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Truth Duty Valour

my buddy is in the basic para one, can‘t wait to see his ugly mug on the TV so I can record it and sent it to him.
Recently Colin McKeown, Producer of Truth Duty Valour invited me to his office to talk about the much anticipated second season.

Mike: A lot of folks I've talked to have seen some or all of season one. Given that many readers are already familiar with the series concept, what will they find new about season two?

Colin: Quite a bit actually. First, we have much better technology than last year. The cameras we're using provide better quality shots, and we have some interesting new gadgets. Helmet cams, boot cams and cameras capable of filming underwater to name a few. The camera crew are also more experienced and we're able to do things like dolly shots and POV shots to enhance the experience. This translates to a much more professional look and feel compared to last season.

<img src="http://army.ca/img/tmp/tdv_int_1.jpg" align="right">The downside though is that while we're barely into second season shooting, we've already sustained over $5,000 in damaged equipment. The total loss last season was $8,000 for comparison.

Technology wasn't the only thing we've changed though. We're also trying to make the episodes more interesting by creating some continuity with the people we're filming. So instead of simply filming a company on exercise, or a particular course serial, we focus on a few individuals in that organization and follow them throughout the duration of the show. This gives the series a much more personal feeling. We typically try to select different types of individuals where possible. For example, in an episode about deploying overseas, we may pick a Reg Force Sgt. who's "been there, done that," and a Reserve Pte. who has never been on tour to provide as much variety as possible.

We've also tried to inject more history and background into the episodes. In the Pathfinder show, instead of just describing what the Pathfinders do today we trace their history back through to their origins. The intent is to give the viewer more context for the events they're watching.

Mike: It's been said that TDV isn't always well rounded in it's coverage. For example there was little or no Reservist representation and it seemed that Western Canada stole the spotlight last year.

Colin: It's true, last year we did spend a lot of time out West. That was primarily due to the fact that we had a better relationship with the CF out West than anywhere else in the country. This year however we've managed to build up a much better rapport with the other headquarters which translates into pretty even coverage. We also have two episodes that are devoted to the Reserves, who were admittedly not well represented last year.

Mike: Speaking of "rapport" how has your relationship with the CF been to date? Any differences between this season and last?

<img src="http://army.ca/img/tmp/tdv_int_2.jpg" align="left">Colin: Definitely. Last season there was a lot of suspicion and hesitation, especially on the part of the Army. I think soldiers were reluctant to go in front of the camera because they didn't know how we would portray them. After seeing last season, things have changed a lot. People know we're not out to make them look bad or change the context of what they're saying. We try to focus on the positive, and edit out anything that seems like it would be inappropriate to air.

I think as a result of seeing how we portray things, this season the Army has been a lot more open and cooperative, from the top to the bottom. I believe that's going to translate into better coverage for them in the end.

This season, you'll be happy to know, the Army gets a bit more coverage than the other components. While the Air Force and Navy have lots of interesting things on the go, many Army activities lend themselves to this type of series. That is, more action oriented and less technical or equipment based in general.

Mike: Focusing on the positive aspects of the CF is likely a contributing factor to the show's success. Can you point to any other factors that you feel have made TDV so popular?

Colin: I try to remain faithful to the CF. I try to capture what they do, how they do it, and why we should be proud of them. And we should be proud of what they accomplish, given the resources they work with. They rely on skill, training and dedication - not kit - to get the job done.

Mike: What have your biggest challenges been in putting the show together?

Colin: It may sound odd, but mandatory leave has been a problem for us. Under this system, many soldiers are taking their block leave at the same time, usually in the summer. That forces a lot of training into the September-November time frame, which is a scheduling challenge for us. A lot of what we want to cover happens concurrently or in rapid succession. That doesn't leave us a lot of time to shoot an entire season of episodes and makes for a very busy shooting schedule.

