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US Election: 2016

Biden lives in a taxpayer supplied residence and has a security detail 24/7.Its not as grand as the Queen's digs but her Guardsmen while on duty are not charged rent in the Guard Room.
tomahawk6 said:
Biden lives in a taxpayer supplied residence and has a security detail 24/7.Its not as grand as the Queen's digs but her Guardsmen while on duty are not charged rent in the Guard Room.

The Secret Service has to pay rent for a Vice Presidential guard duty at Biden's place? I assume the same is for the President and anyone else that has their services?
The difference may be when the person being guarded has a private residence. Biden has a home in Delaware and he owns the house next door which he is renting to the Secret Service for $2200 a month.In the case of Trump the agents guarding the Trump Tower will be leasing a floor there. The Secret Service also reimbursed Trump for the airfare of their agents that rode on Trump's plane.
cupper said:
Or billing the Service for airfare to travel with him?

The FEC requires all campaign travelers to pay the candidates campaign for travel on their aircraft. Campaign travelers include the media and Secret Service. It was enacted to ensure there was no appearance of corruption. The reimbursement is paid to the candidate's campaign and not the candidate. The Clinton campaign also received millions in reimbursement.



kkwd said:
The FEC requires all campaign travelers to pay the candidates campaign for travel on their aircraft. Campaign travelers include the media and Secret Service. It was enacted to ensure there was no appearance of corruption. The reimbursement is paid to the candidate's campaign and not the candidate. The Clinton campaign also received millions in reimbursement.




I'm not questioning the legality of it. It's the optics of it that is the problem. And if the price is inflated significantly above the real cost such that he is profiteering then that's a bigger problem.

It will be interesting to see his reaction when presented with his first bill for living in the White House. He is expected to pay his own living expenses, including food and incidentals. The only time he is not required to pay for them is when it is direct government business such as state dinners.
cupper said:
And if the price is inflated significantly above the real cost such that he is profiteering then that's a bigger problem.

It will be interesting to see his reaction when presented with his first bill for living in the White House. He is expected to pay his own living expenses, including food and incidentals. The only time he is not required to pay for them is when it is direct government business such as state dinners.

Is there evidence of profiteering?

I am sure he is used to paying for his own growlies.
On the "Mad Dog Appointment," I just HAD to share this one with the crowd here (source)


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tomahawk6 said:
Biden has a home in Delaware and he owns the house next door which he is renting to the Secret Service for $2200 a month.In the case of Trump the agents guarding the Trump Tower will be leasing a floor there.
It it's already happening, then what's good for the goose is good for the gander, optics notwithstanding.
ModlrMike said:
Because we know how accurate the polls were on Brexit, and Trump.  >:D

On the other hand, The Washington Post ( December 7 ) reports, "no incoming president in history has ever lost the popular vote quite so badly."  :)

If you factor out the illegal voters,Trump may have won the popular vote as well.There has been irregularities in California,Nevada and Michigan where each ballot cast for Hillary was counted 6 times.The full depth of the fraud wont be known until after the investigation.
tomahawk6 said:
If you factor out the illegal voters,Trump may have won the popular vote as well.There has been irregularities in California,Nevada and Michigan where each ballot cast for Hillary was counted 6 times.The full depth of the fraud wont be known until after the investigation.

Is there any actual proof of this ?  I hear it all the time by the sources never seem to come up with proof.
tomahawk6 said:
If you factor out the illegal voters,Trump may have won the popular vote as well.There has been irregularities in California,Nevada and Michigan where each ballot cast for Hillary was counted 6 times.The full depth of the fraud wont be known until after the investigation.
If there was this much alleged fraud, and with all his warnings during the campaign, interesting that Trump doesn't seem to want recounts.
>On the other hand, The Washington Post ( December 7 ) reports, "no incoming president in history has ever lost the popular vote quite so badly."

That's similar to the "biggest spending government ever" tripe.  CA has been trending more Democratic for a long time, and accounts for most of that popular vote gap.  We should expect Republican presidents to continue to do poorly in the popular vote if CA remains large and continues to grow bluer.
Looks like bad news on the recount front for Ms Stein:

Judge's ruling ends vote recount in Michigan

A federal judge who ordered Michigan to begin its recount effectively ended it on Wednesday, tying his decision to a state court ruling that found Green Party candidate Jill Stein had no legal standing to request another look at ballots.

...Stein, who finished fourth in Michigan on Nov. 8, didn't have a chance of winning even after a recount and therefore isn't an "aggrieved" candidate, the appeals court said.


I'm inclined to agree with this outcome, and the judge's interpretation. It should surely be a reasonable expectation that a recount appellant has a reasonable chance of victory subject to the recount.

Now we get to watch Democrat supporters lose their minds for the second time?  >:D
Clinton Leads Trump By 2.6 Million, Margin Grows As Votes Continue To Be Counted

The unprecedented protests suggest Trump has inspired a popular resistance that will haunt his entire presidency.  :)
The media via it's bias reporting has whipped up a frenzy of hate. It is NBC/ABC/CBS/MSNBC/Washington Post/NY Times problem as they created the hate. Same happened to Harper. It will be a different world, and I think for the better under President Trump. Canada, especially Ontario better watch out because Trump will not put up with amateur hour in Ottawa/Toronto. Canada seems to be lurching to oblivion with it's stupid liberal thought process e.g. carbon tax. The loonie is going to tank which supposedly our exporters will welcome but all Canadian consumers will pay the price for vehicles/electronics/fresh friuit & vegs to subsidize the exporters.

The CBC had an article the other day stating how much Canadian consumers will have added to their food bill this year, blaming it on Trump of course. Enough already. He is the POTUS now as elected by the US system. Trudeau doesn't have a majority either. Quit spamming.


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Rifleman62 said:
It will be a different world, and I think for the better under President Trump.

As a Canadian, I find that very comforting.  :)