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US Election: 2016

cupper said:
If it does come to pass that enough faithless electors cause Trump to drop below the 270 threshold, and this goes to the House, their choices are limited to the top 3 names that the electors voted for.

You're high if you think that would happen.  As stated, there have been 7 thus far: 3 in states where it's not allowed and the voter is removed and the votes "fixed" and 4 in Washington.  The four in Washington were:
3 for Colin Powell
1 for Faith Spotted Eagle of South Dakota.

And they all ran from Clinton.  Of course, it was the Russians.  ::)
It's official.  Now you can stop fantasizing about an electoral college revolt.  Or whatever.

Edit to add:
In Texas, 2 electors voted for someone other than Mr. Trump: one for Mr Kasich and one for Ron Paul.



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Technoviking said:
You're high if you think that would happen.  As stated, there have been 7 thus far: 3 in states where it's not allowed and the voter is removed and the votes "fixed" and 4 in Washington.  The four in Washington were:
3 for Colin Powell
1 for Faith Spotted Eagle of South Dakota.

And they all ran from Clinton.  Of course, it was the Russians.  ::)

If you are going to cast aspersions of substance abuse, at least provide the full context of the quote.

cupper said:
The chances of any of these scenarios coming to pass is slim to none.

But I do agree with the point that Drugs may be necessary to get through the next 4 / 8 years.  ;D
Rifleman62 said:
Look on the bright side, only four/eight more years starting in January then the heavens will unfold with Chelsea Victoria Clinton as the first woman POTUS. ;D

I'm looking forward to the 2028 version. Trump vs Clinton:The Next Generation. Ivanka vs Chelsea.

How's it going?  Beer's tasting pretty good.

Guessing it will still be fine 4 years from now.
The fact that about 3,000,000 more Americans voted for his opponent is, legally speaking,  irrelevant. I hope they accept that fact.

But, as a non-voting spectator, I wonder if the resistance / demonstrations / protests / riots / traffic delays etc. and police overtime to contain and clear them will continue?

Hopefully there will be no violence or property damage, and our First Responders will be safe!

[quote author=cupper]

But I do agree with the point that Drugs may be necessary to get through the next 4 / 8 years.  ;D

Got crayons?    ;)

But I do agree with the point that Drugs may be necessary to get through the next 4 / 8 years.  ;D

Here's another option for you: ;D


Lisa Edelstein: Alan Thicke died to escape Trump presidency

TV actress Lisa Edelstein is facing online backlash after tweeting a joke about the recent death of actor Alan Thicke.

“RIP Alan Thicke. Seems like everyone is checking out before the Trumpacolypse,” the former “House” star tweeted to her 93,000 followers.

P.S. I am surprised this wasn't posted before by someone whose been preaching the end of the world.
mariomike said:
The fact that about 3,000,000 more Americans voted for his opponent is, legally speaking,  irrelevant.
I would say statistically irrelevant too since estimates are half of the some 319 million Americans didn't even bother to vote.
Rifleman62 said:
P.S. I am surprised this wasn't posted before by someone whose been preaching the end of the world.

Congratulations! You beat me to it.  :)

Jarnhamar said:
I would say statistically irrelevant too since estimates are half of the some 319 million Americans didn't even bother to vote.

If they had bothered, it would have been 6,000,000?  :)
I read something a while ago that looked at the vote efficiency of each candidate, or the number of wasted votes, votes in excess of the majority to win in each district or state.

Clinton wasted 10 million votes, while Trump only wasted 8.5 million.

It puts into perspective one of the issues with the Electoral College system of voting. That being not all votes count, rather than every vote counts.
Rifleman62 said:
mariomike: .....

Look on the bright side, only four/eight more years starting in January then the heavens will unfold with Chelsea Victoria Clinton as the first woman POTUS. ;D

Negative.  First woman POTUS: Ivanka Trump.  You heard it here first. 
I would not be surprised if the Democrats play it safe in 2020, and run an African-American male.

Obama got 365 Electoral votes in 2008, and 332 Electoral votes in 2012.

Trump got 304 Electoral votes in 2016.


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mariomike said:
I would not be surprised if the Democrats play it safe in 2020, and run an African-American male.

Obama got 365 Electoral votes in 2008, and 332 Electoral votes in 2012.

Trump got 304 Electoral votes in 2016.

And you thought Trump would be bad for the country.  ;D

Oh, and your facts must be wrong because Trump had the biggest electoral college win in the history of the United States, and had the biggest margin ever in the popular vote if they didn't count all those millions of illegal votes cast for Clinton.

It's all true because it was on the internet and we all know you aren't allowed to post lies on the internet. twitter is another story. ;D
As a conservative, this is the dilemma that I see:

The GOP is at its peak, but conservatism has hit rock bottom

By Michael Gerson Opinion writer December 19 at 7:45 PM Washington Post

It is one of fate’s cruel jokes that conservatism should be at its modern nadir just as the Republican Party is at its zenith — if conservatism is defined as embracing limited government, displaying a rational, skeptical and moderate temperament and believing in the priority of the moral order.

All these principles are related, and under attack.