<img src="http://army.ca/img/tmp/tdv_int_3.jpg" align="left">It's also a challenge to make sure we're technically accurate, within available timelines and budgets. For example I've seen stock footage of an F16 inserted during a segment on CF-18s, or a shot of someone firing the M72 while the voiceover discussed the Carl Gustav. That type of thing is going to be spotted immediately by an audience like ours. A lot of military shows let this type of detail slip past, but having a military background helps me identify some of the obvious inaccuracies.

We also have an SME review the final cut for some shows, to make sure it's technically sound. For example we've invited a Capt. and a Sgt. instructor from the Pathfinder's course to review that episode. Granted, they'll be viewing the final cut for technical accuracy and suitability, not for artistic input, but I think it helps create a more realistic and seamless show in the end.

Mike: How much work goes into producing a single episode?

Colin: It varies from episode to episode, but generally we shoot 25-40 hours of video for each show. [Colin backed this up by showing me a stack of about 35 hours worth of tape for the Pathfinder episode.] We then have to distil all that footage down into a one hour show, which generally takes about 10 days of editing.

Mike: What does the episode list look like for season two?

Colin: Here is the full episode list:

Army Combat Divers
<img src="http://army.ca/img/tmp/tdv_int_4.jpg" align="right">Op Celebration (Medic Competition)
HMCS Naniamo (Navy Reserves)
Non Combatant Evacuation (NEO with PPCLI)
SAREX (SAR Tech Competition)
Exercise Stalwart Guardian (Army Reserves)
HMCS Ville De Quebec (with SNFL)
Sea Kings (onboard HMCS Athabaskan)
TALEX (Hercules Low Level Sustainment Drops)
Jungle Warfare Training
Training for Afghanistan (RCD/CER/RCR)
Aurora (War on Terrorism - Italy)

Mike: Sounds like you have some interesting topics lined up this season. What have your personal favourites been so far.

Colin: By far the Pathfinders. Those guys are hard core! But the Medic competition was also very cool. Very realistic, having to deal with scenarios from drunks to wounded soldiers with their guts hanging out.

Mike: Ok, I'm hooked. When does the new season start?

Colin: The exact date is TBD, but look for us in early January on Outdoor Life Network. The first episode covers Op Celebration, the Medic Competition.

Mike: I know the second season hasn't even aired yet, but do you have any long term plans for a third season? Or beyond?

Colin: Well that depends on a lot of things of course. To be honest, I don't see us going beyond four seasons in total regardless of what else happens. Anything more than that and I believe we would run out of good, solid content.

Mike: What other projects do you have in the works? Anything Army.ca visitors may be interested in.

Colin: Actually yes. I'm working on a couple of concepts that I believe will hold a lot of interest for Army.ca visitors, but unfortunately it's too early to provide any details.

Mike: I guess we'll have to save that for a future interview. Keep us posted, and thanks for your time.

Note: To read an interview conducted with Colin regarding TDV Season 1, click here.
Glad to hear there will be a second season.  Nice work Mike.
Sweeeet 8) I love this show, but I'm getting pretty bored with season 1, so season 2 will be good
Sounds like I'll see the crews out again for the "Training for Afghanistan" filming during OP Athena mission specifc training end Nov.
NICE so glad to hear there is going to be a second season thr jungle warfare sounds mighty interesting well done on the interview :salute:
I take it he shot down :sniper: my "what are they doing after" idea? :-[
Bruce, we're stuck in that boring spot between vets who fought for our freedom and those still serving. :)
They were filming my Sea King course during dunker training as part of the Salty Dip/Maritime Helo ops episode.  Too bad I did the course back in June and they wouldn't pay for me to do the dunker again. I could've been famous! The boys said that they had a fancy underwater camera and the guy wanted to film inside the trainer during one of the runs.  He wasn't qualified to use the emergency air bottles so he just held his breath.  What happened next is the exact reason why we do the dunker course. After the trainer rolled over upside down, he got disoriented and couldn't get out, he dropped the camera and headed for the bubbles, which is the wrong way to go after you turtle in a helo. The divers had to rescue him. If it was the real deal, he probably would have drowned. Kind of an eye opener for him and us wrt to the dangers of our job.

