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Weapons modification RANT.

Infidel-6 said:
Same issues in urban cbt with assholes hiding in building and crowds - they have learned (the hard way) we are much better marksman and they cant engage us in an open field (that and of course we use CAS  ;D -- the only fair fight is the fight you won...)
And...if you find yourself in a fair fight, something has gone horribly wrong! :D
Well it all depends on your version of fair.

  Especially important since the winner writes history -   ;)

Fight to win -- then some creative writing...
I know it sounds better that YOU beat up the bully, rather than you and your 29 friends, a bit of CAS and some Arty...

The first real weapon mods I was ever exposed to was by a RCR WO when I was teaching at the Royal BSL...
the second was by a former RCR turned Patricia.

I-6 who was the Sgt in 2VP you were talking too?  Speaking with the RCR Sgt (who was wearing Oakley Boots) who accompanied Cpl Braun back to Regina the boys (I assume his boys) will/are wearing what they want outside the wire.
as we were leaving they ( the rcr ) were still up in the air about kit, we told them we used what we wanted outstide the wire, i believe one of their WO's got in poop just after we left for letting his lads wear their own gear

we also told the lessons learned guy who visited in the field about some gear issues, arm pockets, tac vests etc, hopefully he will take some of it to heart

boondocksaint said:
as we were leaving they ( the rcr ) were still up in the air about kit, we told them we used what we wanted outstide the wire, i believe one of their WO's got in poop just after we left for letting his lads wear their own gear

we also told the lessons learned guy who visited in the field about some gear issues, arm pockets, tac vests etc, hopefully he will take some of it to heart

I've just sent a pair of boots over.  They (RCR) are allowed to wear their own choice of boots and gloves I am told.  I don't know about anything else, but I do hope that their is some latitude as I sent over some more kit today.
Wow looks like I stirred up some crap! Totally not my intention. I appreciate you guys not wanting others to get in sh!t and it is a valid point. I didn’t have any idea this kind of stuff was even frowned upon at the time. I’m somewhat disappointed by this because IMHO if something gives our soldiers an advantage it should be an option while keeping in mind the point that was made regarding experience and skill level. Personally I feel you guys should be afforded whatever the hell you want when going on a combat mission. When you consider the small amount of combat troops we have money should not be an issue but I must be delusional. I guess it would be expecting too much for Canada to support our troops when the CF doesn’t appear to. Thanks for the insight because it looks like it doesn’t matter what part of the govt you work for cause it’s the same BS all over. 
The Soldiers in 1 RCR have been allowed to wear their own boots for a while now, not just while over seas, the only restrictions, were they had to look like a cbt boots of some sort.

Also, i am being deployed to A-stan Very soon, Is their someplace in KAF where you can buy chest rigs and extra kit that may be better then issued?
There is a store on the boardwalk that sells chest rigs and other items ($50 for mine).  Can't speak to the issue of whether they are currently allowed.
The kit that they sell on KAF is subpar at best. The blackops (Note-Not blackhawk) kit on the boardwalk is locally produced afghan crap. They basically only sell Spec Ops in the PX, again not that great. Buy what you need before you deploy. If you are un-willing to do that just buy online and either pay an outrageous amount for fedex to have the kit there right away or else ship it through normal chanels. If you are shipping to KAF I suggest using the APO (American post office). It is somewhat faster than the Canadian system and if you are ordering from the states most kit companys will ship to an APO for free. I would highly suggest buying it before you deploy, train with it, set it up for your own personal preference. If push comes to shove and you arent allowed to use it, you can always sell it to someone in theater or on some of the better online forums like Lightfighter.
the Brits had also just opened their own store as we were leaving- they'd said they'd be getting some of their gear in as well, dunno if that's the case or not though

Americans on the base are pretty easy to trade or buy gear off of as well, if you can make a few contacts
von Garvin said:
Now THAT'S funny!  (But, probably true).
Having said that, the current RSM used to be on the ski team, so, maybe not ?
Just another one of the boys married to a Supply Tech  ;)  >:D
Infidel-6 said:
  2Chick will no doubt be too angry about the hair and sideburns of the 3VP contingent they will not notice the unbloused boots and hiking boots (and tan rifles etc.) 
nope. It's gottten worse. Taking a look at the kit list for Chuckles Coy, I left, just shaking my head. Then I went and punched a wall.  ::)
ACOG's for all! Not sure a 4x optic is the best choice if you're doing a lot of CQB.

I like my unmagnified EOTech despite the limited range, but you can't have it both ways, now if it were S&B short dots for all...  ;D
The TA31RCO the USMC buys is a BAC ACOG --( the reticle is fully illuminated day fibre optic night tritium) so it can be used in CQB (better than a C79 at least)
  Its not ideal but...

The Army has to understand that the needs of the Army require troops to be kitted differently even in the same section.
Infidel-6 said:
The Army has to understand that the needs of the Army require troops to be kitted differently even in the same section.
but then they wouldn't all look the same. EVERYONE knows that short hair and identical clothes makes a professional fighting force. Geez, don't you know nuthin'?
COBRA-6 said:
but then everyone won't look the same  :crybaby:
damnitall! Scooped!
Careful Para - while I know you and Cobra-6 are kidding -- someone in the PP is nodding right now in agreeance with what you said not knowing it was sarcastic.

  1) Troops need to be trained with the EOTECH - I was talking to a buddy at supper about this issue - cause he had mentioned a former peer of his that commented about EO at 250+m and how hard it was to shoot people at that range -- they (troops) need to know (and this was a Sgt btw) that it is a NON MAGNIFIED CLOSE COMBAT OPTIC - now you can still hit at range with it (one of the lurkers that says I say to much  ;D has hit at some decent ranges with his) but you need to know your trajectory -- and honestly the BN guys dont get a lot of training time to be able to shoot from 0-400m at 25-50m increments to knwo where the bullets are going in relationship to his POA.

2) Troops and Leadership need to understand the effective bubles and the overlaps of their weapon platfroms -- ie. C9A2 w/ EOTECH versus C9A1 w/ C79 - C8FTHB with EOTECH versus with C79A2 etc.  Plan for a mix of optics since DLR aint going to hand everone a SOPMOD kit for their weapons (short of CSOR and JTF).

3) Use those worthless training rubber rifles for drill -- or better yet - don't do rifle drill except for ceremonial occasions with an honour guard and make up shiny rifles for them (in C7 config)  -- spemt the rest of the time running Shoot to Live and Gunfighter programs
Infidel-6 said:
cause he had mentioned a former peer of his that commented about EO at 250+m and how hard it was to shoot people at that range -- they (troops) need to know (and this was a Sgt btw) that it is a NON MAGNIFIED CLOSE COMBAT OPTIC -
see, when we first tested that bad boy in Geoww-ja, I had no problem scoring at 300+, and couldn't figure out why guys coming back were saying they couldn't hit beyond 200. I fell in love with that sucker!

Guys have become dependent on magnified optics to shoot.