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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

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MJP said:
ROTP is not an option for you as a Reg Force member.  Look up things like UTPNCM or CEOTP which you can do.  I don't know about CEOTP but a UTP candidate has to met several requirements one of which is being a substantive Cpl.

I'll look into it, thanks for the info.
I was wondering if some people could send me some VOT memo examples. I have a horrible way with words and something to jump-start my brain would be very helpful.

P.S. Yes, I've searched many times, and not just on this site. But I could be blind...
Quick and easy guide to writing any memo:

Para 1:  The Ask.  What result do you want from writing this memo?

Para 2: The History.  Background information (short and to the point) that provides the context for The Ask.

Para 3: The Logic.  Why The Ask makes sense.  Facts & figures that can demonstrate why The Ask is in everyone's best interests.

Para 4: The Emotion (optional).  This is where tugging at heartstrings comes in.

Para 5: The Ask, again.  "And so, in conclusion, I am requesting..." (or words to that effect.
dapaterson said:
Quick and easy guide to writing any memo:

Para 1:  The Ask.  What result do you want from writing this memo?

Para 2: The History.  Background information (short and to the point) that provides the context for The Ask.

Para 3: The Logic.  Why The Ask makes sense.  Facts & figures that can demonstrate why The Ask is in everyone's best interests.

Para 4: The Emotion (optional).  This is where tugging at heartstrings comes in.

Para 5: The Ask, again.  "And so, in conclusion, I am requesting..." (or words to that effect.

This is a great post. The only things I could add are to make sure your reasons include how it helps the military as well as you and include all relevant references.
Tony Manifold said:
Quick and easy guide to writing any memo:

Para 1:  The Ask.  What result do you want from writing this memo?

Para 2: The History.  Background information (short and to the point) that provides the context for The Ask.

Para 3: The Logic.  Why The Ask makes sense.  Facts & figures that can demonstrate why The Ask is in everyone's best interests.

Para 4: The Emotion (optional).  This is where tugging at heartstrings comes in.

Para 5: The Ask, again.  "And so, in conclusion, I am requesting..." (or words to that effect.

This is a great post. The only things I could add are to make sure your reasons include how it helps the military as well as you and include all relevant references.
You mean, like he already said in Para 3?
Yeah, pretty much. I must have read it differently the first time I read it. Either way it's a he'll of good post that could use another bump.
Well here are some answers for you.

As someone mentioned - you cannot go UTPNCM because you are not a substantive Cpl in the occupation to which you have been transferred into.  Whether you were a QL5 Cpl in your former occupation or higher  does not meet the requirement.

You cannot OT to another occupation.

However, if you have done research into your current occupation - let's say you are doing some OJT and don't like it or you find out your training will be 2 years from now due to zero course loadings  you could inquire about a reassignment.  The problem with this is that there are not a lot of occupations currently open so if you put in a memo requesting a reassignment and nothing is open you could ultimately be initiating your own release.

Earlier in a post I believe you were referring to your contract starting - are you talking about you having a Restricted Release Date for Combat Engineer because that clock (3 yrs) doesn't start ticking until you have successfully completed training.

If you need to see a BPSO and your unit wants to know why then I would tell them you want to know more information about Academic Upgrading so as to reduce the chance of you becoming an outcast.
It seems to me that your issue isn't that your trg has been delayed, but that your fiance is not with you and you are living in the shacks.

Have you thought about requesting thru your CofC to live out, and having her move to Gtown area with you? 

If you did request and get a reassignment to another trade, you would likely end up living in again, and waiting for your initial occupation trg, again...
As an aside in the meantime, I'm wondering if the upcoming ration fee changes are now playing a part in the OP's situation - & if so, how many others.  Sounds like living out might be something to consider.  :nod:
I'm currently a Master Seamen collecting Spec 1 pay. I was thinking of remustering to Air Weapons Systems Tech. I'm assuming they have spec pay as well. So I know I get bumped down to Corporal when I remuster, but do I lose my Spec pay immediately and lost my MS pay? Or do I just keep my pay as is until I'm a higher rank in my new trade one day.
Because it is a VOT,  I am under the impression that you will be paid as a Cpl,  not at the prior rank/appointment.

