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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

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Sapplicant said:
Muslims-> Didn't the majority of muslims fight alongside us, or am I crazy? Pretty sure if the Axis had won, there wouldn't be any protests like this going without a mass state-assisted suidice happening. Not saying, just saying that these guys seem to have missed a history lesson or two. Thankfully, fools like this are not making themselves heard much here in Canada.

You do realize Islam is the second most popular religion in the world, right? That's like someone saying "I thought the majority of Christians were on our side?". There are extremists on every side, and they will likely claim they speak for the majority.

Sorry for the call-out on political correctness, but let's not try to stereotype too much.
derekreid said:
You do realize Islam is the second most popular religion in the world, right? That's like someone saying "I thought the majority of Christians were on our side?". There are extremists on every side, and they will likely claim they speak for the majority.

Sorry for the call-out on political correctness, but let's not try to stereotype too much.

The majority of muslims who fought in WW1, and WW2, were on our side. Hell, the Triple Entente helped sponsor the Arab Revolt of 1916. Yes, some Balkan muslims were taken into the German army in WW2, and Rashid Ali and the Mufti of Jerusalem tried to align themselves with Germany in 1941, but that didn't end up working out too well for them. The majority of muslims that fought were part of the commonwealth (As in, the British one). I wasn't stereotyping, you were assuming. 

Extremists? I don't recall mentioning anything about extremists in my post.

Sorry for shooting down your attempt at being politically correct.

Sapplicant said:
They're allowed to scream that our family who died in the wars are burning in hell during the 11 o'clock silence on Armistice Day, and you're not allowed to express your feelings about them or their actions. Does something seem wrong with this picture to you too, sir?

I hope you go back and read your post and reflect on it.

Some people are above an "eye for an eye" type of mentality.  There are better ways to 'educate' these people. 
George Wallace said:
I hope you go back and read your post and reflect on it.

Some people are above an "eye for an eye" type of mentality.  There are better ways to 'educate' these people. 

Bullshit.  You can't educate a radical any more than you can negotiate with a rabid wolf.  Their beliefs and opinions are formed, and you're not changing it.
Kat Stevens said:
Bullshit.  You can't educate a radical any more than you can negotiate with a rabid wolf.  Their beliefs and opinions are formed, and you're not changing it.

Not quite what I was trying to say.  It does us nothing to lower ourselves to their level and turn a ceremony of Remembrance into a shouting match and bar fight, which is what I took Sapplicant as advocating.
George Wallace said:
Not quite what I was trying to say.  It does us nothing to lower ourselves to their level and turn a ceremony of Remembrance into a shouting match and bar fight, which is what I took Sapplicant as advocating.

I was doing no such thing. If anything, I would advocate ignoring them and trying to keep the ceremony peaceful, then hunting them down like a wounded deer in the days/weeks following. I was simply pointing out that it's sad that these fools at the remembrance day ceremony were able to get away with doing that, but if TV wants to express what he thinks of these people on his beloved Army.ca, he has to worry about offending people and being banned. That, to me, is utter Bull, and yet another symptom of the bigger problem.
Sapplicant said:
I was doing no such thing. If anything, I would advocate ignoring them and trying to keep the ceremony peaceful, then hunting them down like a wounded deer in the days/weeks following. I was simply pointing out that it's sad that these fools at the remembrance day ceremony were able to get away with doing that, but if TV wants to express what he thinks of these people on his beloved Army.ca, he has to worry about offending people and being banned. That, to me, is utter Bull, and yet another symptom of the bigger problem.

I, and most of the other members, know what you feel, and have the same gut feelings.  Our ability to keep ourselves under control and not hunt these wastes of rations down and put them out of their misery is what makes us better than them.  However, we do have the rights to have them prosecuted to the full extent of the Law, should they cross those lines.  Having the capability of using extreme violence is one thing.  The ability to control that capability is another.  That is where we are "better" than them.
George Wallace said:
I, and most of the other members, know what you feel, and have the same gut feelings.  Our ability to keep ourselves under control and not hunt these wastes of rations down and put them out of their misery is what makes us better than them.  However, we do have the rights to have them prosecuted to the full extent of the Law, should they cross those lines.  Having the capability of using extreme violence is one thing.  The ability to control that capability is another.  That is where we are "better" than them.

I understand what you are saying. It is very true, and very wise. That's why you're Directing Staff, and have an advanced career in the Forces, and I'm a New Member, working as a farmhand and waiting for "the call".

