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washroom problems

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recceguy said:
Quite simply. If you don't shit..............you die. (credit an old NCO saying)

Or... what goes in MUST come out.



Stomper said:
On my QL3 a bunch of us would go to the washroom at the same time after dinner and have a big discussion while we were all taking a crap (every stall was occupied). It was seriously one of the best parts of the day. We called it "Stall Talk".

Haha thanks for the laugh!
JasonH said:
It's healthy for a person to pinch a loaf every 4 hours to every 4-5 days.. personally I go after like 6 hours, I don't know how you guys could hold it in for a week but I guess the food will do that too yea  ;D

This is not healthy at all...Food rotting in your colon for 4-5 days is not healthy...The cleanliness of your colon is actually and in most cases an indicator of overall general health...Healthy is once per day...
Tanner, you're answering a post that is umm..... like 3 yrs old!
Don't think Jason is around no more...
formerarmybrat23 said:
geo i restarted this thread a few weeks ago tanners post is from today lol
What Geo means is that tanner is replying to a post that is from 2004.
yes i that. no harm in giving a nod to a funny story. I cant imagine having any conversations while in the bathroom. besides a comment on the stinkyness of the situation. blah!
Bathroom in my wing of the barracks on basic had exactly the required ammount of stalls to accommodate all the guys in our section at once. Good conversations held there.
On my recruit course, Farnham still had outhouses.... these were section sized facilities and you could all go thru at the same time... and pass the TP from one end of the communal seat to the other.  No partitions.
I was going to pass on this thread but I was hard up not to answere.

In Germany the toilets were, lets sat very close together, with about 20 to a bench with no partitions.(American Base)

How will I put this, when a person had completed his business and required to use the TP.

If it happened to be a very busy day then depending how that person leaned, those to that side had to lean also.

Much laughted was present due to the constant expelling of gases, as well ;D

You would have to have been there to understand the humour.

Stomper said:
On my QL3 a bunch of us would go to the washroom at the same time after dinner and have a big discussion while we were all taking a crap (every stall was occupied). It was seriously one of the best parts of the day. We called it "Stall Talk".

DP! Armd Cmn and DP2 Recce 0039 both had "Poop Patrol" or "Poo parade" at about 1800 daily in 592 in Wx.
good conversations
formerarmybrat23 said:
yes i that. no harm in giving a nod to a funny story. I cant imagine having any conversations while in the bathroom. besides a comment on the stinkyness of the situation. blah!

The only conversation I've had there was in Valcartier, to the guy next to me, after passing five days of field rations...

"I think I broke it!" (The toilet, not my colon...)
Adventure Training in Kennenaskis we pooped Poop in individual  bags and carried it out with us. Everyone had a little baggie tied to his/her ruck.
I thought you pooped it into a paper bag, put the bag on the PMs doorstep & put a match to the bag :)
Not a good idea, geo.

Someone told me the PM is not worth sshit. ;)
All this talking about class I downloads sent me back to my photo album for one of my favorite shots. This is me back in 91 taking care of some pressing business. (Bet nobody has a picture like this...)