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Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter maple_leaf_forever
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I remember my recruiter,capt Lutz (Sp?...can't understand why that name stuck with me over the years) told me not to ever quit.She said she seen a lot of people strolling back in after realising their mistake.Everyone has their moments and say/do stuff they don't mean.Be prepared for the question "why won't you quit this time".Make them realise you made a mistake and are planning on soldiering on.

Good luck.

p.s With whats happening in our army today,I can't see one mistake like this making it impossible for you to get in.
1. My reasons for VR have been resloved and weren't medically related (I'm 100% healthy)... Are my chances of getting re-accepted good? on the aptitude test I qualified for all NCM trades/ medical and physical were no problems. Yes after you wait another four months before you can reapply.

2.. How will the process be different for me the 2nd time around? Faster/slower than normal... hopefully faster I want to finish what I started asap. Should be faster.  The delay may be in getting your old documents.

3. Will I have to redo the aptitude test? I did it like 7-8 months ago.  No.

4. Will I be given a new service number? No.
NJL, I made the EXACT same mistake as you did. I had to wait a few more months after the 6 month probationary period for my medical file to get back from St-Jean, but I now have an interview on the 29th...I hope I can get in for a December course but I won't complain if I slip into a January one. I made a HUGE mistake and felt like putting my balls in a vice...Don't quit this time man.
what the hell is a VR? I cannot find it in the acronyms or anywhere else!
just make sure this is what you want to do ........ but it seems like it is so good luck  in your career by the way what trade were you applying for ? just in case i had missed it
Guinness said:
what the hell is a VR? I cannot find it in the acronyms or anywhere else!

As I have said before not an "official" acronym - "New guys" acronym for 4C Voluntary Release - on Request

Thanks guys for the replies and info.... my trade was/is RMS Clerk second choice was Trafic Tech ... and yes the military is definetly my career choice (my step dad retired w/35 yrs of service- so I have a great source of info) .

Looking back now it's hard for me not to "kick myself in the butt" everyday for VRing (when I was VRing I actually asked my instructor if I could reapply in the future which he said yes), seeing your platoons grad picture online (with you not in it) makes it even harder.. but I keep reminding myself it was a great learning experience(will help me train better/harder) and it should make my return to my next BMQ course (which I can't wait for) alot easier (knowing what to expect/living it before).

One of the one main factors that lead to me VRing wasn't that I found it too hard or that I wasn't in good enough shape (cuz for the most part I actually enjoyed the PT), it was..... a lack of sleep (like 1-2 hrs/night). I know that it sounds like a silly factor but not sleeping can/did lead to other problems mental/physical fatigue (I would forget directions to places I had just visted the day before) and stress build-up... I know sometimes sleep is a luxary in the military which I can accept and deal with, but before I went to BMQ last time I should have gotten into the habit of going to bed early (11) and getting up early(5) instead of what I was doing which was the total opposite (late and late)... I figured it would be easy to adjust, it wasn't.. so I'm gonna start getting in the habit now (get up at around 5 and work out/bed by 11) for my next BMQ course.

I'm not sure if others feel the same way, and it sounds kinda 'corny" but since returnning from BMQ I almost feel like I could write a book with all my BMQ memories/stories (mostly good and some bad) ... it was unlike anything I had done before; I can't wait to return and finish what I started.

Good luck to all those who are starting their BMQ soon... remember to train hard, stay focused, work together and enjoy the experience.     
You will not have to redo the aptitude test unless you didn't meet the cutoff for whatever trade you are going for the next time. The score stays with  you forever, as does your service number.  That'll never change.  Yeah, you have to wait six months after the date of release to be eligible to reapply, but that gives you time to reflect and decide if that's what you want to do.  Just a tip, the trades you had before (RMS and Traffic Tech) are pretty tough to get into so a good time to reapply would be around the change of the fiscal year when the recruiting numbers increase and there are more openings.  Good luck, and remember, your whole military career won't be the same as basic training. You just need to tough it out those weeks. Just think, you'll have that many more good stories to look back on!  ;D
(muffin) Don't worry someone will make sure you get to do it again and that everyone goes easy on you. We wouldn't want to stress you out or make life difficult. Someone will undoubtedly make it fast and easy for you to get right back in there and do what you are destined for. :) Good luck. What element are you applying for?

