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washroom problems

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recceguy said:
Quite simply. If you don't crap..............you die. (credit an old NCO saying)

Hey Recceguy you're right. The Inuit instructors on Arctic Survival use to say: ''If you don't eat...you don't shit and if you don't shit...you die.'' Btw the igloo crapper was a larger than normal igloo with a three hole seat and it was kept warmer than our own igloos so guess where we spent most of our time at night ??? The instructors had to come and kick us out so we could do this survival thing!!! ;D
Red I have more then one and more then just of myself, that's what happens when troops are bored with camera and you have to take care of some business LMAO
one time at army camp..... in germany...during a fall ex.....  :warstory:
Our SSM went to the blue rocket....sat in some...spooge... he was very upset.
He formed us up and let us know his displeasure at the incident. Told us to at least have the common decency to wipe the seat after ourselves.
Then he outed the offender who unwittingly left his reading material  (with his name written on the cover) in front of the whole sqn!  :-[

HitorMiss said:
Red I have more then one and more then jut of myself, that's what happens when troops are bored with camera and you have to take care of some business LMAO

Let's go HoM. Scan 'em and let's see what ya' got. We can make it like a poker game, only all the cards are brown....  :salute:
I was a bit shy at once too... before joining i really couldn't use a urinal if someone else was in the washroom. The first time I saw the massive open shower in gagetown the first day I showed up for basic, I thought "well... I just won't shower for 3 months" lol.
Through my basic, I got used to being in the same shower as 15 other naked guys... hell now we all start sining old songs and laughing together. And surprisingly it wasn't all that weird to get the cam paint out from behind your buddies ears to make sure he doesn't get reamed out for inspection for not being clean.
And releiving yourself, when you only have maybe a muinet to use the washroom, u learn to get used to it and just let her fly. You even get efficient at taking a piss.
And yes, you do get that bonded to your buddies on course, you eat the same food at the same time, so guess what else you do, at the same time?
We made up a game called "battle shit" and pretty much the loudest, nastiest one wins, theres always a clear winner lol. And you get some good convos during those few muinets of rest on the can... Just don't talk about your staff incase they hear ya!
You WILL get over it and used to it, trust me its something I had to over come.
I was worried about taking showers with other guys, but you make it seem fun hahaha
This is an awesome thread. First off, my most serious poop concern is not being able to hold it in when you deploy and get that amazing case of the shits.  :panic:  but looking back over some 25 yrs of service, all my modesty is long gone (as is a lot of my dignity).  We are all in this together and all have the same needs.  And I have never seen a group trash bathrooms like military folks.  I salute all who have provided advice in this thread and the pics are awesome!  Shitter stories rock.
Okay, so I have this very strange condition. More mental than anything. I have this odd fear of public washrooms. Now, I can use the washroom, but as long as it is empty. Even if I use the stall and someone comes in, I freeze up and stand there and feel like an idiot. All sorts of stupid crap goes through my head. I have done some research and it is a common condition called Paruresis. I have only ever met one other person with this. I was fine in high school, so it must have popped up in my late teens at some point.

This has a huge negative impact on my life as I have to plan everything around where I can take a piss in private. If there is a handicap/family single bathroom, I use it. Or I will go places that only have a single room bathroom. I'll even drive around to find a secluded area to take a piss in public. Lol.

I once flew to Edmonton from Toronto. I had to go so bad after the 2 hour drive to the airport. Waiting for almost 2 more hours inside the airport, and then holding it for a 4 hour flight until Edmonton. It was the worst. I couldn't even go on the plane. I knew Edmonton airport had a single washroom in the far end of the building, so all I could see was that bathroom in my mind the whole flight. Meanwhile I am pretty much in pain the entire time. Even at my current place of employment, we have a few washrooms. One that has a stall and a urinal and the other has like 3 stalls and 4 urinals. I use the smaller washroom, but if someone is in there, I will just make it like I am washing my hands or whatever and leave until nobody is in there.

These are just a few examples. This literally makes me feel like a weirdo. I don't know why I have this problem. I don't know if it is because maybe they can hear me piss, see my junk, or if I just like my privacy. Maybe I think to much? It has taken me like 8 years just to go in front of my spouse. I know that if I go to basic this is going to be a huge issue I need to overcome. I have considered not even joining because I know this is going to be a big issue. This is probably something I should talk to a Councillor or something about. But I don't have time for that, nor do I think it will even help.

Has anyone ever heard of anyone else with this problem? The more I think about it the more I want to just email the recruiter and cancel my application. My other option is to just not worry about it, and deal with it when the time comes. Eventually I will have to go. It will just be embarrassing at basic having to explain this stupid crap. Or I can just try not to care, but I know I will end up standing there for 5 minutes trying to work out a piss and look like an idiot. Even the urine test during enrollment is probably going to be hard for me.

I literally don't know what to do. I would hate for this to ruin my chances with the CF.

In all honesty I would see a doctor or councillor as you suggested. Don't assume it won't help until you give it a shot. You don't want to be holding it for long periods of time because that could cause you some damage. You already mentioned being in pain before from holding it for so long. So speak to your doctor and see what help is there and give it a shot. Don't feel embarrassed either when telling your doctor they are there to help you.
Having a "shy bladder" is not a unique problem.  Talk to your doctor about it; they have some resources to help. 
Yeah, my brother has a mild case of this.  Though likely not as crippling it is something he has a hard time with.
I have a mild-case of this as well, but have broken out of my shell.

Ever since about 4 years ago, I was constantly around people, a very small percentage of my nature's callings would be spent in privacy.
I was like you...I'd be taking a #2 in a stall, and I would hear someone coming in, and I'd lift my legs and freeze up so no one would know I'm there LMAO.

But eventually, it grows on you, and you become comfortable the more you are exposed to urgencies.
I can't speak on behalf of you, but you just might break out of your shell in BMQ.

I hope so. I honestly don't know when this initially started. I know I spent a lot of my time at home, playing video games and just being anti social. Even walking around Wal-Mart gave me anxiety at one point. I have pretty much overcome that though. I think the more I went out and did things the more it went away. I am wondering if my 5 or so years of pretty much staying home and not doing a whole lot has contributed to this problem I have. I have made some progress like I said. I can now go in front of my spouse. I use the urinal at work only when nobody is in there, where as before I would go in the stall. I started to think that if someone walked in and seen my feet facing towards the stall they would think I am retarded for pissing in the stall. So now I just push that shit out really quick at the urinal lol. I try to look at the hardware of the urinal and the bolts and what not. I count the 6 points on the hex screws and usually by the 6th point I can piss. This is all a stupid mental issue and it is like I have to trick my brain or something. I try to tell myself, I am just pissing. Everyone does it.

Also, one time when I was in like grade 1. I shit myself in the classroom and nobody knew. I just went to the washroom immediately. I sat in the stall for a good 30 minutes or so and other older kids were coming in the washroom making loud noises and I thought that they would see me or make fun of me or something. Meanwhile I am trying to clean this wet shit off my ass. I still remember that to this day. And I often wonder if that has had some part in my current issue. Maybe some form of delayed post traumatic stress. Who knows? All I know is it is annoying. And I really hope BMQ straightens this shit out whenever that time comes.

Side note, CFAT is on wednesday. Picking up transcript tomorrow and filled out security clearance form or whatever it was lol. Depending on my results, I may not even have to worry about BMQ LOL.