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Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

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pbi said:
Coming from a very wealthy family, he seems to me to project a sense of entitlement that leads to ugly situations such as bullying the 911operators and shrieking for the head of a lowly city employee caught sleeping on the job. Many of his other actions suggest a belief that "the rules don't apply to me".

From what I have heard informally, the behavior of the Mayor has been having a negative effect on employee morale.

It was also brought up formally as a mitigating factor during an arbitration last winter regarding a dismissal. Long before the story about him allegedly smoking crack.

This year the City of Toronto has fired Paramedics for off-duty behavior, patient care, and Staging. Three TFS members were fired over social media complaints.

Criminal charges were not involved in any of the dismissals.
mariomike said:
From what I have heard informally, the behavior of the Mayor has been having a negative effect on employee morale. ..

Because. IMHO, in order to pander to his base, Ford may indulge in depicting public servants as lazy wasters of the public monies, who never do a day''s work. For the people who apparently make up Ford Nation, this view of public servants is almost an article of faith. This goes back to what I said on an earlier post about using divisive tactics that set different groups of people against each other, which is a fairly common approach for populists.

Everybody hates lazy, unionized, whining, sleeping-on-the job  public servants, right? Easy target. Add that to the Mayor's apparent belief that he is above basic rules of conduct for municipal employees, and it is no wonder some City employees are taking a morale hit.
marinemech said:
i heard something weird on the radio today, i had to do a double take, i guess being a crack smoker increased his popularity with voters aged 19-34 from 11% up to 23%

Start using capitalization.

Go read the guidelines.

pbi said:
Because. IMHO, in order to pander to his base, Ford may indulge in depicting public servants as lazy wasters of the public monies, who never do a day''s work. For the people who apparently make up Ford Nation, this view of public servants is almost an article of faith. This goes back to what I said on an earlier post about using divisive tactics that set different groups of people against each other, which is a fairly common approach for populists.

Everybody hates lazy, unionized, whining, sleeping-on-the job  public servants, right? Easy target. Add that to the Mayor's apparent belief that he is above basic rules of conduct for municipal employees, and it is no wonder some City employees are taking a morale hit.

Even when I was still on the job, we used to run into the occasional, "I pay your salary" type. If they went into a "I hate unions" rant, I mentioned that we did not have, and did not seek, the right to strike. That seemed to pacify most of them.

Regarding Mayor Ford, I went downtown to Old City Hall this AM and, along with thousands of others, listened to him speak. 
mariomike said:
Even when I was still on the job, we used to run into the occasional, "I pay your salary" type. If they went into a "I hate unions" rant, I mentioned that we did not have, and did not seek, the right to strike. That seemed to pacify most of them.

Regarding Mayor Ford, I went downtown to Old City Hall this AM and, along with thousands of others, listened to him speak.

I saw that he spoke: it's good that he remembered his duty.

I have to say that I  do not agree with whoever that was who booed him. I don't care for Rob Ford at all, but that was not right. As far as I am concerned when somebody speaks at Remembrance Day, you keep your  damned mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. Don't politicize Remembrance Day.
pbi said:
I saw that he spoke: it's good that he remembered his duty.

I have to say that I  do not agree with whoever that was who booed him. I don't care for Rob Ford at all, but that was not right. As far as I am concerned when somebody speaks at Remembrance Day, you keep your  damned mouth shut and your opinions to yourself. Don't politicize Remembrance Day.

I agree and everyone around me seemed very pissed off re the booing too. I thought he did a good short on topic speech. In comparison Sunday I listed to 2 councillors, an  MP and MP at the East Toronto service drone on and on about basically who brilliant they were and that they all had long gone relatives that served and therefore they..... ah you get the idea ::)
pbi said:
I have never had any time for this person, (and this may sound odd coming from me..), but I feel like we are now verging on torturing a wounded animal.

I didn't feel good or triumphant watching that latest video, nor watching his fumbling struggle to explain it as being "inebriated". Watching the Minister of Finance almost break into tears talking about the situation just reinforced this uneasy feeling.

This man, despite his denials, clearly has some very serious problems that he has no real idea how to deal with. He is in a swamp way, way over his head. He needs to sort himself out, before something worse happens to him. In my view, the people in his closest inner circle who are egging him on to "stay the course" may be looking after their own interests, but they are not serving Rob Ford, nor the City.

I remain convinced that he is not the man for the job, and that he needs to step down and clean up many , many things about his life, but I can't take pleasure in suffering.

Agreed.  I'm not quite sure he has NO idea how to deal with this... he's demonstrated a certain ability & willingness to scheme resources out of the public, for example.  But he is in over his head in terms of appropriate conduct, and someone needs to sit him down and explain this to him.  Meanwhile, those who are acting like a bunch of vultures are making themselves look no better than the mayor at this point. 
Seems that Mr Ford now has a bobblehead doll. ;)

tomahawk6 said:
Seems that Mr Ford now has a bobblehead doll. ;)


Yup and they sold out. He ordered a 1,000 of them and sold them all, autographed for $20.00 a pop all money to United WAy yesterday.


tomahawk6 said:
Seems that Mr Ford now has a bobblehead doll. ;)


So it's anatomically correct, then... :nod:
And the hits just keep on coming ....
Mayor Rob Ford admitted during a testy and unprecedented city council debate Wednesday that he has bought illegal drugs in the last two years.

