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The US Presidency 2019

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Brad Sallows said:
Been doing a lot of reading, but here are a couple for people who want to read something contrary to what we might expect from each of the "blue" and "red" bubbles, in the (perhaps faint) hope that a contrary view contains more useful facts, conclusions, and opinions:

Glenn Greenwald at the Intercept

David French at NRO

Good job picking those two poles as examples.

This reminds me of a quote from Andrew McCabe's book The Threat:

For law enforcement, a sufficiently fractured public conversation can pose a mortal threat. When a population loses any sense of a shared story—when each segment of a population believes that only its own perceptions are valid—then that population can become ungovernable.

Whether you think McCabe was treated shabbily by the administration or think he's the devil incarnate, one can't disagree with that position. That quote speaks volumes about the current situation in the US and why the Russians are doing what they are doing. The fact that Trump feeds this chaos for his self-aggrandisement is the principle reason I think that he is unfit to be the President.

FJAG said:
That quote speaks volumes about the current situation in the US and why the Russians are doing what they are doing. The fact that Trump feeds this chaos for his self-aggrandisement is the principle reason I think that he is unfit to be the President.

For reference to the discussion,

National Post

As Mueller investigation ends, experts see one winner after two years of American chaos: Putin

A Kremlin campaign to destabilize American democracy has inflamed partisan tensions and eroded public confidence


Putin laughs at political chaos in the US

FJAG said:
Just a quick request.

The two pdf volumes of the Mueller report are neither searchable nor capable of being highlighted. Anyone with Adobe Acrobat Pro should be capable of converting the documents. Here's how you do that:


If anyone has the tools, time and inclination to do that and to post them here, it would make our task of reviewing the actual documents much easier.


Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index
These findings, from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, detail his two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The document has been redacted by the Justice Department.

Baden Guy said:
Read the Mueller Report: Searchable Document and Index
These findings, from the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, detail his two-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The document has been redacted by the Justice Department.


I found those but can't highlight or annotate them as I can with a converted pdf. I'm just the kind of anal retentive guy that likes to go through stuff like this with a fine tooth comb. Highlights rule!

A Republican  Senator had this to say,

Mitt Romney says he’s ‘sickened’ and ‘appalled’ by Mueller report details
FJAG said:
That's one Republican ... unfortunately there are 62,984,827 to go.





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kkwd said:
Oh yes, the pot guy.  ;D


Is it true that he actually said, "I'd Rather Kill Myself Than Raise the Minimum Wage."?



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The collusion question is not settled yet. Mr. Clapper has it figured out as "passive collusion". If the penalty for collusion is impeachment then what is the penalty for passive collusion?

JAMES CLAPPER: I think, if there wasn’t active collusion proven, then I think what we have here is a case of passive collusion, where, in some cases, unwittingly — to include candidate Trump himself, who retweeted messages that had been planted by the Russians in social media, and so, that’s a small, but important example of how members of the campaign were used and manipulated by the Russians.

mariomike said:
A Republican  Senator had this to say,

Mitt Romney is simply trying to be the next John McCain.  You know, a plaster saint who failed where Trump succeeded. ;D
>Mitt Romney says he’s ‘sickened’ and ‘appalled’ by Mueller report details

Compared to what?  This is the first prolonged investigation of this scale into a presidential administration.  How much "dishonesty and misdirection by individuals in the highest office of the land, including the President" is the benchmark?  Does lying to hundreds of millions of Americans all at once about insurance coverage count as "dishonesty and misdirection"?

"I am also appalled that, among other things, fellow citizens working in a campaign for president welcomed help from Russia" applies to the Clinton campaign as well.

Where does using foreign intelligence agencies to circumvent the letter and spirit of laws protecting the civil rights of US citizens fit into the scale of sickening and appalling?  Misleading a FISA court?  Exposing the names of people under investigation?  Leaking classified information?

Note that I don't seek to excuse Team Trump; I mean to point out that it might not be the worst example.  It just happens to be the first one subject to this amount of exposure.  And, it may turn out that the worst behaviour was expressed by those out to get Team Trump.
The Economist, "What to Make of the Mueller Report," (19 Apr 2019) has been posted within the 'Large Articles' thread, here.
It provides a quick summary of the good, the bad, and the ugly.
mariomike said:
A Republican  Senator had this to say,

Mitt Romney. You see most senators as friends or enemies. With Mitt I see him as friendless and enemy-less. I see him sitting in the cafeteria on that one rickety table in the corner all by himself. If he goes to the gym he gets that torn medicine ball. When he goes to board the bus for a senate function there are no seats left and he stands by the driver. Yep, Mitt Romney, the most non-senator senator since senators were invented.
kkwd said:
Mitt Romney. You see most senators as friends or enemies. With Mitt I see him as friendless and enemy-less. I see him sitting in the cafeteria on that one rickety table in the corner all by himself. If he goes to the gym he gets that torn medicine ball. When he goes to board the bus for a senate function there are no seats left and he stands by the driver. Yep, Mitt Romney, the most non-senator senator since senators were invented.

That sounds very sad!

Especially considering he was chosen by the Republican party as their best hope to challenge President Obama in the 2012 presidential election.


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The goalpost-shifting appears to be focused on moving away from "collusion" to bad behaviour and obstruction, with a view to impeachment.

Andrew McCarthy (at NRO), whom I consider to be a must-read resource, foresaw this over a year ago.

He also wrote this about Barr and the report (dated 19 Apr) which should dampen the notion that there could possibly be any sort of fix/cover-up going on.

I sit ready for the next straw the Democrats attempt to clutch.  :waiting:
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