Grammar Nazi - It is NCM, NCO is an Americanized term!...but...
I think it is clear in the 'cut and paste from the internet' quote and YES, that is up to date. You wear it in your car and you most definitely wear it in service vehicles. See though, and this is something you are missing, this is where we are separated from others by COMMON SENCE-if it just plain doesn't work...improvise. As an example, it was an unwritten rule that when summer dress came into effect, if you experienced a colder than usual spring day, you wore gloves (and maybe your issue toque). There was so much bickering and needling that it is now a regulation. What is next - Will a specific temperature make it into the dress manual?
I remember being in Ft Lauderdale about 5-6 years ago in March and we had to provide a contingent for a ceremony there. We had been warned when we left Halifax to bring our whites. Anyway, a certain member of the chosen honour said he couldn't wear his whites because winter dress was in effect. I promptly told him to f*** off (in a more diplomatic way) so he promptly went to see the Cox'n who also told him to f*** off (in a more literal way).
Common sense prevails. I am 6'4" and 250 lbs and when I fold myself into my old Mustang, wearing headdress is physically impossible especially a peak cap. I do however make sure it is going on my head as I alight and unfold myself from the car. I remember my incident I was picked up for recently. When stopping for a coffee in the Byward Cafe in Ottawa's airport (removing my beret), my flight was departing from one of the gates right there. When it was about 15 minutes out from departure, I paid my bill and got in line. My beret SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON from the moment I left the cafe until I was on the aircraft and those are the rules. I was wrong, it was no big deal, and I think I actually thanked the MWO and the world did not end.
This thread DID NOT START because of incidents like these. This thread started because of the guys (and gals) wandering around with jackets undone, headdress off in a public place and generally looking slovenly in uniform. I understand many of us are passionate about what we do but sometimes our passion may muddle our view of things (and I am no exception to this). Of course we aren't going to 'jack someone up' driving down Prospect Bay Rd at 0530 but someone on Metro Transit, yes or someone (and this gets me especially when it happens on Base) who completely disregards a well-advertised dress reg.
Rant done-Good Sunday morning to all!! Will be Hurricane-proofing the yard and house today.