However, I very firmly believe that our Laws, much like western society in general, have become far too soft. The "full extent of the Law" will probably hand them a slap on the wrist and lighten their pockets of a few Euros. That will do nothing to stop them from continuing to be a burden to our society.

Maybe my views will change with age and personal experience, but from what I've seen in my short 25 years on this planet, it's hard to believe that simply knowing we're "better than them" is going to stop "them". Removing the velvet glove and exposing the iron fist is what's gonna have to happen, unless we alter the course we're on. I hope I'm wrong, I truly do.

Sorry for the off topic rant.
The older I get the more I see these psychos as a cancer.

I figure there's gonna come a time (again) where we're going to need to do like our grandfathers did- say enough is enough, get on some boats and go sort people out.
Sapplicant said:
Maybe my views will change with age and personal experience, but from what I've seen in my short 25 years on this planet, it's hard to believe that simply knowing we're "better than them" is going to stop "them". Removing the velvet glove and exposing the iron fist is what's gonna have to happen, unless we alter the course we're on. I hope I'm wrong, I truly do.

Sorry for the off topic rant.

It really isn't that far off topic.  We are upset at an individual desecrating this time of Remembrance.  At the same time we can see that in our history, our training and restraint have in a way "made us better" than others.  When the time came to "drop the hammer" in past wars and in the present, we have been able to.  We, however, have been able temper ourselves.  We have removed the velvet glove and exposed our iron fist in the past and are still capable of doing it today.
Well stated George. I hope that the use of our Iron Fist is quick and one sided, not drawn out and bloody..if it comes to that. Ubique.
George Wallace said:
At the same time we can see that in our history, our training and restraint have in a way "made us better" than others.  When the time came to "drop the hammer" in past wars and in the present, we have been able to. We, however, have been able temper ourselves.  We have removed the velvet glove and exposed our iron fist in the past and are still capable of doing it today.

This isn't exactly working in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Sure we can remove the velvet glove and start flashing around our iron fist- only we won't be able to hit anyone with it, just threaten people. And not really threaten them, just use harsh language- as long as it doesn't offend them  ;D
Grimaldus said:
This isn't exactly working in Iraq or Afghanistan.

Sure we can remove the velvet glove and start flashing around our iron fist- only we won't be able to hit anyone with it, just threaten people. And not really threaten them, just use harsh language- as long as it doesn't offend them  ;D

Well, we do try, but with both hands tied behind our backs we can only hope for a lucky placement of a size 11 CWW boot in some bad guys junk.  >:D
well they arrested this one in Edmonton...

Hey guys,

any news about the guy who stole the jar from the tim hortons in cole harbour?

Dartmouth isn't that big of a city with the video going around and the type of theft you'd think they would of found him by now.
Trueblue said:
Hey guys,

any news about the guy who stole the jar from the tim hortons in cole harbour?

Dartmouth isn't that big of a city with the video going around and the type of theft you'd think they would of found him by now.

From CBC Nova Scotia, shared with the usual disclaimer:

Article Link

Police have identified a suspect in the Nov. 10 theft of poppy money at a Tim Hortons in Dartmouth, N.S.

Police said Friday that the man is a suspect in two similar robberies at Tim Hortons in Chester and Tantallon, N.S., on the same day.

The Royal Canadian Legion sells the poppies to raise money to help veterans.

The Dartmouth theft occurred around midnight the day before Remembrance Day and was caught on surveillance video. The images show a man waiting for his coffee. He nudges the poppy tray closer to the counter three times.

When staff go to the back of the store, he takes the poppies and the money. CBC News aired the footage and that led police receiving several tips from people who thought they recognized the man.

One of the tipsters was a Halifax police officer. Police said they know the suspect's identity and were searching for him Friday afternoon. Police plan to charge him with theft when he is located.

Police said the same man is a suspect in two other robberies captured by security cameras.

In Chester, which is about an hour's drive south of Dartmouth, sources say a man asked staff at a Tim Hortons for a telephone book and spent about 15 minutes leafing through it around 10 a.m. When he was alone, he grabbed the poppy money and walked out.

In Tantallon, about a 30-minute drive west of Dartmouth, a man ordered a Tim Hortons coffee at 5 a.m. When staff were not looking he took the poppy can, hid it under the table and emptied it out while he drank his coffee.

RCMP confirmed they are investigating those thefts but have not laid any charges.
Thanks for the link,

in total all of the jars could add up to theft over a thousand... I hope they throw the book at him.
There's an update on the story about the poppy jar thefts in Nova Scotia in the online Chronicle Herald:

It should be read right to the end for literary content!!!
