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Voluntary Occupational Transfer ( VOT )

  • Thread starter Thread starter wackymax
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I would think it is more centered around the policy for doing ACS for pilot...can be done again after you fail, how long must you wait, etc?

That is a questions for the folks who keep seats warm in the flight compartment or some of our friendly MCCs/Recruiters.
No offence , and since I am entering first as an NCM what you are doing doesn't impact my trade or selection so correct me if I am wrong;

What you are doing is accepting a job you don't necessarily want just to get you to a point where you can then change your mind and enter a new job? How this looks to me, and I may well be the only one seeing it this way so again no offence but if my opinion pisses you off so be it.

You're not only taking someones on position in ROTP, BMOQ, but youre taking a position as an ACSO. In. My mind that seems like you are willing to affect three groups of people - from ROTP applicants, folks waiting for BMOQ, and someone who wants the job in ACSO. It appears very selfish, though I can understand your desire to be a pilot. And insult to injury you are doing all this for "another crack" at a test you have failed once before. In terms of fairness to people who are in air crew selection if you get there again? I'm not saying don't follow your dreams and become a pilot. But is this right?  Seems to a new guy like me that you're taking advantage of others and the hard work it has taken to get you to where you are.  If you go in with that attitude. And motive.

I could grossly be misunderstanding that. I ask for your patience in that case
McD said:
No offence , and since I am entering first as an NCM what you are doing doesn't impact my trade or selection so correct me if I am wrong;

You aren't even sworn in/been offered a position yet.  What is "your trade"? 


And insult to injury you are doing all this for "another crack" at a test you have failed once before.

You mentioned you are interested in the AES Op trade.  So if you got in as a Direct Entry AES Op - Jr, and failed one of the 22 exams involved in the training before you even get a training flight in, should they turf you? 

For the record, I am on my THIRD trade/MOC in the CF.  OTd in Feb '07, and OTd again in Mar '09.  And guess what?  I am extremely happy in my trade.  I am motivated, I am productive, and I want to be here. 

I could grossly be misunderstanding that. I ask for your patience in that case

I am thinking that your train of thought is alilttle overboard.  Everyone gets 2nd chances in life.  I am sure you'd of appreciated it if for some reason, you goofed your CFAT and had to rewrite it at a later date to qualify for the trades you were interested in, wouldn't you have?

I sorry guys my interpretation was that this gentlemen was taking a job he didn't want just to keep moving in the process and then pull the plug and remuster last minute.

As I said caorrect me if I am wrong ,  or in the wrong, because I want to be wrong in thinking that.

Everyone deserves 2nd chances, and then some, I'd never say anyone isn't entitled to that Lord knows without 2nd chances I'd be cooked  bacon by now - moat people would be I would think.

Marlborough, if I misunderstood what you're saying  I am sorry.

The foot is in the mouth boys.  But when I did read that I thought it was a "take what I can get ". I didn't give you the benefit of the doubt that I should have. Apologies for that. 
I can see McD's view although not agreeing. 

The other way to look at it is that marl has put getting into the military as the priority rather than waiting and hoping to get the trade he would really like down the road.  Nothing wrong with that as long as he puts full effort into the offered trade while employed in it.

Now if he had said something like "I am only taking the offer so I can get a retest for the trade I want and then if I fail the test again I am quiting the military" I would agree with McD.
Thanks for the replies everyone,

I assure you I've considered the problems with what I'm doing and decided that this is the best course of action.

I decided, after doing a tour of CFB Shearwater with a current ACSO, that I would be happy in that trade.  However, I would rather be a pilot, and therefore will continue to pursue that job while I have the opportunity.

The military will now pay for my school, allowing me to spend my saved up money on a private pilot's licence and retry the flight simulator test (the requirement being 1 year wait and the upgrade of your pilot's licence... I had no licence to begin with so I'm just required to get one).

No offence taken or anything McD, I think this was just a misunderstanding and I hope you can understand my choice now.

Your situation is quite similar to mine. I have all along wanted to become a Pilot in the CF like yourself, and recently I accepted an offer for ACSO. In the end my dream is to become a Pilot though, much like you. The differences between you and I are that I accepted an offer for ACSO because I did not score high enough in my "military potential" to be selected for Pilot for ROTP this year.  The second difference between us is that I passed aircrew selection.

I've done some searching and asking and it seems that before you start your occupational training you can definitely apply for a VOR to a different trade. However, to VOR to Pilot you need to have passed aircrew selection already. I'm not exactly sure of when you can try to remuster after you have completed your occupational training though as I've heard answers from all over the board. My file manager told me I could not try for remuster to Pilot until my 10 year contract is up, however on this site I've read(or at least thought I've read) that any time after you are fully qualified in your trade you can try. Because of these two opposite answers I am confused and hopefully someone can help. I also have a question about remustering with regards to obligatory service; do you have to complete your obligatory service (mine would be 5 after graduation) before you can try to remuster? Or is it after you're fully qualified (which for ACSO would be 2-3 years after graduation)? Or do I actually have to wait until my 10 year contract is fully up to remuster like my file manager says? Thanks in advance.

Edit: As soon as I posted I realized my questions shouldn't actually be in this thread. If there is a problem with having those questions here let me know and I'll gladly post under one of the OT threads. Sorry.
I think it would be ridiculous if you had to see out your full 10-year contract before trying to re-muster.

It's bad news for me if you have to have passed aircrew selection before being able to re-muster, but perhaps I can get sent there again this year once I complete my PPL...

I think I will just give it a shot and hope it works out.  I don't even know who I'll be talking to because I assume it won't be the recruiting centre anymore.
......sorry to hi-jack here, but as someone who is thinking of going ASCO, what's wrong with that trade? 
I have spent a good while searching the OT section of these forums and have gotten mixed ideas.