Ford made the admission shortly after 30 of the city’s 44 councillors urged him in an open letter to take a leave of absence. In a dramatic and unprecedented repudiation, the councillors who signed the letter rose one by one as Councillor Jaye Robinson read their names aloud. Ford stared straight ahead ....
Toronto Star, 13 Nov 13
.... with a little "please don't come to the Santa parade" thrown in:
The Santa Claus Parade board is urging Toronto Mayor Rob Ford to reconsider his decision to march in the city’s annual holiday parade, saying his participation in Sunday's event will be a "distraction."

In a letter sent to the Office of the Mayor, event co-chair Ron Barbaro said while Ford "loves the parade" and has "every right to walk ahead of the parade," he should reconsider given the amount of media scrutiny he's been under.

"With the media following the mayor in everything he does, we do not want this distraction to take away from the anticipated fun and enjoyment that children will have on parade day," the letter says.

Ford had said earlier that he will not be walking in this year's parade and would instead participate by being a spectator. But on Monday, the mayor's office announced that Ford did intend to march in the parade ....
CTV.ca, 13 Nov 13
It's like it's a big joke.

LOLz the mayor did crack, lied about it, got caught, it's all good lol.

ObedientiaZelum said:
It's like it's a big joke.

LOLz the mayor did crack, lied about it, got caught, it's all good lol.

It's a scathing expose of the abuse of power that the only public employee in Toronto who can't be fired is the mayor. If one of us did any of a dozen things Ford has done we would be looking for a new job. I like it. This is what you usually have to turn over a rock to find in municipal politics. It's good for people to see it put on public display.

When I lived in Toronto The Santa Claus Parade was the busiest day of the year for the working girls downtown. Even bigger than Leaf games. It's not just the family friendly event they advertise it as. No need for Ford to cancel. It's Toronto, not Disneyland. Even Disneyland is not Disneyland. An ex's dad was a Disney exec. He died from his coke addiction.

Soldiering is an honest profession. I don't think most here could handle politics.
We were watching the celebrity roast in the mess after lunch.  All of us were pissing ourselves in laughter at the spectacle.  A greased pig has nothing on this guy.  Nice to see him squirm like the worm he is.
Nemo888 said:
It's a scathing expose of the abuse of power that the only public employee in Toronto who can't be fired is the mayor. If one of us did any of a dozen things Ford has done we would be looking for a new job. I like it. This is what you usually have to turn over a rock to find in municipal politics. It's good for people to see it put on public display.

When I lived in Toronto The Santa Claus Parade was the busiest day of the year for the working girls downtown. Even bigger than Leaf games. It's not just the family friendly event they advertise it as. No need for Ford to cancel. It's Toronto, not Disneyland. Even Disneyland is not Disneyland. An ex's dad was a Disney exec. He died from his coke addiction.

Soldiering is an honest profession. I don't think most here could handle politics.

Getting real tired of your babble. Serious.
Nemo888 said:
It's a scathing expose of the abuse of power that the only public employee in Toronto who can't be fired is the mayor. If one of us did any of a dozen things Ford has done we would be looking for a new job. I like it. This is what you usually have to turn over a rock to find in municipal politics. It's good for people to see it put on public display.

When I lived in Toronto The Santa Claus Parade was the busiest day of the year for the working girls downtown. Even bigger than Leaf games. It's not just the family friendly event they advertise it as. No need for Ford to cancel. It's Toronto, not Disneyland. Even Disneyland is not Disneyland. An ex's dad was a Disney exec. He died from his coke addiction.

Soldiering is an honest profession. I don't think most here could handle politics.

God. Now you're an expert on prostitutes :facepalm:

Well, I guess that was to be expected.

So, where's your proof and stats for this, another of your outrageous statements.
My best friend was a cabbie for awhile when I lived there.  I heard it first from him and later from an ex cop who I worked with. It may be an urban myth. I also was on those streets everyday as I commuted from Cabbage Town to Bay and Bloor. In summers I would run pedicab in the area and would watch them pick up tricks while I waited to pick up fares. The Parade is definitely busier than usual. At least as busy as a Leafs game. Which is weird for daytime.
Nemo888 said:
My best friend was a cabbie for awhile when I lived there.  I heard it first from him and later from an ex cop who I worked with. It may be an urban myth. I also was on those streets everyday as I commuted from Cabbage Town to Bay and Bloor. In summers I would run pedicab in the area and would watch them pick up tricks while I waited to pick up fares. The Parade is definitely busier than usual. At least as busy as a Leafs game. Which is weird for daytime.

Look, just stop the over the top rhetoric on every post.

No one cares about the opinion you try post as fact.

Just stop all the crap you post.

No one is listening.

We've become so used to your stuff, that if you post something, we want to see solid, vetted backup for your statements.

I'll wager you have the largest "Ignore" list membership on the board.

Just a guess mind.
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