I would assume you would loose Spec Pay,  if the new trade gets Spec Pay you would get it when you qualify for it in the new trade. Example - after QL5(or what ever it is).
Yup...VOT will means reversion in rank and pay.  Cpl, Standard Group, IPC 4 is likely what you'd be looking at.  It would be effective the date of your OT.

If you were AWS, you'd get Spec again after QL5, but your IPC calc for Spec would start the day of your OT as well. 
From CBI 204.03(6)
With the exception of non-commissioned members transferring directly to the Electrical Technician, Flight Engineer, Marine Engineering Artificer, Marine Engineering Technician or Non-Destructive Technician occupations, a non-commissioned member in receipt of specialist pay who voluntarily transfers to a new specialist occupation will be assigned on the date of the transfer to the Junior subdivision of the new occupation and shall be paid at the standard rate of pay until they are fully qualified in the new occupation. The date of transfer to the qualified subdivision is the date at which both the necessary qualification and rank level have been obtained.

As I read that, fully qualified would be QL5, so Eye is the Sky would be correct. Just thought you might like the Reference.
Hi all. I was hoping someone could help me out. 5 Years combat arms, and I want to go AESOP- I've been through the OT process, (paperwork, medical, met with BPSO etc...) and was told that everything was a go and that my file would be in the right place for selection boards next month. This morning, however, I was told by the same BPSO in a casual run-in that the board for AESOP actually sat last month....oops, sorry, have a nice year. http://forums.army.ca/forums/Smileys/Armyca/angry.gif Does anyone know what the hell is going on with AESOP selection? I heard they were undermanned, and have been looking forward to this transfer for 6 months now. I had everything done in time for the boards, even if they DID sit last month. sigh. How & how often are selections made for this trade? Thanks. Any incite would be really appreciated right now.
The trade isn't as undermanned as ppl seem to think however there is a significant amount of ppl who can retire in 30 days, so...but as it stands now, the TES #s are pretty decent.  That being said, Winnipeg is still running courses.

As far as I know, VOT selection happens once a year, generally in the Jan-Feb timeframe.

I'd start by contacting your PSO shop to confirm (1) that your COTP file was complete (2) what date your COTP application/file was fwd'd to and received by D Mil C, and (3) ask if the PSO shop can confirm with D Mil C folks the date Selecton Board for AES Op sat; "after" your file was received, or before and confirm that your file was/was not made avail to the Board.

In short, get some official answers before going any further.  Casual comments won't stand up to much and hard to take to your CofC for possible resolution *if* something went off the rails.

I could guess at the Board composition and how it is conducted, but that wouldn't have much value. 
I'll start by saying that I have long been a quiet reader of these forums and this is my first post. As my subject implies I am an Able Seaman, marine engineer that very much would like to get into a combat arms trade (ideally infantry or armoured). I would have gone this route when I originally enlisted if not for the fact that I was a V4 at the time. Now, after laser surgery I am a V1 and I am otherwise physically up to the task. My problem is that I don't know if this is a realistic aspiration at this point. I see a lot of guys coming the opposite way (there are quite a few ex-infanteers in my trade) and I am worried that the combat arms are downsizing rather than taking new recruits. My trade's status is complicated; we have a severe shortage of technicians (LS-MS) but an overabundance of mechanics (OS-LS). If I don't get out of this trade soon (before they make me go on a tech course) I might be stuck. I've seriously considered applying to CSOR, but I think it would make a lot more sense to go infantry first - if they're hiring. Does anyone have some insights as to whether any combat trades would be open or not? Thanks in advance for any help.
1.  Check the 2013 CANFORGENs, the FY 13/14 Annual Voluntary Occupaton Transfer Program (AVOTP) competition message just got put up last week.

2.  Read CFAO 11-12.  Understand it, it is the policy for Reg Force NCM Remuster/OT and will tell you if you meet the requirements and what the requirements are.

Also, even if your trade is RED, 0.5% is allowed to OT out every year.  As for if Inf and Armd are taking OTs this year, not sure and as of late last week, I wasn't able to find the SIP for 13/14 with the interal #s.  And...if you want to apply for AVOTP and meet the requirements detailed in the CANFORGEN and regs, your CofC can't say "no". 

* I think the 13/14 AVOTP message said "all trades are open for OT in" but...am not 100% certain. 

** the Officer VOT Competition message is up as well for those interested.