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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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Not yet, this just all came to light and has only started affecting me.  As long as  a compassionate posting doesn't affect my career I  could try that.  Just wondering how they look at cost moves these days. 
I was going to mention the compassionate posting too.  I know a guy who is a NavComm who got a Compassionate to Ont for family reasons (2 kids, mother walked out, all his family support was in Ont) and he couldn't sail, etc.  It is possible, but you have to ask.  He got a 2 year compassionate IIRC. 

As for the OT, well unfortunately, the AVOTP program file deadline was 01 Dec, with all files from the PSO due at D Mil C for 15 Jan, and OT offers are coming out now for this FY.  The best you could hope for it to apply and get your file in for next year AFAIK.

Not sure how much time you have in, but for AVOTP, you need 48 months service and QL4 qual just to be eligible.

As the rules and policies change and such, the best thing you could do if you are considering an OT is to speak to the folks at your PSO shop.

*Edit to add, just took a look at your profile.  Are you complete your QL3 yet??
A compassionate posting should not interfere with your career all that much. You will need to have your issues sorted by the time the posting expires. Looking at your profile, I see you're an OS. If that's the case, then it's unlikely that a remuster is available to you in any case.

Compassionate postings are more accurately called Contingency Cost Moves. The CM should have a limited number available each year, but this category accounts for all unforeseen moves.
ModlrMike said:
Looking at your profile, I see you're an OS. If that's the case, then it's unlikely that a remuster is available to you in any case.

However, if the member is not QL3 qual'd yet, and not on QL3, then a MOC Reassignment may be an option.

If currently on QL3, and between more than 25% but less than 75% complete of the course, a Voluntary Occupation Reassignment is also a possibility.  Although not covered in CFAO 11-12, it is covered seperately in the BTAG.
ModlrMike said:
A compassionate posting should not interfere with your career all that much. You will need to have your issues sorted by the time the posting expires. Looking at your profile, I see you're an OS. If that's the case, then it's unlikely that a remuster is available to you in any case.

Compassionate postings are more accurately called Contingency Cost Moves. The CM should have a limited number available each year, but this category accounts for all unforeseen moves.

Compassionate status does indeed affect your career as you cannot deploy or attend career courses.

Contingency cost moves are NOT compassionate postings.
CDN Aviator said:
Compassionate status does indeed affect your career as you cannot deploy or attend career courses.

Contingency cost moves are NOT compassionate postings.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, I thought that CCM included compassionate.
ModlrMike said:
Perhaps I'm mistaken, I thought that CCM included compassionate.

Somewhat, in that they are covered by the same DAOD.

I'm sure you know this but, for the benefit of those less familiar.........


CCM (personal reasons):
Contingency cost moves for personal reasons means moves set aside from the overall move allocation to respond to personal circumstances which do not limit deployability or the ability to perform duties.

Contingency cost moves for personal reasons shall only be considered to deal with exceptional personal circumstances that do not meet the requirements of compassionate status or a compassionate posting. The personal circumstances may not affect the CF member's deployability or ability to perform duties at the location to which the CF member is requesting to be moved. A CF member posted under a contingency cost move for personal reasons is not subject to the career restrictions of compassionate status.

Unless exceptional circumstances exist, a contingency cost move for personal reasons may only be approved once for a CF member for the same personal circumstances.

Compassionate Posting:
A compassionate posting means a posting approved to alleviate the personal circumstances of a CF member who is assigned compassionate status.

Compassionate Status
Compassionate status means the status assigned to a CF member whose personal circumstances limit the CF member's deployability or ability to perform duties.

Officers of the rank of captain/lieutenant(N) and above, and non-commissioned members of the rank of corporal/leading seaman and above, shall not be promoted nor have any promotion protection during a period of compassionate status.

There are a couple of factors that would affect a contingency cost move. 

1. How much money the CM has for CCM, this being just past the maintop period he/she may or may not have any money left for this year.
2. What coast you are currently on will also be a factor, a move from Halifax is cheaper than a move from Esquimalt.
3. Qualification.  What is your QL and what skills do you have that can be used in the geopraphical area.

None of these are insurmountable as there are many methods of shuffling things around and out of trade employment.  I'll use however NavComm for example (I used to be one)  a QL3 OS posting to Ottawa has quite a few possibilities, OJT at the helpdesk, CFNOC, Message Centre. All of these will keep you employed in trade. That said while the skillsets are there to aid you in career progression you will be stalled at the fleet exam stage. You will need access to a ships CCR IOT learn the systems and conduct a flash up.

Hi all,

I've searched around and couldn't find anything on the question: I'm looking into transferring INF to RMS. As INF I have PLQ mods 1-5; I'm currently on a Class B as a clerk.

Considering my Class B employment (OJT) and other credentials, is there any reg that would allow the commander to consider the OJT as equivalent to the RMS QL3? Also, would the INF PLQ 1-5 count as RMS PLQ 1-5, where I could go directly to RMS plq mod 6?
PLQ is a common course; there's no RMS-specific course.

You are discussing a PLAR, that would examine your prior learning and experience and determine what (if any) equivalences could be granted.  There's a fairly detailed LFCO that dictates the LFC policy.