Many who frequent this board have complained that they missed many of the first season episodes of Truth Duty Valour. Well CBC's digital network (Country Canada) has just picked up the series and will begin airing it as of Saturday 5th of March.
Here is the link in their website for the series: http://cbccountrycanada.ca/TruthDutyValour.html

Hopefully more news on additional broadcasters in the next few months.
Thanks for watching and keep those suggestions coming for episodes we can consider for season three!

Colin McKeown
Truth Duty Valour
Newflyfisher  just wanted to say that I really enjoy  this show . With it being moved to digital do you know if it will still be aired on normal cable ?
I just received an update from Colin McKeown, the producer of TDV:

Hello Army.Ca,

Just a quick email to let you know that a third season of Truth Duty Valour will soon begin airing across Canada. Below is the list of episodes for this season. We begin shooting season four in October and welcome ideas on themes for shows from army.ca fans. We should have firm dates on airing times in the next few weeks. Please let me know if there is more information you require.

On a personal note, the Artillery show is probably the most popular with the broadcasters!



Colin McKeown
Executive Producer
Truth Duty Valour

Season Three

301 – MCM Dive Operations
302 – Artillery
303 – NATO with HMCS Iroquois
304 – Combat Medics
305 – Joint Operations
306 – Army Reservists
307 – Urban Warfare
308 – Aurora’s
309 – Army Leadership
310 – Snowbirds
311 – Canadian Maneuver Training Centre
312 – Submarine Operations
313 – Tactical & Strategic Airlift
Damn, its good to be a Gunner. ;)

Mike Bobbitt said:
I just received an update from Colin McKeown, the producer of TDV:

Hello Army.Ca,

Just a quick email to let you know that a third season of Truth Duty Valour will soon begin airing across Canada. Below is the list of episodes for this season. We begin shooting season four in October and welcome ideas on themes for shows from army.ca fans. We should have firm dates on airing times in the next few weeks. Please let me know if there is more information you require.

On a personal note, the Artillery show is probably the most popular with the broadcasters!


Colin McKeown
Executive Producer
Truth Duty Valour

Season Three

301 – MCM Dive Operations
302 – Artillery
303 – NATO with HMCS Iroquois
304 – Combat Medics
305 – Joint Operations
306 – Army Reservists
307 – Urban Warfare
308 – Aurora’s
309 – Army Leadership
310 – Snowbirds
311 – Canadian Maneuver Training Centre
312 – Submarine Operations
313 – Tactical & Strategic Airlift
          Hey folks do any of you know when it is on ?  I live in Trenton On and I have tried to check this week TV schedule on the OLN net work web pager link that was provided in this topic but couldn't find the listing for Truth Duty Valor  would like to be able to see some of the episodes .   
I got into work tonight to find an email with the updated schedule for this season's broadcasts.  Too bad I was on days off and only got the email tonight, as I missed last nights.  From those that I've talked to that did see it, they switched it around and last nights was the dive ops.

Dear friends and colleagues,

JenCor Entertainment is thrilled to announce the third season of Truth Duty Valour!

Tune in for the season premiere this Thursday, September 27th at 9PM EST on Outdoor Life Network Canada (OLN) for our hottest new episode:  The Snowbirds. 

This series has been produced by JenCor Entertainment in association with OLN, CLT, Court TV, Historia and with special thanks to the Canadian Department of National Defence. 

There are many new airdates coming up on all our channels so please click on the attached jpg or visit our new website at www.truthdutyvalour.ca for more information.  All known 2007 English broadcast dates have also been listed below for your convenience.

Thank you to all who helped make this great, new season a reality.


Jennifer Delaney


JenCor Entertainment Inc.

6 - 1510 Stittsville Main St.