I'm currently in Meaford on a holding platoon waiting for the last course to start (which is actually going to be going on in Gagetown) and then after that there is no more training until Infantry re-opens. My question is. I want to change trades to AC Op which is in high demand right now. Because the trade is in high demand and infantry is closed is there a better chance of the change of trade to happen?
It is not a VOT until you are qualified, but a BTL reassignment. ltmaverick recently posted the BTL Reassignment quotas for 2010-11. Do a search and you should find it. Cheers!
Recently there was a SVOTP (Special Voluntary Occupational Transfer Program) open to Infantrymen who were QL3 qualified.  I believe files/applications for the SVOTP were due back in mid April timefame, however it might be worth a read, althought probably not applicable.  Link below.  Note, AC Op was not one of the Air Force trades listed in the SVOTP.



It is possible it *might* be easier to get a MOC Reassignment out of Infantry now as the trade *may* still be overstrength.  Only a PSO or Recruiter would have accurate info on that.

If you aren't QL3 qualified yet, you may request a MOC Reassignment.  You should try to get a copy of CFAO 11-12, which deals with MOC reassignments and OTs for Reg Force NCMs.

My advice is to talk to your Chain of Command about it.  You'll need them involved anyways, as this would involve both your CoC and the PSO (Personnel Selection Officer) types.

As with any MOC, your CFAT scores would have to be reviewed to make sure you qualified for the AC Op trade.  As well, AC Ops have to have an Air Factor of 4 I believe, which would likely  involve a trip to see a MO for aircrew medical that AC Ops do.  In short, you would need to meet any/all requirements for entry into the AC Op trade (stating the obvious to you probably).

Hope that helps some.

* CFAOs are not avail on the Internet at this time, and I don't believe it is posted here complete on the forum.  Your immediate superiors should be able to get a copy of it printed for you.
Hi Folks,

Well, did some searching and actually did not find exactly the info I was looking for so maybe I can post a few questions below and some of you can aid me.
I'm in the Reg force in the signals branch (10years) and looking at a VOT to 00129 Veh tech. I'm civi qualified as a lic mechanic so I can presume that a PLAR will be required.
Does anyone know if the sign bonus is still available for this trade?
I'm  wondering if it would be the same procedure to go Reg or Reserves? From past reading it looks like if I can find a unit that will accept me I could possibly OT quicker and the release section will handle this?
I was always under the impression that it can take up to a year as your present trade has to let you go and the new trade has to accept you.
Any insight on all this would be really appreciated.

The more thinking I do and the more reading of these forums I do, the more I realize the chance of me getting into the infantry or at least a combat arms position any time soon (ie April) is slim to none. I am just wondering what trade would be the best to join if I plan on re-mustering into infantry whenever it becomes possible in the future.

I have some experience in Air Traffic Control and Aerospace Controller is open now.
Other then that I would want to stay in the army so Sig Ops, EOT and LCIST are open.  Of these trades, which would be the easiest to re-muster to infantry as I realize the trade you are leaving must have too many people and infantry the one i want needs to be short on people.

I am assuming Aerospace Controller is not a very good choice seeing as the training is quite extensive and in depth so why would they want to lose someone who is already trained.

Just wondering what people think.

I would strongly advise that anyone considering joining in one occupation, in the hopes of eventually remustering to another- don't. There are simply no guarantee that you will ever successfully remuster and you risk being a giant pain the the rectum to your chain of command in the meantime.

Join or don't- but be happy in your choice.
I definitely understand where you are coming from but at the same time who knows when infantry or other combat arms positions will open. With troops being pulled out of afghanistan I'm sure there is a huge surplus of guys in all combat arms positions so it could be years before I'm able to join. Sure some spots could open come the new fiscal year but i'm sure there are already alot of people that have completed their interviews and medicals etc and are awaiting spots to open.

Guess this raises another question, what are everyones opinion on exciting/interesting trades in army if you couldnt go combat arms.
I'm curious, why aren't you still an air traffic controller? You probably could/could have stayed there, made good money, and when the time comes, then join the CF.
I tool commercial aviation at the University of North Dakota with a minor in Air Traffic Control. I applied for and got accepted by Nav Canada and went through training with them.  I was sent to a Non radar air traffic control sector for specialty training and had problems. Wasnt able to finish the training. I was extremely good at radar control but had problems wrapping my head around non radar.  Seeing as i didnt have a choice on the specialty I went to I didnt make it through specialty training.

Infantry has always been a dream of mine or at least a combat arms trade but as i said, who knows how long its going to be before I can get in. Besides that, I've been around the military my whole life. Both parents were aeroengine techs for 20 years and I was in Air Cadets. I love the structured lifestyle and more importantly I love the comradery so any trade would be worthwhile but i also dont want to sit back and wait for infantry to open and before i know it I'm 35 years old and it finally opens. (exageration i know)
SeaKingTacco said:
I would strongly advise that anyone considering joining in one occupation, in the hopes of eventually remustering to another- don't. There are simply no guarantee that you will ever successfully remuster and you risk being a giant pain the the rectum to your chain of command in the meantime.

Join or don't- but be happy in your choice.

Not only that, but morally, do you think it wise to waste the CF's time, money, and possibly take the spot from someone who actually wants to make a career of the trade you use to get in? If you absolutely have no intention of remaining in a trade any longer than you absolutely have to, then whats the point? Both for you, and more importantly, the CF?

Either choose another trade you would be happy to spend the rest of your career in (remusters are not a guarantee anyway), or suck it up and wait it out.