It is pretty cut and dried. You sign the dotted line, you make a commitment. Like a marriage, or richer or poorer, in good times or bad.... As a soldier (no matter how much or how little TI) doesn't t get to pick and choose with war to fight in. You get set where your told. I hesitate to use the "c" word but if he had problems with actually engaging in combat, then he could have become a medic and helped his fellow soldiers.
I think this is a prime example of an individual rights superceding the collective. As I said somewhere else, the group is more then important then individual, but you see more and more that isn't so anymore. How can any true soldier abandon his fellow teammates.
Why did the peckerwood come to Canada instead of Mexico. My guess is we speak English and have a high standard of living. Another sign of his character. He could of hid in Mexico easier.
But this is Canada, and we do have a refugee policy (as well as immigration - separate issue). It is not up to the individual customs officer etc to evacuate his claim. We, also being a free country has process of law. And before anyone jumps in, the goal of refugee status is good, its the execution that is flawed (We actually do believe in "taking in your huddled masses). Once his refugee status is refused (I seen it for less and dis happen before), then off to the border he goes.
My politics tends to be left of centre, so I do not believe in the leftist conspire theories. I do believe in one doing ones duty, especially if you volunteered for it.