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Vision Questions Megathread, Categories, Problems etc.

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I do wear both glasses, and contacts. But my question is in regards to unaided vision... can they fire me if my vision goes into V4 with unaided vision?
BestodaBest said:
I do wear both glasses, and contacts. But my question is in regards to unaided vision... can they fire me if my vision goes into V4 with unaided vision?

If you do not meet the medical standards for your occupation then you can be released medically or if you do meet the medical standards for another occupation you may be allowed to transfer to that occupation.
Hi i have a question.  ( sorry my english is not very good )
I post for medical technician, my file is open at the recrutment center.
But i had a question about my eyes.  I heard that for this carrer you need to have a special driver license.  Here at quebec it's number 4 for urgency transports.  I can't have this license at civil ( because my eyes )  but is it the same test for the army ?  At recruitment center they can't answered me.  They said wait for your medical test they will tell you there. And if its true so choose another carrer loll  But i don't want to loose my time you know ? 
A brief answer to a couple of questions:

1.  If you no longer meet the minimum medical category for your trade than that could be basis for release.  Most people just transfer to another trade, or get eye surgery.

2.  Med techs can be V4, no special drivers license required.

Some interesting reading material:

Minimum medical categories (by trade)  http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/policies/med_standards/pdf/engraph/cfp154_annexEappen1-2_e.pdf

Vision categories http://www.forces.gc.ca/health/policies/med_standards/pdf/Engraph/cfp154_annexAappen_e.pdf

I don't know if I'm putting this in the right place............ It's not really en enrollment medical issue as it as an OT medical issue. I know about the categories for vision, but what determines whether you fall into 1, 2, 3 or 4?  My med docs say I am a 3 (minimum requirement) for a crewman.  However, when I joined, the doctor that gave me the eye test told me "You are at the extreme edge of qualifying for 3, if your eyes get any worse, you will fall into category 4 and will have to be medically OT'd" 

This meant nothing to me at the time. However, now I'm looking into getting an OT and I've had a few eye examinations in the past 6 years. My eyes have in fact gotten worse. The number was -5 or something to that effect......... but my docs still say my vision is a 3. I have high index glasses and mild astigmatism in my eyes. Is there any chance (I haven't had a full medical since 02) that despite going for new eye appointments and getting new glasses, my numerical category wasn't changed?

I'm asking because if I fall into the 4 category, I'll end up getting a medical OT given to me regardless of the fact I want one anyhow. Hope someone can answer my query.
reccecrewman said:
Is there any chance (I haven't had a full medical since 02) that despite going for new eye appointments and getting new glasses, my numerical category wasn't changed?

That is very possible.  Your current (latest) eye wear prescription is suppose to be added to
your file.  That doesn't mean the category is updated automatically each time.

If I remember correct when I enrolled the medic took the book out and showed the that you fall from V3 to V4 at the +/- 2.75 mark.

This sucks for me cause I am -3.00 in one eye and -3.25 in the other eye...
Hello all,

    To start things off, I'd like to give some background, as I find it helps!  I've been in the CF (PRes) just under two years now, and have had my fair share of employment, etc. etc.  I am employed in a V4 trade, and when I was enrolling originally, I'm pretty sure that I just barely squeeked in.  I have a cataract in one of my eyes, and had to produce a note from an optomitrist saying what exactly the cataract amounted to.  Knowing what I know about how serious the cataract is, I really think I just got by - although I never received any information about employment limitations, etc.

    I am applying for ROTP now, after two years in university, and am somewhat worried about going through the medical process again.  I'm afraid that I might take the vision category test again (even though nothing with my vision has changed in the last two years, and I'm applying for another V4 occupation), and this time not only fail to get accepted into ROTP, but be medically released from the CF.  I guess my question is, what are the chances of all of this, and two, this will likely hurt my ROTP chances for a competitive trade regardless, oui?

Likely paranoia on my part, but I was looking for some insight (ah, terrible pun!) into all of this. 

Thanks for your time!

I had the same worry when it came to my medical for a Component Transfer from the Res to Reg, staying in trade.