Conservatives believe that human beings are fallible and prone to ambition, passion and selfishness. They (actually, we) tend to become swaggering dictators in realms where we can act with impunity — a motor vehicle department office, a hostile traffic stop, a country under personal rule. It is the particular genius of the American system to balance ambition with ambition through a divided government (executive, legislative and judicial). The American system employs human nature to limit the power of the state — assuming that every branch of government is both dedicated to the common good and jealous of its own power.

Conservatives believe that finite and fallen creatures are often wrong. We know that many of our attitudes and beliefs are the brain’s justification for pre-rational tendencies and desires. This does not make perception of truth impossible, or truth itself relative, but it should encourage healthy self-examination and a suspicion of all forms of fanaticism. All of us have things to learn, even from our political opponents. The truth is out there, but it is generally broken into pieces and scattered across the human experience. We only reassemble it through listening and civil communication.

And conservatives believe that a just society depends on the moral striving of finite and fallen creatures who treat each other with a respect and decency that laws can encourage but not enforce. Such virtues, often rooted in faith, are what turn families and communities into the nurseries of citizenship. These institutions not only shape good people, they inculcate the belief that humans have a dignity that, while often dishonored, can never be effaced. In the midst of all our justified skepticism, we can never be skeptical of this: that the reason for politics is to honor the equal value of every life, beginning with the weakest and most vulnerable. No bad goal — say, racial purity or communist ideology — outweighs this commitment. And no good goal — the efficiency of markets or the pursuit of greater equality — does either.

So how do we get this set of beliefs and commitments when they seem in short supply? It is hopeless to demand results from an organic process — to order the grass to grow faster. But this type of conservatism — a conservatism of intellectual humility and moral aspiration — also has the advantage of being organic. It grows with tenacity in hidden places, eventually breaking down the cement and asphalt of our modern life. It appeals to people who would never call themselves conservatives — who probably wouldn’t use words like “nadir” and “zenith” — who provide examples of hard work, personal responsibility, unfailing decency, family commitment, quiet faith, inspiring compassion and resilience in adversity. They are the potential recruits of a humane political conservatism.

This is not the political force that has recently taken over the Republican Party — with a plurality in the presidential primaries and a narrow victory in November. That has been the result of extreme polarization, not a turn toward enduring values. The movement is authoritarian in theory, apocalyptic in mood, prone to conspiracy theories and personal abuse, and dismissive of ethical standards. The president-elect seems to offer equal chances of constitutional crisis and utter, debilitating incompetence.

The plausible case that Russian espionage materially contributed to the election of an American president has been an additional invitation to anger. Now, not only the quality but also the legitimacy of our democracy is at stake. This extreme threat would seem to require a commensurately radical response — some way to change the outcome.

But what is the proper conservative response? It is to live within the boundaries of law and reality. There is no certain way to determine if Russian influence was decisive. And no serious constitutional recourse seems to remain. While open to other options, I see none. It will now fall to citizens and institutions to (1) defend the legislature and judiciary from any encroachment, (2) defend every group of people from organized oppression, including Muslims and refugees, (3) expand and defend the institutions — from think tanks to civil liberty organizations — that make the case for a politics that honors human dignity. And pray for the grass to grow.


if conservatism is defined as embracing limited government, displaying a rational, skeptical and moderate temperament and believing in the priority of the moral order.

That doesn't define conservatism - that defines liberalism - as Gladstone would have defined it, and Laurier would have accepted it.

Just because Lloyd George co-opted the Liberal party for the socialists, until the real socialists of Labour forced the liberals into the Conservative party does not make liberals conservatives.

And as for the GOP being conservatives - they are not so much conservatives as they are non-progressives.

Rifleman62 said:
Look on the bright side, only four/eight more years starting in January then the heavens will unfold with Chelsea Victoria Clinton as the first woman POTUS.

QV said:
First woman POTUS: Ivanka Trump. 

As long as we are speculating into the future, what if the Democrats run an African-American for president, in 2020?

It worked out well for them in 2008 and 2012,

Electoral votes

Barrack Obama in 2008 365

Barrack Obama in 2012 332

Prohibited from serving third term.

Ivankas's father 304

Or, Michelle. If she changes her mind about the job. In 2020, Barack would still only be in his fifties. They would have 16 years combined experience as President and First Lady.

I would have replied in the 2020 thread, but there was no prediction as to when  America will have its "First woman POTUS".

cupper said:
Oh, and your facts must be wrong because Trump had the biggest electoral college win in the history of the United States, and had the biggest margin ever in the popular vote if they didn't count all those millions of illegal votes cast for Clinton.

It's all true because it was on the internet and we all know you aren't allowed to post lies on the internet. twitter is another story. ;D

There's an app for that!

Washington Post automatically inserts Trump fact-checks into Twitter
Chrome plug-in comes 6 months after Trump revoked Post's campaign press credentials.

[quote author=mariomike] what if the Democrats run an African-American for president, in 2020?


No way, shit's getting real. As long as the Presidency is now about race and gender they have to pull out all the stops and run a Transgendered Native American who was adopted and is in a serious committed relationship but not tied down by patriarch marriage ideas.