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Truth Duty Valour

Mike Bobbitt

Staff member
Directing Staff
Reaction score
Here‘s a plug for an upcoming series on the CF. Looks like they‘ve done a good job of focusing on the accomplishments of our soldiers and not the steady decline of the CF due to political neglect. We alredy know how bad it is, hopefully this will show us how the military is coping (successfully?) with the situation.


The premiere of the exciting new military television series, Truth Duty Valour, begins this coming Saturday (03 January 2004). Produced by Colin Mckeown with Associate Producer Stephanie Matteis for the Outdoor Life Network, this is the first series solely dedicated to the Canadian military.

Each episode profiles the intense training & competition the military undergoes to maintain operational readiness for deployments overseas. The first episode of the season is about the Royal 22nd Regiment, commonly known as the Vandoos, who are training for their forthcoming deployment to Afghanistan. Their training takes place in Fort Drum, NY, at the military facility known as "Sim City". Fort Drum features a town built specifically for Urban Warfare training, which is one of the most difficult, intense and dangerous jobs in the military.

The broadcast times to follow. Many thanks to the talented team who created TDV & the Canadian military that made Truth Duty Valour possible! Read more about the series at the TDV website at: http://www.truthdutyvalour.ca
I hope it helps instill some sort of sense of Canadian pride in the electorate...and not the idea that the endless cuts are "OK" because "we‘re handling it". I‘d rather it instilled some pride on how good our soldiers actually are, and showed how little they are recognized for this...
All i watch is the womans network.
Makes me a better soldier.
Anytime i see an unshaven guy yelling i want to go over and kick him in the balls. Makes me AnGeRy InSiDe.
Unfortinuatly anytime i see a dead puppy on the side of the road i break down in tears.

Persoanlly i would rather have a big spotlight single out where the problems are and those responsible shamed (or pursuaded) into leaving.
I‘m going to watch it regardless though thanks for the notice.
Good post Mike...I‘ll be sure to watch it.
Just watched the Van Doos. Not bad. A couple of things caught my eye. I liked it when one of the guys shoved the cameraman aside when he was in the way during FIBUA. Noticed the aimpoint sights on some of the C8‘s. Liked the paintball M-16‘s they were using. Uncertain of the stats when showcasing the arms though, listed the max eff. rge of the C8 as 2350m. Pushing it a bit eh?

Not a bad show, enjoyable.
Here‘s the official schedule:


21:30	21:00	20:00	19:00	18:00	17:00
01:30	01:00	24:00	23:00	22:00	21:00

07:30	07:00	06:00	05:00	04:00	03:00
17:30	17:00	16:00	15:00	14:00	13:00
Here‘s the episode guide:

Truth Duty Valour!

Here are the thirteen shows for the first season:

1. Urban Warfare - R22R (Vandoos) in Fort Drum New York preparing for their forthcoming Afghanistan deployment.

2. Naval Boarding Party - Sailors from various ships doing the basic Boarding party Course in Esquimalt. Highlights from operational boarding party evolutions are included.

3. Mountain Man Challenge - Annual 32km Mountain Man Challenge held by 1 Brigade in Edmonton involving PPCLI, 1 Field Ambulance, Service Battalion and Transport. Heavy emphasis on Army physical fitness standards and Army occupations.

4. Pilot Survival Training - The air force SERE training is highlighted in this show taped in Springer Lake Manitoba. Very intense show.

5. Cadet Obstacle Course - We follow four young cadets at RMC as they go through their final week before being "badged" by their squadrons. Show includes daily routines, profiles on officer occupations and highlight is the obstacle course and final parade.

6. Mountain Operations - 1 PPCLI soldiers are taught the basics of mountain operations in Canmore Alberta.

7. Clearance Diver Training - We follow a group of young sailors as they try to pass the Clearance Diver Prelim course. The Navy diver occupation is highlighted throughout this show, both ship divers and clearance divers, with the differences explained.

8. Tank Challenge - The annual CAN-AM Tank Challenge is profiled in this show that sees the Strathconas and their Leopard tanks going against the US Army National Guard and their M1A1 tanks in both Wainwright Alberta & Boise Idaho.

9. Damage Control - Naval Officers who are going through the two-week Damage Control school in Esquimalt are taped as they face the challenges of fighting fires and stopping flooding in the new advanced trainer. MARS occupation is profiled in this show.

10. Tactical Chopper Training - Pilots going through the TACHEL training course in Gagetown. Both day and night training are emphasized and how Griffon helicopters are used by the Army for recce and insertion operations.

11. Snipers - The annual Sniper Concentration is highlighted as we follow a team of snipers through this training event. Focus is put on their specific training, field craft and weapons. Recent achievements of snipers in Afghanistan are highlighted in this show.

12. Fighter Pilots - We follow a group of young CF18 pilots as they train for Low Level Bombing at Cold Lake Alberta. They discuss the intense training they receive, information about their aircraft, how they support ground troops and other operations, and about special "G" training they do to help them deal with the effects of G forces.

13. Para Course - The training of young soldiers as they go through the basic parachuting course at Trenton (CPC). Also included is a segment on the Sky Hawks elite skydivers and their appearance the SARS/Rolling Stone concert in Toronto.

Unfortunately it is 6:30 est Saturday and the show never aired. Anyone know if it will be shown again? I really wanted to see the episode.
yea it showed at 4pm EST, the same episode re-airs on tuesday at 8pm EST, GREAT SHOW! a must watch.
I found it quite informative for the general public, with all the little tidbits of information on several weapons (where‘s the C6?) and training techniques. Should be a good eye-opener to Canadians who watch it.

I got up at 6:00 AM just to see it, then went back to sleep for a few hours. :warstory: ...I‘ve been on holiday too long...
It‘s on Saturday @ 0300 & 1300 PST on Shaw Ch.44.
Channel 49 Shaw Digital in Vancouver. Bumping to remind those it‘s on tomorrow :)
Its a shame I will miss some of the later episodes...I don‘t know about other units but we aren‘t allowed to watch TV at work, and its hard to be tactical with a portable television and generator running in an OP in the field :p
Ladies & Gents,

The viewer response to the premiere of Truth Duty Valour was so overwhelming that OLN has changed it‘s airing dates. Now the series will be seen six (6) times a week effective January 9th, 2004. Here are the new times (Eastern Standard Time):

Wednesday‘s @ 21:00 & 01:00
Saturday‘s @ 05:00 & 16:00
Sunday‘s @ 18:00 & 22:30

Many thanks to all the people in the military, especially Public Affairs, who truly helped to make this show such a resounding success!


Colin McKeown
I‘m asuming that the new schedule means they‘re playing each episode not once, not twice, but thrice?
