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US Election: 2016

Rifleman62 said:
The media via it's bias reporting has whipped up a frenzy of hate.
I know it's a stretch, but some  people have the ability to form opinions independently of the evil media conspirators.  This is generally done by actually listening to the politicians and reading what they write/post, then thinking about it.

It will be a different world, and I think for the better under President Trump.

Quit spamming.
There are generally two options if you dislike what others post: a) offer an informed, contradictory post, or b) don't read the thread.  Otherwise you're...... well, you're spamming.

ps - "it's" is a contraction for "it is"; "its" is already a possessive without an apostrophe.
Rifleman62 said:
The media via it's bias reporting has whipped up a frenzy of hate. It is NBC/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/Washington Post/NY Times problem as they created the hate.
Is this like the sentiment around some social media saying, "You know, there wasn't so much racism when there wasn't a Black president"?  Shared in a way sorta-kinda suggesting it was the Black president that caused the racism?

Just askin' ...
He wasn't a black president; he was half white with dark skin. ;D

It wasn't that I did not like the other post, it is that the US election is over and we now proceed forward or backward, depending on you opinion.

Years ago an old soldier told me something like: CO's (RSM's) come and go but the Regiment lives on.
Never said he wasn't born in the US. IMHO he will go down in history as at least one of the worst or the worst.
Chris Pook said:
140 character tweets - and elevator pitches - efficient governance.
Because it contributes such a range of debate and depth of nuance, right?  ;) 
North Korea may have some (#?) nukes - has missiles (cfmd range?) -- bombing could piss off China.  Leader unstable, but in firm control.
Some issues can be summed up this way, but to use a parallel example, what kind of decisions could I make based on a Twitter summary of a cancer diagnosis?  Sometimes, good ones.  Others, maaaaaaaaybe I need more informaion.

I like to think some leaders can handle a bit more complexity than 140 characters, so we'll have to see how this goes with #POTUS45.
Rocky Mountains said:
Requesting recounts would be truly odd.  Only New Hampshire would be in play and it's tiny.
So a system one candidate consistently said was rigged from the start of the campaign is beyond question because the candidate making the allegations won?  Sounds good to me - I'm sure it would have also worked this way if the other candidate won, right?
Gab.ai has a 300 character limit.

There is little doubt that the Legacy Media is totally rigged (in the words of one candidate), simply examine which issues received heavy rotation in the news cycle, and which news items were ignored and ask "who did that favour?

The real issue for the purveyors of Fake News is people are on to them, and have tuned them out as sources of information. While one might ask how well the various replacement sources work, I suspect that the real driver was the simple disconnect between the reporting ("Recovery Summers" and low unemployment) vs the reality of limited employment opportunities and stagnate or declining wages. The deliberate underreporting of the negative effects of Obamacare must also have rankled (people losing their doctors and the health care coverage they had already secured, the ever escalating premiums and the sharp limiting of choices, among other factors), and the various "challenges" to domestic and international security being brushed away with a "nothing to see here" approach to reporting.

Since experience and word of mouth by trusted neighbours and friends was providing a totally different worldview, and one which resonated with the campaign themes of one candidate, it is hardly a wonder that Fake News lost big in this election. Judging by what is pn screen these days, it seems the Fake News networks have not learned a da***d thing from all of this.
Thucydides said:
Gab.ai has a 300 character limit.
Might give me a slightly better summary of a cancer diagnosis, but for anything that complex (including in government), sometimes you'll still need more.
Thucydides said:
Since experience and word of mouth by trusted neighbours and friends was providing a totally different worldview, and one which resonated with the campaign themes of one candidate ...
And, as can be seen on social media, it's also that much easier to screen out sources (including not talking to/listening to people saying things) that don't fit in with one's world view ... #ConfirmationBiasRulz! #InfowarsMustBeAllTrue

Meanwhile, HERE'S something intriguing from #POTUS45
US president-elect Donald Trump on Friday said he was considering imposing a lifetime ban on US military procurement officials going to work for defence contractors, a move that could dramatically reshape the defence industry.

