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Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

Harper made significant cuts to the government workforce, reduced the regulatory burden and reduced taxes. Not sure how you feel he contributed to undermining society via the methods mentioned?
probably his efforts to increase business with China...
They're holding a billion or two worth of firearms and ammo.
Well judging by all the trucks I see with that sticker, they are all in the trades and you can see goodbye to the NSS timelines and getting your plumbing fixed if you do.
Much more the latter than the former. "Nice grids of wires and pipes and roads bringing produce to the cities you have running through the hinterlands; shame if they should deteriorate."
Harper made significant cuts to the government workforce, reduced the regulatory burden and reduced taxes. Not sure how you feel he contributed to undermining society via the methods mentioned?
Since this is primarily a CAF-focused forum, having the lowest budget for DND.
Since this is primarily a CAF-focused forum, having the lowest budget for DND.
To be honest, who cares at this point and time what Harper did or did not? It is time to toss Trudeau out on his ass.

Keep in mind I supported Harper Conservatives in 2004 and 2006, and then refused to do so after that.
Some thoughts as to why Trudeau isn’t about to pack it in any time soon…

Opposition parties notwithstanding. After today's caucus meeting, the only way I can see it working is if his own backbenchers either support a no confidence motion, or abstain from voting all together on it.

I think he's trying to remain in control until the last, so he can keep his ass covered. If he leaves, no telling what will be discovered about him, that he can no longer control the message about. I also think he'll take it right into election night, give a 'So long and thanks for the fish' speech, step down and do a runner. He'll use the time like Clinton, smashing servers, bleach biting his hard drives and calling in an industrial shredder.
Some thoughts on the LPC "Caucus revolt".
1. MP Sean Casey who was vocal about Trudeau needed to step down and plans to run again, looked angry and shaken coming out of the "we are a family" LPC caucus meeting yesterday and was very quick to say no to reporters;
2. Rose Mary Barton received a text from one of her anonymous sources (an unnamed LPC MP) saying they were told not to talk to media;
3. Several of the key players in the LPC cabinet got before camera and pushed "all is well, we just had to clear the air" messaging after the meeting; and
4. No clear indication or message was relayed as to what was different or going to be different.

I think in my opinion this shows more of Justin Trudeau's manipulative and narcissistic personality. It was disgusting and once again tone deaf, very badly. However I applaud his stubborn willingness to stay on as he is guaranteeing that LPC in its current Trudeau-mania 2.0 form will crash and burn very hard. Even Nik Nanos was theorizing the very slight uptick in LPC popularity this past week was most likely the idea that Trudeau was going to leave as party leader and PM. He has stated if Trudeau stays, it won't be good.
The nonsensical and empty messaging that came from the likes of Mark Miller, JP Champagne and Freeland is more about "people are upset because the economy is bad, we are a united team and defeating the big bad wolf known as Pierre P is more important...blah, blah, blah bullshit". This total lack of situational awareness is going to hammer the LPC very badly.
MPs that have spoken out and were more or less (probably) told to STFU, worship Trudeau and show a united front. Its these MPs who face a lynch mob in their own ridingsthat will most likely start doing some serious back stabbing to the LPC inner circle.
Some thoughts on the LPC "Caucus revolt".
1. MP Sean Casey who was vocal about Trudeau needed to step down and plans to run again, looked angry and shaken coming out of the "we are a family" LPC caucus meeting yesterday and was very quick to say no to reporters;
2. Rose Mary Barton received a text from one of her anonymous sources (an unnamed LPC MP) saying they were told not to talk to media;
3. Several of the key players in the LPC cabinet got before camera and pushed "all is well, we just had to clear the air" messaging after the meeting; and
4. No clear indication or message was relayed as to what was different or going to be different.

I think in my opinion this shows more of Justin Trudeau's manipulative and narcissistic personality. It was disgusting and once again tone deaf, very badly. However I applaud his stubborn willingness to stay on as he is guaranteeing that LPC in its current Trudeau-mania 2.0 form will crash and burn very hard. Even Nik Nanos was theorizing the very slight uptick in LPC popularity this past week was most likely the idea that Trudeau was going to leave as party leader and PM. He has stated if Trudeau stays, it won't be good.
The nonsensical and empty messaging that came from the likes of Mark Miller, JP Champagne and Freeland is more about "people are upset because the economy is bad, we are a united team and defeating the big bad wolf known as Pierre P is more important...blah, blah, blah bullshit". This total lack of situational awareness is going to hammer the LPC very badly.
MPs that have spoken out and were more or less (probably) told to STFU, worship Trudeau and show a united front. Its these MPs who face a lynch mob in their own ridingsthat will most likely start doing some serious back stabbing to the LPC inner circle.

Those same MPs can vote in opposition to their party in the house. Put up or shut up I say.
Some thoughts on the LPC "Caucus revolt".
1. MP Sean Casey who was vocal about Trudeau needed to step down and plans to run again, looked angry and shaken coming out of the "we are a family" LPC caucus meeting yesterday and was very quick to say no to reporters;
2. Rose Mary Barton received a text from one of her anonymous sources (an unnamed LPC MP) saying they were told not to talk to media;
3. Several of the key players in the LPC cabinet got before camera and pushed "all is well, we just had to clear the air" messaging after the meeting; and
4. No clear indication or message was relayed as to what was different or going to be different.

I think in my opinion this shows more of Justin Trudeau's manipulative and narcissistic personality. It was disgusting and once again tone deaf, very badly. However I applaud his stubborn willingness to stay on as he is guaranteeing that LPC in its current Trudeau-mania 2.0 form will crash and burn very hard. Even Nik Nanos was theorizing the very slight uptick in LPC popularity this past week was most likely the idea that Trudeau was going to leave as party leader and PM. He has stated if Trudeau stays, it won't be good.
The nonsensical and empty messaging that came from the likes of Mark Miller, JP Champagne and Freeland is more about "people are upset because the economy is bad, we are a united team and defeating the big bad wolf known as Pierre P is more important...blah, blah, blah bullshit". This total lack of situational awareness is going to hammer the LPC very badly.
MPs that have spoken out and were more or less (probably) told to STFU, worship Trudeau and show a united front. Its these MPs who face a lynch mob in their own ridingsthat will most likely start doing some serious back stabbing to the LPC inner circle.

Has anyone ever seen the likes of this situation in Canada? Any other PM in any other time would have resigned by now.

What is different this time is the foreign influence piece, or at least the degrees of it. How much does that play into him staying on?
What is different this time is the foreign influence piece, or at least the degrees of it. How much does that play into him staying on?

Depends how much the 4 other of the FVEYs tolerate it. The biggest EY allegedly has a huge file on all the compromised Parliamentarians as well as the source of action against the targeted MPs.

There is a huge sword of Damocles hanging over Trudeau and his cabal’s head…if they continue to stonewall against exposing details of China’s interference internal to Canada, I think the biggest EY will cry havoc and less loose its own political dogs of war…depending on how things go South of the border in the coming weeks, Trudeau could have even less time to sort himself out…
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Depends how much the 4 other of the FVEYs tolerate it. The biggest EY allegedly has a huge file on all the compromised Parliamentarians as well as the source of action against the targeted MPs.

There is a huge sword of Damocles hanging over Trudeau and his cabal’s head…if they continue to stonewall against exposing details of China’s interference internal to Canada, I think the biggest EY will cry havoc and less loose its own political dogs of war…depending on how things go South of the border in the coming weeks, Trudeau could have even less time to sort himself out…

It saddens me that we are at a state as a country where we might need to be rescued from ourselves by another country because our key elected leadership are acting in personal interests.