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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

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Coke, pot, both illegal.  I don't care if a politician tells the truth or not.  If he admitted use, or used and lied about it, it was illegal.  If you're going to demand one be out of office, have the decency to show some consistency in your philosophy and demand all of them leave.
Nemo888 said:

Taking pleasure in Rob Ford's misfortunes does not allow you to wallow in his predicament, no matter how you try parse the original word to suit your situation.

You're a hairline from your own epichairekakia on this same forum.

recceguy said:
Look, just stop the over the top rhetoric on every post.

No one cares about the opinion you try post as fact.

Just stop all the crap you post.

No one is listening.

We've become so used to your stuff, that if you post something, we want to see solid, vetted backup for your statements.

I'll wager you have the largest "Ignore" list membership on the board.

Just a guess mind.

The ignore function doesn't do it's job when un-ignored people quote him...just sayin :-\
And now, following the release of additional information from the ITO, Rob Ford is threatening legal action.


I think the single greatest line (in context) has to be: "I've got more than enough to eat at home"
dapaterson said:
And now, following the release of additional information from the ITO, Rob Ford is threatening legal action.


I think the single greatest line (in context) has to be: "I've got more than enough to eat at home"
I believe one the the ones he's threatening to sue is former Canadian Forces. If I recall correctly his former chief of staff Mark Towhey was an officer in The RCR.
Now I've finally got the forums search feature to work Mark has posted on this forum before.
He posted as a guest ( towhey ) approximately 10 years ago.
And in the, "No, seriously, this isn't from The Onion" department, Charlie Sheen has offered to help Mayor Ford.


If I can be of any assistance in any capacity in this media cesspool, please accept the noble offer of my steady hand and compassionate heart.

Popular gambling site Bodog.ca is offering its users to bet on the next move/fate of Ford before Dec 2013.
And the Fords will have a TV program at 2000 hrs on Mondays on Sun TV.
Old Sweat said:
And the Fords will have a TV program at 2000 hrs on Mondays on Sun TV.

I'm even more glad then ever that the CRTC turned down Sun's application for mandatory carriage.

I might have accidentally tuned into this show and gone blind.

dapaterson said:
I think the single greatest line (in context) has to be: "I've got more than enough to eat at home"
Gold, Jerry, gold!

One wouldn't want to jinx it by saying, "this CAN'T get goofier...."
X Royal said:
I believe one the the ones he's threatening to sue is former Canadian Forces. If I recall correctly his former chief of staff Mark Towhey was an officer in The RCR.

I knew him in the Patricias.

93 or 94
Yes Jim you are correct he was with the PPCLI. I have been in contact with Mark Towhey.
The RCR officer I remembered was Capt. Twohey. I think his first name was also Mark but am not sure.
It's been almost 24 years since I served with Capt. Twohey.
Perhaps the saddest part of the entire affair is that the people of Toronto electing Rob Ford actually represents a singing rebuke to the professional political class and indeed the entire "deep government" structure of all those "right thinking" people in academia, the bureaucracy, the judiciary and media who are so absolutely certain they know best how to run our lives and our society.

While the actual outcomes of education, healthcare, the state of civic infrastructure or ability for low and middle income people to be able to get actual representation in the courts is constantly declining, this cadre not only patronizingly dismisses any suggestions that they are doing a bad job but also ferociously fights for even greater access to perques and power paid for by taxpayers (like you and I).

Electing Rob Ford (and I would argue Stephen Harper as well) is a sign that the taxpayers are no longer willing to abide by the "rules" these so called elites have created. The unfortunate fact that Rob Ford is a man with large personal issues and failings which make him unsuitable to be Mayor of Toronto makes it easy to dismiss the larger point, although the personal attacks and extraordinary means used in attempt to overturn the will of the voters even before this suggest that even if Rob Ford was a man of unimpeachable integrity he still would have been under constant attack for the duration of his term.

This is really a modified form of the SLAPP lawsuit in action, attempting to drive out or discourage people who really want to make changes, and silence those who want to speak out against the current actors and system. You can already see the glee in the eyes of the pundits who hope with all their hearts Olivia Chow will become Mayor of Toronto; even though she is no friend of the taxpayers (and indeed I could see her brand of politics in action making her a deadly enemy of taxpayers and small business), any potential opponent will be getting the Rob Ford treatment the moment they even opine on the idea of running for Mayor.

Thucydides said:
Perhaps the saddest part of the entire affair is that the people of Toronto electing Rob Ford actually represents a singing rebuke to the professional political class and indeed the entire "deep government" structure of all those "right thinking" people in academia, the bureaucracy, the judiciary and media who are so absolutely certain they know best how to run our lives and our society.

While the actual outcomes of education, healthcare, the state of civic infrastructure or ability for low and middle income people to be able to get actual representation in the courts is constantly declining, this cadre not only patronizingly dismisses any suggestions that they are doing a bad job but also ferociously fights for even greater access to perques and power paid for by taxpayers (like you and I).

Electing Rob Ford (and I would argue Stephen Harper as well) is a sign that the taxpayers are no longer willing to abide by the "rules" these so called elites have created. The unfortunate fact that Rob Ford is a man with large personal issues and failings which make him unsuitable to be Mayor of Toronto makes it easy to dismiss the larger point, although the personal attacks and extraordinary means used in attempt to overturn the will of the voters even before this suggest that even if Rob Ford was a man of unimpeachable integrity he still would have been under constant attack for the duration of his term.

This is really a modified form of the SLAPP lawsuit in action, attempting to drive out or discourage people who really want to make changes, and silence those who want to speak out against the current actors and system. You can already see the glee in the eyes of the pundits who hope with all their hearts Olivia Chow will become Mayor of Toronto; even though she is no friend of the taxpayers (and indeed I could see her brand of politics in action making her a deadly enemy of taxpayers and small business), any potential opponent will be getting the Rob Ford treatment the moment they even opine on the idea of running for Mayor.

This article addresses precisely what you are getting at http://www.torontosun.com/2013/11/15/ford-nation-vs-political-class.  Furey mentions a Star article about were supposedly 50 or so behind the scenes people met at a high priced Toronto law firm, to discuss strategy (and entice John Tory to run) for the next election.  Furey mentions while the "elites" will breath a sigh of relief that "something" is going to be done about this issue, a great swath of the rest us (including myself) see this as nothing more than "political class" practicing the same old same old. 

A friend of mine is actually going to put his name in.  He is not doing it for shits and giggles, he actually intends to run a serious campaign, as hard as that will be for someone who is not connected.  With the ability of social media and viral marketing to spread a message without incurring huge costs, who knows.....
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