corrected for typing error *gasp* tg I'm not an RMS clerk
NavComm, I can't tell by your post if you're being sincere or if your mocking me... if your sincere thanks for the comments but by no means do I want/need a easier ride than any other recruit (I know I'll pass BMQ when I returned, cuz I'll be better prepared phys/mentally)   but I would like to get back to BMQ asap... I'm normally great at dealing with stress/ stressful situation.. but not sleeping can compond stress/ fatigue issues (it's a proven fact), which I now know all to well, and I will use this info in helping me prepare/train so I can avoid/ deal with it when I returrn to BMQ.

Armychickenlittle, thanks for the answers... I was told that my applitude test score qualifies me for all trades... I know I gotta wait the 6 months (only 3 left) to reapply... I've defiently deceided that military is my career choice( I knew the day after I returned home and haven't thought different since... When I was decieding wether to VR or not  everyone (platoon mates/family) around me was saying the same thing about how it's only a few months and it will be different after you're done BMQ... which in my head I knew (I live in CFB Greenwood,NS/step dad retired MWO after 35 yrs in/ lots of friends in CF.. so I know/experienced alot of the military life) but at the time I was being stuborned and my mind was made up. Looking back I wish the instructors would've given me more time than a day to change/make my mind (maybe like a week) about VRing cuz even the day of my VR I was having major second thoughts but I figured the process had already been started so I went through with it  (I even asked the instructor if I'm able to reapply). Like I said previously BMQ was unlike anything I've done before, and was (for the most part/except for VRing) a great experience to meet some cool people/ do some great things. Even though PAT platoon sucks I got to meet some cool people there too, so it wasn't all bad.
NJL said:
but not sleeping can compond stress/ fatigue issues (it's a proven fact), which I now know all to well, and I will use this info in helping me prepare/train so I can avoid/ deal with it when I returrn to BMQ.

I certainly hope that whatever you do to prepare yourself, that you never forget it.  Not sleeping well, irregular sleeping patterns, and not sleeping at all are facts of life well beyond BMQ. If you cant get over it , and get over it fast......find a new line of work
cdnaviator said:
I certainly hope that whatever you do to prepare yourself, that you never forget it.  Not sleeping well, irregular sleeping patterns, and not sleeping at all are facts of life well beyond BMQ. If you cant get over it , and get over it fast......find a new line of work

Ya dude you may as well wipe all that stuff from your mental "hard drive"; because if it was an excuse once.....it'll be an excuse again.

cdnaviator, I understand that sleep can be a luxary in the military and that irregular sleep patterns are part of the job and I can accept that.. even now sometimes I only get like 4 hrs/night. Like I said previously my step dad was in the airforce for 35 years as a Flight Engineer so I've heard all about getting a few hrs of sleep a day/ getting up and going on trips overseas a different times during the night... I know that I can deal with and enjoy that kind of lifestyle
NJL said:
I know that I can deal with and enjoy that kind of lifestyle

Well then....why the need to VR in the first place.........to me, you COULD NOT deal with the lifestyle.
spud, I hear what you're saying but you're wrong... it (VRing) won't happen again.
NJL said:
it (VRing) won't happen again.

What exactly have you done to corect your problems ?

I'm sorry if this is going to sound harsh but your reason for VR'ing was lame.......and please, spare me the "my dad was AF for XX years" speach...you are not your dad...you have no idea.
cdnaviator, your right maybe at the time I could deal with the change in lifestyles (civy to BMQ)... that's why I'm gonna do a better job of preparing for it next time... anyways like others have said BMQ is only a few months and after that (depending on trade/element) ones day-day military career can be totally different than BMQ...  
NJL said:
ones day-day military career can be totally different than BMQ...    

You are correct.......BMQ is way easier.......

You never answered my question....what are you doing to prepare yourself ?