Lare said:Not only that, but morally, do you think it wise to waste the CF's time, money, and possibly take the spot from someone who actually wants to make a career of the trade you use to get in?
Now hear this....from a guy who remustered
The military, in its infinite wisdom, has created programs for people to change occupations. While there are no guarantees of success, people can apply for these programs if they so desire. The CF has placed certain limitations so that it gets at least some form of acceptable return on its initial investment. In doing so, the CF has decided it worthwhile to retain valuable members by allowing them to continue in another MOS rather than see then go out the door completely.
Since the CF has created these programs, it logically follows that the CF expects people to take advantage of them.
I joined as a field engineer in 1993 because nothing else was available. I knew from day one that i wanted to be in the air force and if the opportunity came up, i would apply for a remuster. I guess that you now find me morally reprehensible. My trade was closed "out" until 2003. I sucked it up and finally things opened and i put in my papers the day of my QL6A grad parade in Gagetown. I suppose that, for you, i took away not only a spot in the trade but also a valuable spot on a senior course.
Joining the CF on the hopes that you may remuster early on is stupid. I say it to everyone. I say it because i know what happens first hand. I learned it the hard way.
But if a guy joins, does his time and works as hard as anyone else, he/she didn't take up anyone's place and didn't waste the CF's time and money. If the CF didn't want him/her to remuster, they wouldn't have created programs for it to happen. You can take your morals and your soapbox and go preach somewhere else.
Got it ?