Three days after publicly rebuking Boeing over the cost of the next-generation Air Force One presidential aircraft, Trump floated the idea of such a ban at a rally for Republican supporters in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

“I think anybody that gives out these big contracts should never ever, during their lifetime, be allowed to work for a defence company, for a company that makes that product,” Trump said. “I don’t know, it makes sense to me.”

He added that he “got the idea yesterday” as he thought about “massive” cost overruns for military equipment but needed to “check this out” first before making any decisions.

Trump said such a ban would make “a big, big difference because the purchasing in this country is out of control, for everything, not only military” ...
In theory, a decent idea.  That said, given the power of the building-stuff-for-the-military lobby, let's see how long this stays up the flagpole with people saluting ...
President-elect Trump is signalling his opening positions and playing to the masses who support his "drain the swamp" theme.

Considering there is a report which suggests the Pentagon could save $125 billion over the next five years simply by streamlining a lot of "back end" processes and eliminating lots of civilian contractors there is more than a little to what he is saying.

As President, he could have all his cabinet secretaries apply the same methodology to every Federal department and agency, potentially saving $500 billion or more over the same period. Taking away incentives for spending is a great way to drain the swamp, and spending cuts of this magnitude also make the proposed tax and regulatory cuts much easier to achieve as well (less spending means needing less money, cutting bureaucrats and contractors to manage the regulatory state makes streamlining an imperative).

Still and all, President elect Trump is causing a great shakeup of the establishment before he even gets sworn into office. I can only imagine how things will go once he actually has his hands on the levers of power.
Some folks make their living out of writing - and get paid by the word.  Others enjoy the infinite range of possibilities that are indulged by the cornucopia of vocabulary that the myriad dictionaries of the modern anglo-saxon tongue and its variants present and the opportunities afforded to debate the choice of bon mot, sui generis, or even to manufacture novel verbiage in its entirety.  Conrad Black comes to mind for some reason.

Often all that is required is a succinct, Yes!, No!, Get Stuffed! or even Nuts! - and an occasional "Action this day!"

Government - Debating Society or Executive Office?

Oh, and on the subject of vocabulary and tone -

Please explain the difference between the educated charge of "racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, mysogynistic"  and Archie Bunker's "commie, pinko fag" - aside from the target and the number of syllables.

President-elect Trump's challenge will be the same one that confronts every president upon taking office no matter the magnitude of their victory. The US system is designed to prevent any one person from having too much power. He can not change a law or a spending programme or the direction of the ship of state without congressional agreement. Even though the Republicans hold a majority in both the house and the senate, they are not going to follow in step automatically, especially if to do so would jeopardize their reelection prospects. Furthermore the Supreme Court is a separate and equal branch of government designed to keep the president and the congress in line.

No number of 140 figure rants is going to change that.
Trump attended the Army-Navy game to chants of "Make America Great Again ". Proud to finally have a man in the Oval Office that is respected.

tomahawk6 said:
Proud to finally have a man in the Oval Office that is respected.

It's great that his fans respect him.

I just know what I read in the US papers,

Trump Is the Least Popular President-elect in Modern American History


Here in Canada,

Also, a lot in the news about Russia and the US election,
Just because you're the selfie King and loved by the masses, doesn't necessarily translate into being an effective leader. 

I don't have to look any farther than the  :backpedalling:  gang running the monkey show on Parliament Hill to satisfy that suspicion in my eyes.  I don't think they could organize a great gang bang in a whore house if their lives depended upon it.

Mr. T might be despised, but that doesn't mean he won't be a good POTUS at the end of the day.
One of the problems with draining the swamp is that once you get that done, all that you are left with is the muck at the bottom. While there are some cabinet picks that might be good for their departments, the majority seem questionable. Far from being respected by his base (much less the country as a whole) it strikes me that he's starting to worry many of the people in Congress whose support he's going to need.
