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The Whole New Knife, Liz May, Gear Up, Racism Merged Thread

How about a WHOLE hockey-sock full of footwear that soldiers detest and that injures or hurts them ... because we must purchase "Canadian" ... so "Canadian Companys/Suppliers" have ZERO incentive to change squat because they know we've got to buy from Canadian Company.

Wasn't there a comment in one of the boot threads that mentioned that DND gives the company the last for making the boots?

Hard for a company to be innovative about footwear if they are told what to make.
Farmboy said:
Wasn't there a comment in one of the boot threads that mentioned that DND gives the company the last for making the boots?

Hard for a company to be innovative about footwear if they are told what to make.

The company that has the contract for custom-moulded footwear has the last --- for the custom combat boots, parade boots, oxfords etc that are made for pers.

Just as we at clothing stores had the mould to mold those pers' feet with. Once molded for those pers' feet --- it goes to the contracted supplier of those customs boots and stays with them ... for the next time that pers needs footwear made.
The manufacturers of nationally procured CF footwear have to buy and use the DND 601 lasts to build their footwear.

This post was by Ecco.  But it applies only to custom boots?

Anyway to the topic at hand, the new company and knife met the specs and bid the lowest, so they win, plain and simple.

As said on other subjects like this, we suppliers either get the specs written for our product, or source and provide a great price for the product needed.
Farmboy said:
Anyway to the topic at hand, the new company and knife met the specs and bid the lowest, so they win, plain and simple.

As said on other subjects like this, we suppliers either get the specs written for our product, or source and provide a great price for the product needed.

And that is it in a nutshell. A lesson she learned two years ago. This complaint is purely "politiking" at its very best. It's election time - go figure.
ArmyVern said:
How about a WHOLE hockey-sock full of footwear that soldiers detest and that injures or hurts them ... because we must purchase "Canadian" ... so "Canadian Companys/Suppliers" have ZERO incentive to change squat because they know we've got to buy from Canadian Company.

Amen. I'm still limping around as a result of wearing those crummy MkIII replacements on a BFT last week. I wish I could mail them (the palm-sized blisters) to the defence minister and the CDS right now. Oh, wait a minute, it looks like I can at least send them a couple of toenails each.
Posted with the usual caveates.

SOURCETAG    08092233535240
PUBLICATION:  The Ottawa Sun
DATE:        2008.09.22
EDITION:      Final
SECTION:      News
PAGE:        8
WORD COUNT:    316


Military supplier makes racial slurs    Website replete with anti-Muslim comments


A company that supplies knives, flashlights and other equipment to the Canadian armed forces referred to Muslims as "rag-headed, heathen bastards" on its website as recently as yesterday when the federal government complained.

Gear Up Motors' website was replete with other jabs at women and Liberals and mocked official bilingualism and concerns about global warming. But with Canadian troops risking their lives in Afghanistan, the passage about Muslims was the most likely to raise alarm.

"Jihad? I'll give you a jihad you miserable, rag-headed, heathen bastard!" said a caption posted over a photograph of a rifle-toting John Wayne.


Liberal MP Scott Brison said such prejudiced and "xenophobic" comments are contrary to the values Canadian soldiers are trying to promote abroad and potentially injurious to troops in Afghanistan, where the vast majority of the population is Islamic.

"This type of disgusting vitriol from a Canadian military supplier is certainly not going to help our brave Canadian men and women in uniform in places like Afghanistan and has a real potential to endanger them," he said in an interview.

The federal government was unaware of the website until The Canadian Press drew it to the attention of the Prime Minister's Office late Saturday. By midday yesterday, much of the offending material, including the John Wayne photo and caption, had been removed from the company's website after the company had been contacted by the Prime Minister's Office.


Gear Up's home page still prominently asserted: "We are a proud supplier to the Canadian Armed Forces." And it still urged browsers to "Support our troops worldwide."

Repeated attempts to contact company owner Stanley Pioro were unsuccessful.

After reviewing federal contracts, a spokesman for Prime Minister Stephen Harper said yesterday there's little the government can do because Gear Up is a private company, has fulfilled its contractual obligations and is not doing any ongoing business with the military.

"We have sent a request to them to remove any logos or copy-righted material from the Canadian Armed Forces from their website," said Kory Teneycke, Harper's communications director.
[Dr Evil voice on] Why must we be surrounded by frickin' idiots? [/Dr Evil voice]

Why are some people so dumb that they think doing and saying stuff like this helps?  Not to mention the considerable insult to serving muslims in our own forces.  Eejits. 

