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The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

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Aww, for craps sake.......did anyone check out the friggin' year on GAP's original post??


Poppy trade-mark argument reveals unique amalgam of rights  Print This Article 

By Bob Tarantino
On Nov. 4, 2005, a representative of the Royal Canadian Legion contacted Pierre Bourque, author of the widely-read Canadian news website
Attention to detail.  We are all guilty of NOT paying attention.

So, what about an Afghan War Veterans' Association, with the marajuana leaf (green, of course) as our symbol?  ;D
Is this some sort of miscommunication with regard to the original news piece? The way I'm reading it is that the "offender" used a copyrighted logo of the Legion and not a some royalty-free artistic representation of a poppy, a photograph of a poppy or the word "poppy". If it was the Legion's specific logo that he used that then are well within their rights to demand he remove it from his website. I don't think the concept of the poppy and its signifigance is at issue here.

Consider if he wanted to put a maple leaf on his website and used the logo of the Toronto Maple Leafs.
This is locked, unless of course, 2007 brings something new.
Veterans outraged over theft of collection boxes

City veterans are outraged by a rash of thefts where heartless bandits made off with Remembrance Day collection boxes.

The money raised through the annual Greater Edmonton Poppy Fund campaign is supposed to go to vets in need.

"It's a shame, it's a total disrespect to the poppy fund and what the fund is supposed to stand for," said vet Robert Torrie, sergeant-at-arms at the Kingsway branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.

"You want my opinion? It's a lack of education."

Jacqueline Miller, the poppy fund's campaign manager, said at least five thefts have been reported to her office in the past two weeks. But she said there have likely been more.

"Those are the ones we know about," Miller said, adding a handful of collection boxes are swiped every year.

"Obviously, we wish it wouldn't happen. That means those funds don't make it to the veterans."

She said the annual campaign, which kicked off in late October, typically raises around $100,000 in Edmonton. It's used to buy things like walkers and wheelchairs.

The manager of two city Tim Hortons, who asked that her name and the locations of the restaurants not be printed, said thieves recently made off with collection boxes at both locations she oversees.

"They didn't just take the bucket, they took everything, even the poppies," she said. "I can tell you our customers are disgusted."

The frustrated manager said she now keeps the donation boxes behind the counter.

Gerry Finlay, provincial service officer with the Royal Canadian Legion, said he couldn't believe people would stoop to stealing from charity.

"Honestly, I just feel absolute outrage," said Finlay, who retired from the military in 2005 after 28 years of service.

"Not everybody comes out of the military with a generous pension in place and a golden handshake.

"We see a lot of individuals who have fallen on hard times, and the poppy fund goes a long way in easing some of their financial frustrations."

Edmonton Police Service spokesman Jeff Wuite said cops don't specifically track the theft of Remembrance Day donation boxes, but he knows there have been at least a "handful."

Wuite advised people to keep close tabs on the change buckets to make sure they don't go missing.

Torrie said short of chaining the donation boxes to the counter, he doesn't believe much can be done.

"It's grab and run," he said. "The people turn around to pour a coffee or grab a doughnut at Tim Hortons, and it's gone. And so is the clown that was looking for the doughnut."

I think that part of the problem is that the new poppy boxes have a clear transparent cash bin.
Everyone can see how much cash they might be able to grab & decide if it's worth the rish

While more expensive, I think the old metal tin was a better mousetrap.

To the thieves... SHAME ON YOU!
As disgusting as I find this there is at least one bright side (to use the term loosely for sure) and that is that at least the Poppy Fund genorates enough donations to make it worth some detestable thief ripping off.

That being said I still find it sad that ANYONE would be able to bring themselves to steal ANY donation box at all. I mean seriously, come on, the box is there to try and help people who for whatever charitable reason are facing hard times, leave the things alone scumbags!
What a despiciable act. I agree Teflon, how can anyone be so low as to steal a collection box, Its like stealing from a baby (not literally). It is just morally and ethically wrong. It is also sad that the Police are not planning on really doing anything about this, I know that really nothing much would happen to them other then a small amount of jail time and a fine possible, but I sure would like to do something to those people  >:(
Each will be a "Theft under 500$"
considered by the police to be more of a nuisance than a real crime..... what a shame!

If precedent is any indication, I can only hope that some wealthy benefactor will step in and donate towards what was lost.
JBoyd said:
What a despiciable act. I agree Teflon, how can anyone be so low as to steal a collection box, Its like stealing from a baby (not literally). It is just morally and ethically wrong. It is also sad that the Police are not planning on really doing anything about this, I know that really nothing much would happen to them other then a small amount of jail time and a fine possible, but I sure would like to do something to those people  >:(

The police didn't say they are not planning on really doing anything. They stated:

cops don't specifically track the theft of Remembrance Day donation boxes
meaning that they don't keep specific figures/stats on the theft of them.

But to be honest unless they see the thief with the the box/bucket or the thief is caught on a surveillance camera the chances of getting him are quite slim.
AHh ok I misinterpretted that statement. However you are right it is going to be hard, does not mean that I or anyone else for that matter  can not wish that these people burn where they belong....
Either way its a total gut-less act of retards. These veterans fought for Canada so that they (these people) arent enslaved and can be free but theyre going and stealing their funds? People like that deserve a good beating if you ask me.
Rayman said:
Either way its a total gut-less act of retards. These veterans fought for Canada so that they (these people) arent enslaved and can be free but theyre going and stealing their funds? People like that deserve a good beating if you ask me.

The way i look at it, is the veterans did fight for canada as you said and frankly these thieves are probably who they are today because of the veterans, so if they are caught I say they should be stripped of their canadian-ship (or whatever it is call :) ) and be forced to leave this great country, if they cannot respect the men who helped make this country what it is today then they do not deserve to reside here.
JBoyd said:
if they cannot respect the men who helped make this country what it is today

And women!!  ;)

I think the worst thing about this is that it seems to happen every year!!
PMedMoe said:
And women!!  ;)

I think the worst thing about this is that it seems to happen every year!!

Yes, of course. Sorry did not mean to leave them out.

And yes definatly a sign that something in society is seriously wrong
I think that it happend in St. John's yesterday too. It is a huge disgrace to veterans >:(
Hopefully the mouth breathers who did this are Caught, and dealt with accordingly... phone books perhaps...
perhaps the goverment should create an operation in Nov only. OP Poppywatch.  they can employ people to watch the poppy stands and take action against those who steal or try to steal the collections. and by action I mean without prejudice :)
Hows this? I agree with the extra enforcement but when caught and convicted, they owe the legion a fine of $50 000. That will really help the veterans and if it doesnt instill some sort of respect for them, box stealing will be a thing of the past.