Ottawa City Hall and there was a LCdr staggerring across the 'mall' in front. I was in shorts and tee but ran over, steered him in behind Cartier Square and got him into a cab. He yelled a lot of profanities my way but neglected to realize he was IN UNIFORM WITH A NAME TAG on! On Monday morning, I looked him up in OUTLOOK and sent him an email to see if he made it home okay...I never heard back from him!!!