What I did was get a copy of the standards for medical categories (what puts you in what category, you can find it on this site if you search), bit the bullet, and paid for a test by a civvy Optometrist, and got her feedback. She said she saw me in a V4. Then I did the medical for my CT, and my Cat remained unchanged.
I know that likely the reality will be simply going through with it, and either getting canned, or getting into ROTP - all or bust, eh?

Then there is the bit about an annual medical in the RegF - eee, so stressful!

I really love being in the CF, and the last thing I want to do is face a release after getting this far.
The real question is... can you see /  or can't you?

If you cannot - why are you going thru this in the 1st place
If you can - don't sweat it.  You'll get the medical results & if there is a problem, address the darned thing at that time.
Well, I wish it was as objective as that.  To answer the question directly: yes, I can most definitely see out of both eyes.

I've been driving (starting in AB) since the age of 14, practicing marksmanship with a rifle since the age of 12, and doing all sorts of other odds and ends that you do in the CF on the day-to-day.

That said, the eye with the cataract is quite hazy.  That said, it has not hampered my work in the V4 environment, nor has it ever hampered me in life, being involved in many team sports, etc. outside of the military.  That said, I know that the CF is generally quite hard and fast about, well, everything - so I'm just a bit worried about something I've been working at for the last two years directly, and working towards my whole life.
IntlBr said:
Then there is the bit about an annual medical in the RegF - eee, so stressful!

The complete medicals for the RegF are every 5 years under 40, and (I think, I'm not there yet!) every 2 years over 40.  You see an optometrist every 2 years or as needed (if you feel your prescription has changed and need new glasses).  You can even skip the optometrist, if you don't think you need new glasses, as far as I know. 

If you only enrolled two years ago, your info on your file may be enough by itself.  It will depend on what the medical folks think when they read your file.
exgunnertdo said:
If you only enrolled two years ago, your info on your file may be enough by itself.  It will depend on what the medical folks think when they read your file.

I came across this issue actually. The enlistment medical and it's categories, as far as NDMC is concerned, are only valid for 2 years.
IntlBr,You live with this condition 24/7 so I'm not going to insult you by telling you to get it fixed. There's probably complications you don't want to go into here. I'll just say that my kids had a similar conditon and was told that there was nothing they could do about it until it ripened. We were in Manitoba at the time, we flew back to Ontario and got a second opinion and had the surgery done. It might not be as simple in your case, but keep in mind that cataracts only get worse over time never better.

As for me I'm a V4, I used to stress about the medicals as well but after 20 + years I think I've only had it done 4 or 5 times and it usually involved standing behind the masking tape on the floor and reading the chart with one eye covered nothing fancy.
My condition is congenital, and for a long time, I have wanted to have cataract removal surgery.  Unfortuantely, some of the doctors I have seen feel that as my life hasn't been impacted negatively, that I do not require the surgery.  Of course, they're not the ones living with it!

I suppose I could try and get all of the things lined up for a surgery a month or two before I'd sit the medical aspect of the ROTP application.
I suppose a good follow-up question is:

Would I have been notified if I faced employment limitations, or is that something my CoC would have heard, and not me?

I'm just curious, as if I have no limitations, I'm a lot less worried about getting in the second time.
If someone has determined that you are unfit or limitedly fit... you'll be notified right quick
Hey all,

I went searching for visions info but all the posts were years old :/

Im just wondering if youd think id be ok for infantry. I have a 'slight' vision problem where i see a tad blurred far sighted. I can still see people, polls and even netting from 100meters away or more. Near sighted (10 meters) i can see with minimal damage. I have glasses but barely need them since i only would need them for overheads at school (says my eye doctor) im in grade 12 and i want to join in a couple years. BTW, with glasses i see perfectly fine from far away. I have a minor stigmatism in one eye which makes my vision like it is. (When i first got my glasses, i saw slanted a bit. Normal with stigs). Do you think id be fine? (V3+?) And are glasses allowed for infantry? (Like special built sunglasses/protection things?)

Thanks for your time.