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The US Presidency 2019

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Jarnhamar said:
, but would all of this stuff have came to light if the election went the other way?

The Mueller Report has not yet come to light, as far as the American public is concerned. Neither have his tax returns.
But people lying under oath to congress have.

And the government spying on citizens.

And the FBI being partisan.
Is anyone seriously expecting any bombshells in either the Mueller report or Trump's tax returns?  I expect none; anything incendiary would have been leaked long ago.
Rifleman62 said:
Your point is what? Because somehow Trump Obama/Clinton is involved it needs to be pointed out and get points from the usual sources?
Double-edged question, there, that's legit going both ways ;)
Brad Sallows said:
Is anyone seriously expecting any bombshells in either the Mueller report or Trump's tax returns?  I expect none; anything incendiary would have been leaked long ago.

Trump is a multi millionaire. We know how he's made, lost and made and lost his money. He's not even being paid. He being POTUS for free and gives his government wage to charity. I'm not concerned how he made his money.

I want to see Pelosi's. She collects her government wage, around $195,000, I think,  but has somehow amassed approx. $196 million. Cortez was a bartender in October and is, suggested, to have already made her first million. Elijah Cummings, in the mid-1990s, the Internal Revenue Service filed court papers declaring that Cummings was legally obliged to pay more than $30,000 in unpaid federal taxes. He, finally, finished paying those taxes in 2014. Almost 20 years. Mostly with loans signed by guarantors. Maxine Waters is another millionaire that apparently got there on her government wage. ::)

If we have to see tax returns, those are the ones the American public should be presented. Not Trumps.

The law does not require Trump to show anything. The IRS agrees and has said everyones returns are private and they dont hand them out, respecting that right. A congressman though can request ANY record held by the US government or citizen. That congressman is then allowed to break that privacy and table any of those documents he requested. Those records can then be read out, entered into record and discussed by congress. Nothing is supposed to leave the chamber, but we all know that's the last thing a partisan and biased opposition will do is keep it secret. That, in my layman's eyes is a horribly, unfair and unjust law.

So, they would have to subpoena them, from the IRS. The IRS, however, is under no obligation to expidite them.

The only ones who think, this process is fair are those that only want the records to see what they can read into them and hang someone with.
If anyone is interested here is a link to the Gregory Craig indictment. And if anyone is Craig was in private practice when he was hired by Ukraine and had nothing to do with Obama.
[quote author=Fishbone Jones]Cortez was a bartender in October and is, suggested, to have already made her first million.

Really? I remember her bitching about money after she was elected about not being able to afford an apartment for the month or two wait until her government paychecks started rolling in.
Fishbone Jones said:
I want to see Pelosi's. She collects her government wage, around $195,000, I think,  but has somehow amassed approx. $196 million.

While Pelosi is no a pauper by any means but her net worth is a lot worse then your estimate.

Since Nancy Pelosi has been appointed her prestigious position of Speaker of the House, she has been reported of having a net worth of $29 million. That may seem like quite a lot of money for any government official that gets paid $223,500 a year, however, it is not just her political positions that have earned her such an impressive income. Nancy, along with her husband, Paul Pelosi, hhasspent many years investing in high-end commercial real estate. They own several different properties together that they rent out to other companies for a hefty price each year.

In addition to their commercial properties, the Pelosi’s also own quite a few residential properties that Nancy and her family can either use as a vacation home or rent to other residents as she sees fit. So, it is unclear exactly just how much money the two are making from their properties. Although the $29 million evaluation is a close estimation, it is safe to assume that she and her husband will not have to worry about money troubles any time soon.


At least Nancy and her husband got there fortune honestly, not by an illegal tax scheme engineered by someones father, nor by bamboozling officials or stiffing contractors.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s actually net worth (at present):

After Ocasio-Cortez defeated Rep. Joe Crowley in the primary in June and won the general election in November, she said in an interview with the New York Times that she was worried about paying for an apartment in Washington, DC, before her $174,000 annual congressional salary kicked in.

According to public records, she had $15,000 in savings in 2018, which should have been more than enough to pay for a $2,700 average apartment in Washington DC.

$174,000 is a very healthy paycheck for anybody in America, not to mention for a 29-year old as of 2019.

The median household income in America for 2019, after all, is only about $62,000 ($72,000 is the average income). See the chart below by the US Bureau of Census.
Real median household income in America chart

According to AOC’s communications director at the end of 2018, Ocasio-Cortez had around $7,000 in savings. Where the rest of her $15,000 in savings went, it’s hard to know. Perhaps she spent her money on moving expenses and preparation for her new government position.

She made about $26,600 in 2018, and she’s paying off somewhere between $15,000 – $50,000 on her student loan debt.

Her student loan debt is huge because she attend Boston University, one of the most expensive private schools in the country that has a 2019/2020 tuition of over $53,000. Kind of strange going to such a school given she’s a Democratic Socialist.

Despite only having around $7,000 in savings, Ocasio-Cortez is actually fairing better than the median 29-year who has just $2,430 in savings, according to a story by CNBC in 2018.

Given AOC doesn’t own property, and does not look like she owns any stock either, her current net worth is likely around $0 given her student loans cancel out her savings.

But don’t worry, Ocasio-Cortez will likely becoming one of those millionaires she despises within the next 10 years.

I'm really not sure why the author seems to think it odd that a "democratic socialist" would want to attend one of the best schools in the country. She and the rest of the hard left crowd, while still far too left to be good for America (IMO) , are not full blown communists. Wanting the millionaires of the world to do better and be better, and wanting their to be no more millionaires at all, are two extremely different positions. Maybe she plans on leading by example.

AOC has done and said more than a few things in the news that have made me cringe, but I think the authors position misses the mark.
Trolling Democrats:

Tucker: Trump calls Democrats' bluff on illegal immigrants https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8XJPwmX3jo
Interesting.  Nothing earth shattering though.

Of note is his staff refusing to follow his orders.  Likely saving him.

One way or another, releasing the report isn't going to quiet down either side.
Mueller Report Volume 2 of 2.

The slime oozes everywhere in that doc.
I wonder if it is enough for the GOP to smack Trump with a mackeral by moonlight for the 2020 run.
So no bombshells.  And people are left to decide for themselves whether Trump was a man guilty of (something?) trying to obstruct justice, or an innocent man trying to get investigators to openly clear him so he could move on with being president.  The first theory suffers from an absolute lack of real effort to obstruct anything meaningfully, but I can see from the articles and comments that a lot of people are having trouble letting go of it.
Brad Sallows said:
So no bombshells.  And people are left to decide for themselves whether Trump was a man guilty of (something?) trying to obstruct justice, or an innocent man trying to get investigators to openly clear him so he could move on with being president.  The first theory suffers from an absolute lack of real effort to obstruct anything meaningfully, but I can see from the articles and comments that a lot of people are having trouble letting go of it.


I agree with Victor Davis Hansen

For anyone interested.

Today's Wall Street Journal headline,

‘Putin Has Won’
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