P.O. Box 59

Ottawa, ONK2S 1A2

T 613.836.8295

F 613.836.9420

The Production Offices of:

* Truth, Duty, Valour! www.truthdutyvalour.ca

* The New Fly Fisher  www.thenewflyfisher.com



*FRENCH to follow on Historia in 2008

OLN Canada

9pm EST

* Thursdays beginning on September 27

* Thurs 27 September - 310 Snowbirds

* Thurs 04 October - 302 Artillery

* Thurs 11 October - 303 NATO HMCS Iroquois

* Thurs 18 October - 304 Combat Medics

* Thurs 25 October - 305 Joint Operations

* Thurs 01 November - 306 Army Reservists

* Thurs 08 November - 307 Urban Warfare

* Thurs 15 November - 308 Auroras

* Thurs 22 November - 309 Army Leadership

* Thurs 29 November - 301 MCM Dive Ops

* Thurs 06 December - 311 Canadian Maneuver Training Centre

* Thurs 13 December - 312 Submarine Operations

* Thurs 20 December - 313 Tactical & Strategic Airlift

* check local listings for channel and time zone specifics

** local listings are subject to change without notice to the Producer

CLT (Canadian Learning Television)

* Saturdays beginning on September 15

* 8pm - Sat 15 September - 301 MCM Dive Ops

* 8pm - Tues 18 September - 301 MCM Dive Ops

* 2am - Tues 18 September - 301 MCM Dive Ops

* 8pm - Sat 22 September - 302 Artillery

* 8pm - Sat 29 September - 303 NATO with HMCS Iroquois

* 11pm - Sat 6 October - 304 Medics

* 11pm - Sat 13 October - 305 Joint Operations

* 11pm - Sat 20 October - 306 Army Reservists

* 11pm - Sat 10 November - 307 Urban Warfare

* 11pm - Sat 17 November - 308 The Auroras

* 11pm - Sat 24 November - 309 Army Leadership

* 8pm - Sat 1 December - 310 The Snowbirds

* 8pm - Sat 8 December - 311 Canadian Manoeuver Training Centre

* 8pm - Sat 15 December - 312 Submarine Operations

* 8pm - Sat 22 December - 313 Tactical & Strategic Airlift

* check local listings for channel and time zone specifics

** local listings are subject to change without notice to the Producer

Court TV

* Thursdays beginning on October 4 at the following times:

7am EST

6pm EST

11pm EST

* Thurs 4 October - 301 MCM Dive Operations

* Thurs 11 October - 302 Artillery

* Thurs 18 October - 303 NATO with HMCS Iroquois

* Thurs 25 October - 304 Medics

* Thurs 1 November - 305 Joint Operations

* Thurs 8 November - 306 Army Reservists

* Thurs 15 November - 307 Urban Warfare

* Thurs 22 November - The Auroras

* Thurs 29 November - Army Leadership

* Thurs 6 December - The Snowbirds

* Thurs 13 December - Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre

* Thurs 20 December - Submarine Operations

* Thurs 27 December - Tactical & Strategic Airlift

Court TV

* Saturdays beginning on October 6 at the following times:

7am EST

2pm EST

7pm EST

* Sat 6 October - 301 MCM Dive Operations

* Sat 13 October - 302 Artillery

* Sat 20 October - 303 NATO with HMCS Iroquois

* Sat 27 October - 304 Medics

* Sat 3 November - 305 Joint Operations

* Sat 10 November - 306 Army Reservists

* Sat 17 November - 307 Urban Warfare

* Sat 24 November - The Auroras

* Sat 1 November - Army Leadership

* Sat 8 December - The Snowbirds

* Sat 15 December - Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre

* Sat 22 December - Submarine Operations

* Sat 29 December - Tactical & Strategic Airlift

* check local listings for channel and time zone specifics

** local listings are subject to change without notice to the Producer
The dates don't seem to jive. I saw the artillery episode last week and the clearance divers this week. The production value is 10x better this season and worthy of being shown on any channel. They thankfully did away with the repetitive music of the previous seasons. They also use archive footage at times to give some subjects context and offer a much richer narrative overall.