Aaaargh!  I'm too frustrated by this...  must stop typing...
xena said:
[Dr Evil voice on] Why must we be surrounded by frickin' idiots? [/Dr Evil voice]

Why are some people so dumb that they think doing and saying stuff like this helps?  Not to mention the considerable insult to serving muslims in our own forces.  Eejits. 

Aaaargh!  I'm too frustrated by this...  must stop typing...

Besides the obvious insulting nature of the comments, I believe they also demonstrate the common ignorance the general public has about the mission; we're not fighting the people of Afghanistan, we're trying to help them... And the people we engage with in battle come from both within and outside the population... so the statement is insulting both those we fight and defend, as they're generally all Muslim.  This just perpetuates the uniformed concept that we are there to fight Afghanistan... which leads to the misconception that we're invading to occupy.  People who believe this, and spew these sayings need to do a little research into the mission instead of painting it with the broad brush of "war".

I agree with MP Scott Brison; these sentiments do nothing but harm the CF members, both at home and abroad, as well as the mission, by lumping us all into a stereotype based on ignorance.  Even though it's a private company, free to post what every they want, by associating themselves with the CF and posting such views, they damage the public image of the CF.. I believe that is known as libel.

Since the CF and the government really can't do anything administratively about the issue, the simplest solution would seem to be disassociation...  which also harms the CF since this company is a supplyer of kit...

This is, indeed, very frustrating.
Thank you RHFC_piper for a well-spoken and thoughtful response.  Much better than my initial ramblings.  I shall endeavour to be quiet more and let you post before I just vent my spleen.  ;)
Unfortunately, once you do business with a company you cant really keep them from saying they worked with you, unless you have some sort of nondisclosure agreement in place...

Flawed Design said:
Man I hope no one looks inside the blue rockets or bathroom stalls..

- You can bet the Press will after reading what you just wrote.
Can we tip them over to Bruce??  :P

Very unfortunate to see these types of comments...some of the Tories seem to be using enough of these types of comments in their campaigns though...wonder which one of the opposition parties spent the time to dig that up... ::)...

This isn't going to be good for business.

What kind of backwards nutjob would put that stuff up on his/her company's website without expecting massive backlash?  That sort of jingoistic bunk was appropriate in a different day and age and is most certainly not appropriate now, and as already stated, entirely ignorant of the situation we face in Afghanistan itself.

Someone needs to give their head a shake.
The web site:


And a quote from it:

Response to media attacks on me by Joan Bryden et al:

The media has portrayed me as a rascist, and states that I have insulted Muslims. Not true. I have never made any comments about Muslims or the Muslim Faith. It is obvious to anyone that viewed this site, that my comments and jokes were directed at Insurgents, specifically those that have declared Jihad on the West, and the type of people that flew 747's into the World Trade Center - the type of people that to this day deliberately kill innocent men, women and children, of all faiths, indiscriminately, with car bombs and suicide attacks. These are the cowards that plant roadside I.E.D.s to attack our troops. Apparently, it is not Politically Correct to criticize terrorists. My failing is that I am a Hard-Core Patriot, and I believe passionately about this Country, our way of life, and our choices of Religion. I care passionately about our Armed Forces Personnel, and the great work they are doing, and the great sacrifices that they make to defend this Country. I refuse to be railroaded any further by The Liberal Media, and contract-losing business competitors, that feed their so-called "Journalist" flunkies with lies and mis-information.

Anyone that believes that wars can be won by handing out Love Beads, and flashing Peace signs, needs to remove their heads from their rectums.

PS: If Joan Bryden can call herself a "Journalist", then I can put a band-aid on a blister on my heel, and call myself a Surgeon.

Stan Pioro
Flawed Design said:
Man I hope no one looks inside the blue rockets or bathroom stalls..

EDIT TO ADD: I personally know FD here, and I know he is merely pointing out a fact. The below is not directed at him, but the broader audience in general. Sorry if I caused any confusion.

I would certainly hope that there is no encouragement of this thing from any portion of those in uniform, as many of us have good friends in uniform who are of the Islamic faith.

It would be disappointing to discover that such inbred, prejudiced, type behaviours are still acceptable in any portion of the CF. It's ok to hack on other trades and elelments, as that is generally in jest. Hacking on an ethnic group or religion is generally accepted as being a very malicious thing... It has no place in the CF, especially when I have to count on the guys and gals around me who very well will be not of my ethnic group or religion.
Another thread that has been ongoing, with regards toi the vendor.


