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washroom problems

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Now that makes for some interesting conversation ... or, for some really awkward silence.
In a 1986 winter ex the Strats had a main shitter at the camp where a tractor came in and scooped up a big pisser hole and a smaller hole that they put a wooden two-hole shitter over. A big bell tent went over the works. The seats were so close you could play cards with the guy sitting next to you.

After about a week or so the pisser hole looked like a big yellow iceberg   ;D

Then the mechs decided to be nice to everyone and warm up the shitter in the morning - it never went above -20C. Hard to do your business when everything is freezing. They put the hose from a herman nelson heater in the shitter tent to warm it up. It was wonderful! being able to have a dump without freezing everything off   :D

But wait, the big yellow iceberg started melting   :o, the smell was unbearable. Out went the heater   :crybaby:   The cold was preferable to the smell. Another wonderful bathroom story brought to you by the army.
yah I have the same kind of problem but like everyone has said you'll get used to it so the problem should go away after, that's what I'm hoping for.
cgyflames01 said:
The Yanks don't have stalls between their toilets

I'm pretty sure that's only in Kentucky.  All the shitters in Blanding, Drum, and Benning were the same as ours...except for the big urinal troughs, which were kinda fun actually.  Good for playing urinal hockey.  Ft Knox was the only one I've seen with the no-stall shitters.
cgyflames01 said:
The Yanks don't have stalls between their toilets
Got that right,nothing like sitting down with some reading material after a few day's in the field on rat's and every one lined up for the shower looking at you having a porcelain and letting lose, Yeehaa!! every one scatters and I get a hot shower.he he  he ;) ;D
Only in the military could such a scentence begin with the word "Unfortunately" ;)
I was out on the Ranges in Harrisburg, PA, and there were no stalls there, either.  It was my first exposure to such a scenario, so I just thought that something was wrong with the washroom.  But, I had a job to do, so I did it :).  I did find one more thing awkward.  Three, of the four walls, had big bug screen windows, so anyone on the "toilets" (more like a long bench with holes in it), could see out.  Therefore, you know everyone could see in.  Oh well, at least we had a seat...as opposed to a Turkish Toilet.

Honestly, I've never seen any Canadian establishment like this, so you shouldn't worry too much.  Worst case scenario (sometimes best case), is usually the Blue Rockets.  Before you know it, your training will be so "all-encompasing" you won't even have time to think before, during, or after going to the washroom, heads, or latrine.  Best of luck. 

This reminds me of the first time i stayed in US army barracks(FT Lewis), 20 toilets, 3 feet apart, no dividers, knee to knee with 20 fellow defacators. Or the time on a Div ision Ex, RV 87, having sat in the back of a carrier for 11 hours, you never saw 8 guys drop their pants so fast and unload! If tinkling in front of someone is an issue, you should consider another form of employment!
Not wanting to throw fuel on the fire, but....
        How about Winter Ex in Northern Alberta- a communal crapper in a heated tent- 15 below outside-12 guys on a plywood bench doin' their thing and you're in the field for 3 weeks. You learn to get over it fast enough!
Depending on where you are here, it can be porta-loos, some of them even cammed! Or Thunderboxes - you don't wanna go there. Yes, there is also cat-san for your bush poos, and RPTs (Regimental Pissing trees) too. Even Bty sized out door giant holes to squat over. Many varieties, even pisser phones. Giant shower tents with a hndred guys at a crack all standing around with their willies hanging. Modesty goes out the door after a while, even for the most shy ones. For SAL, it all depends on the ROs for the area, as some are really isolated. We even used composting toilets which are portable or fixed in locations.


You will get over it. You will learn soon to take a dump when nature calls. Wether in Garrison, the field or in the Full Metal Jacket style bathrooms on US Bases. You will also shower with the best of them to. Gee I've hung my a$$ over a log with many fellow Soldiers, you'll get over it.
Don't hold it in for a week, I have seen two people in the last 8 years hold for so long that they were removed form the field and brought to the hospital for a "cleaning" you can see that people don't go cause... they slow down, can't bend, smell funny, look like they are going to be sick, and don't ever want to sit after tanding for a while and the reverse, don't want to stand after sitting for a while.  This is seriously bad business, cause it is almost and in some cases is a self inflicted injury.  Those guys that hold, what happens if you get a new tasking, with no time to go.  Keep holding it for a week?  That is like guys that drive around with rotten McDonald's garbage in the back seats of their cars, get rid of it, you don;t need it, you only waste energy keeping it at body temp.  Plus imagine the stigma that you receive after being evac on a "crap run".  One guy held in the arctic, where you often are issued double rats, he stayed for 5 days and one morning, so about 32 rations, he apparently destroyed the Jon at the local RCMP det and it couldn't be fixed until the thaw in the summer so the plumber could get down and bust open the pipes.
glad i found this one. Although its really old, this has kinda been in my mind. Since i Had my son I haven't been able to hold it as well. When you have a baby it weakens the muscles that allow you to "hold it".  The muscles are strong now,  but I've had anxiety about it for quite sometime. Well, since the time I took my son for a walk (when he was only 3 months) and barely made it home before completly losing it. Now i'm super paranoid i'll wet myself in public lol.

I also wanted to add that in most cases your body will become trained to your schedule. After a week or so you will have to go when you are usually allowed too.

A question I did have to ask is what if you are in drill or out in the obtesical course are really have to go? lol would u be in crap (no pun intended) for leaving? I mean they wouldnt make wait would they? These are just weird senarios that go in my mind sometimes..I seem to imagine the worst.
formerarmybrat23 said:
A question I did have to ask is what if you are in drill or out in the obtesical course are really have to go? lol would u be in crap (no pun intended) for leaving? I mean they wouldnt make wait would they? These are just weird senarios that go in my mind sometimes..I seem to imagine the worst.

Okay War Story from a Trucker....  :warstory:

I remember on course... we were doing PT. Circuit training, I recall on the parade square. Well sure enough my rear started talking. I have never ran so fast in my life to the stalls in the barracks. Evil bum barf. I think it was written on my assessment about my motivational drive I have when applied.  ;D

TN2IC Out.
Quite simply. If you don't shit..............you die. (credit an old NCO saying)