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washroom problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter goforit
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Just something I need to get off my mind.
Here's my problem i have trouble sometimes going to the washroom in public places, I know that in the forces there would always be lots of people in the washroom. Even with this problem I would like to try a career in the CF for I believe the more i would be around people the more the problem would go away just like other problems like group showers you don't care after a while. I don't want this to be something that will stop me from joining because I believe I could be a pretty good soldier.
I was wondering if any one else had this problem when they joined or if anyone has any comments about this? you could PM me if you want

P.S. the problem I'm refering to is called paruresis.
and plus it's not like people care what your doing in there. (well besides that)
On my QL3 a bunch of us would go to the washroom at the same time after dinner and have a big discussion while we were all taking a crap (every stall was occupied). It was seriously one of the best parts of the day. We called it "Stall Talk".
Stomper said:
On my QL3 a bunch of us would go to the washroom at the same time after dinner and have a big discussion while we were all taking a crap (every stall was occupied). It was seriously one of the best parts of the day. We called it "Stall Talk".

Now THAT is what I call efficient team-building!!! :D
Hey goforit,

Speaking from my meager Reserve experience, I can tell you that after a few weeks on course, you or the other guys won't really care about using the bathroom together. Aside from all the bonding and teamwork training up to that point and overall lack of privacy (making you all way more comfortable with the other person - like it or not, in a very fast time) on top of that you will be physically and mentally tired, and you may not care as much as you do now.

I was the same way at first to be truthful, I didn't like doing my business in a stall and having people talk to me.. plus you know, all the uhh .. noises that can accompany it (especially after eating mystery meat and taters .. love them taters though) but on my 3rd week ... I honestly didn't care anymore. It was just good to have a reprieve from the demands of the course and instructors and share my frustrations/feelings/thoughts with my platoon buds.
On my BMQ many people wouldnt take a single crap during the week.  It would all come out on friday afternoon, before going home for the weekend.
Don't let somthing so small hold you back. You will become more confortable, and it will be one of the smaller obsticles you're likely to overcome over the course of your military career, should you choose to persue one.

Bottom line, overcome that.

Best regards,

On my BMQ many people wouldnt take a single crap during the week.  It would all come out on friday afternoon, before going home for the weekend.


That is so incredibly not healthy! How the heck could someone do that?!?! If your eating the meals and working hard like that?!?! Ohh god I'd explode! Folks sure wouldn't want to be in the bathroom with me anytime, nevermind after WEEK... The walls must'v been plastered....


I honestly couldn't do that. Not a chance, you couldn't pay me a million... Well, maybe...  :P
Pte (R) Joe said:
On my BMQ many people wouldnt take a single crap during the week.    It would all come out on friday afternoon, before going home for the weekend.


That is so incredibly not healthy! How the heck could someone do that?!?! If your eating the meals and working hard like that?!?! Ohh god I'd explode! Folks sure wouldn't want to be in the bathroom with me anytime, nevermind after WEEK... The walls must'v been plastered....


I honestly couldn't do that. Not a chance, you couldn't pay me a million... Well, maybe...   :P

It must be all the potatoes...
Pte (R) Joe said:
On my BMQ many people wouldnt take a single crap during the week.  It would all come out on friday afternoon, before going home for the weekend.


That is so incredibly not healthy! How the heck could someone do that?!?! If your eating the meals and working hard like that?!?! Ohh god I'd explode! Folks sure wouldn't want to be in the bathroom with me anytime, nevermind after WEEK... The walls must'v been plastered....


I honestly couldn't do that. Not a chance, you couldn't pay me a million... Well, maybe...  :P

I've been on dozens of weekend exercises and have yet to move my bowels on one.  The rations kind of help with that, actually, but my GI tract has always been rather solid - never need TUMS or antacid remedies, for example, and move things regularly away from the field.  Sometimes these things just take care of themselves.
It's healthy for a person to pinch a loaf every 4 hours to every 4-5 days.. personally I go after like 6 hours, I don't know how you guys could hold it in for a week but I guess the food will do that too yea  ;D
I have a fear of public washrooms. I can't do my business unless I'm alone. This is one of the things I hope joining the army will straighten out. :P

You're not the only one, don't worry about it. There are more important things to worry about.
I suppose IAP is different but each pod of 5 rooms had its own washroom, not too public. Though we all used the public washrooms after coming back from the field as IMPs leave you blocked up, and you don't wanna mess your own washroom that you gotta clean.
The washroom stories will be one of the most amusing aspects of BMQ life that you and
your platoon section won't forget.  Before entering BMQ, everyone is nervous and worried.
During and after BMQ, you'll learn and become relatively comfortable that its all just a part
of collective life.

BMQ is quite regulated and you have timings to meet.  You'll learn the best times and
breaks in which to water the flowers and pause to think.  There is so much to think
about and do you won't really have time or the focus to dewel on bathroom issues
and the issues may disappear.

Humor is good.  Make sure everything you do is done well and keep a sense of humor
because everyone in the platoon is in it together to the end.  If there is humor to
get from bathroom issues, like extra flatuance and it helps to break up th stress of the
day, then share it with the section.  Theres was one guy in my platoon who had a cubicle
near the washroom door and happended to be sickened by extra flatuance.  Everyone
would go into the can and make flatuant noises (or didn't have to as nature made it
supreme) just to get a reaction.  Flatuance helped to bring us together as a platoon
so don't worry about washrrom issues.
I was 17 when I did my summer courses. I held it for a week without trouble because of those nasty Borden latrines. Then they brought in the portables when all the officers showed up and I swear, it was like I was sitting on a seat of gold.
Holding it for that long is seriously bad for you!  However, I think the point that everyone gets "stage fright" has been made.  LOL  You learn to adapt to communal living....including the bathrooms.  Basically, you'll get over it.  ;)
You don't have much to worry about -- unless, of course, you do some March break training on a Southern US base.  :dontpanic:
argylls_recruiting said:
You don't have much to worry about -- unless, of course, you do some March break training on a Southern US base.   :dontpanic:

Im going to Fort Blanding in march...  whats to worry about?