Note that the Army is not the occupational authority for the RMS occupation, so any equivalencies will ultimately be assessed and greanted by CFSTG, not LFDTS.
If you are INF but in a clerk position, then you are what is usually referred to as "atypically employed/employed out of trade".  Thats what my PERs stated when I was Cl B crewmen but in a staff job at Bde HQ. 

Your Commander won't be the one who approves this sort of thing.  My  :2c: is OJT/OJE will not give you a QL3 bypass.  If/when you get an OT, part of that should involve a PLAR.

PLQ is PLQ, if you've done the Mods 1-5, then you've done the Mods 1-5.  I'm not even sure what you mean by RMS PLQ Mod 6?

If you are doing or planning on doing a OT within the PRes, why not do a clerk-like thing and check out the regs on it?  I can't remember the number, but its a CFAO.  Thats a start for you.  Might even try asking your C Clk at work tomorrow if you can't find it in the CFAOs  ;)

Now, if you are talking about going PRes INF to Reg Frce RMS, thats a whole different story but you sound like you are looking for a OT, not a CT/OT.
Thanks for the responses  :) I have looked up the regs and there's lots about actually doing the transfer... but not if any prior learning or employment counts towards quals, and if they do, by how much.
You won't find the PLAR/equiv stuff there.  I'd hazard a guess that the OPI for RMS clerk trg is CFSAL.

Something for your CofC to look into if/when you submit your OT.
ARMY_101 said:
Thanks for the responses  :) I have looked up the regs and there's lots about actually doing the transfer... but not if any prior learning or employment counts towards quals, and if they do, by how much.

That's because each PLAR is unique, and it would be all but impossible to build a matrix of equivalencies for all possible combinations in all possible trades.

Each case is assessed on its own merits.
I had a question regarding if it was possible to vot to something else after accepting a vot a year earlier? Im asking because when i too my vot to cbt. Engineer i was told by the bpso id be loaded on the first course. Its ben almost a year and a POSSIBLE course is in january. The issue is my contract doesnt start until im dp1 qualified and the fact that im living in shacks when i have a fiancee waiting for me (who is growing frustrated when ive been told that i was being loaded on 3 courses now and then told a few days before that the course was cancelled ).
EpicBeardedMan said:
I had a question regarding if it was possible to vot to something else after accepting a vot a year earlier?

Highly unlikely. The gaining trade will want to get some work out of you before letting you go.

EpicBeardedMan said:
Im asking because when i too my vot to cbt. Engineer i was told by the bpso id be loaded on the first course. Its ben almost a year and a POSSIBLE course is in january.

BPSO have no control nor input on when schools run their courses. Ignore any dates given by the BPSO.

EpicBeardedMan said:
The issue is my contract doesnt start until im dp1 qualified...

What contract? Are you not getting paid while you're awaiting training?

EpicBeardedMan said:
...and the fact that im living in shacks when i have a fiancee waiting for me (who is growing frustrated when ive been told that i was being loaded on 3 courses now and then told a few days before that the course was cancelled ).

Change and uncertainty are a fact of military life. Get used to it.

I'm going to give you a discount on possibly not being an English speaker. If you are however, try some proper capitalization and punctuation. It will make your posts easier to read and respond to.
EpicBeardedMan said:
The issue is my contract doesnt start until im dp1

This is not true. Your contract is already running, the one you were on since before you VOT'ed. Your "restricted release", if there is one in your case does not start until you are DP1 but certainly not the dates of your terms of service.
CDN Aviator said:
This is not true. Your contract is already running, the one you were on since before you VOT'ed. Your "restricted release", if there is one in your case does not start until you are DP1 but certainly not the dates of your terms of service.

It would be nice if the bpso explained it like that instead of me thinking the other way around.

As for the comment about english not being my first language, im typing on a cellphone and am not too concerned about capitalization, call it lazyness if you want. Imagine if people came on forums to have grammar checked instead of finding out information. If you got the jist of my post why even bother being a grammar nazi? Adds nothing to the topic.

Anyway, does anyone know if ROTP would be considered the same as a VOT in regards to getting out of a trade?
EpicBeardedMan said:
As for the comment about english not being my first language, im typing on a cellphone and am not too concerned about capitalization, call it lazyness if you want. Imagine if people came on forums to have grammar checked as instead of finding out information. If you got the jist of my post why even bother being a grammar nazi? Adds nothing to the topic.

Leave Godwin out of it, please. You have been around here long enough to know we ask for proper grammar and capitalization. A simple, ''Sorry, this is the best I can do, I am on my cellphone'' would have gone over much better than the lead balloon you just tried to float. All I saw was a simple assumption made by another that was based on what you posted.

Back to the topic at hand, please.

EpicBeardedMan said:
Anyway, does anyone know if ROTP would be considered the same as a VOT in regards to getting out of a trade?

ROTP is not an option for you as a Reg Force member.  Look up things like UTPNCM or CEOTP which you can do.  I don't know about CEOTP but a UTP candidate has to met several requirements one of which is being a substantive Cpl.