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The Khadr Thread

Something new in the MSM.

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/v5/content/pdf/RedactedKhadrAffidavit_22Feb2008.pdf  :'(

I really like how he states that he just wants to return to his country.  Send the little piece of shit back to Iraq then!  And another thing that pisses me off is the papers continually showing the photo of him when he was 15 not the current image of the bearded hard-line Muslim.  Whether he threw the grenade or not he was there and he was engaged in armed conflict against an ally of ours. Let him rot.  I red the entire PDF and if he's telling the truth (LOL) he got what he deserves.
You know it'sweird that when they behead some one with a machete its glorious and in the name of god . When they strapa a semtex vest on and kill themselves a few soldiers  and some innicont by standers its for the greater good . But when they get captured and have to physically pay for the crime . ie getting shot while being captured after killing some one  it becomes al contrary to the goodness that i belive in .. well i belive in capital punishment and now this is fair punishment for me onecaught bloddy handed and with an entire family trying to kill soldiers well kick em out of the country . So you want to fight ,wear your uniform proudly  and dont try to claim your a civilian when  you get caught .
Was reading in the MsM this morning - interesting personal diary of the Capt that led the assault on the compound where Khadr was captured.... within the press & MsM, the US Military will have tremendous difficulty prosecuting this case.
We are dealing with a different mindset here.
In the eyes of committed terrorists, there are NO innocent bystanders. In the eyes of Al-Qaeda, we are ALL legtitimate targets, including our children. The will stop at nothing to wipe us out, adn if theat means killing babies they will.
Of course they will play on our sensibilities when captured, crying human rights, poor treatment and crying for my favorite organization, Amnesty International. AI has never met a terrorist they didn't like.

Send this little so and so back.....and his family too.
- This is what happens when you don't treat EVERYONE as a POW.  POWs get to go home when the war is over - not before.  So, when will the war end?  Good question, but they can wait until it is.  But imagine the lack of hassle if the USA was not cycling suspects through Gitmo then back to Iraq then back to Gitmo after they are caught - again. 

- Combat is messy, but coincidences are often remarkable.  A Brit para once wrote that the British, upon discovery that some of their Argentine POWs were actually Hispanic American mercenaries, alledgedly separated the Americans from the other POWs then  (my phrasing follows) discovered that the mercenaries had all been killed in action (my phrasing ends). 

- Thus preventing a regretable international incident.  The Brits display a certain maturity in these matters that some other nations do not.
I think we need open dialog with the hardline Muslims in this country.Maybe give them their own province.

Having children opened my eyes to many things.And when are we as Canadians going to do something about it?When were the minority?Good luck then.Islamic religious schools in Scarborough...

We will leave a Country to our children that WE HAVE MADE.

Also on the little Khadr kid.Everytime I hear about the poor little 15 yr old on the news they show the poor little guy's school picture smiling.How about showing the picture of him hooking land mines up as IED's?Or the video still with him and his cute little AK.

Canadians will walk around Parliament to protect these peoples rights,yet when their put into OUR communities no one protests?Why do we let people like this feel at home?Maybe we should start airing be-headings on CTV evening news.As most Canadians have their head so far up their *** they have never sat and watched a man choke out his last few breaths.His only crime being driving a humanitarian truck in an Islamic country full of terrorist.

Maybe next time some one is petitioning on Parliament we can bring up some mothers of the soldiers killed by Khadr.

This subject vexes me very much.Almost as much as the average"I don't care till it's too late"Canadians.

And now that my neck vein is pumping I have to laugh.....

the spell check tries to change Khadr to Jihad.....coincidence>?
X-mo-1979 said:
I think we need open dialog with the hardline Muslims in this country.Maybe give them their own province.

Having children opened my eyes to many things.And when are we as Canadians going to do something about it?When were the minority?Good luck then.Islamic religious schools in Scarborough...

We will leave a Country to our children that WE HAVE MADE.

Also on the little Khadr kid.Everytime I hear about the poor little 15 yr old on the news they show the poor little guy's school picture smiling.How about showing the picture of him hooking land mines up as IED's?Or the video still with him and his cute little AK.

Canadians will walk around Parliament to protect these peoples rights,yet when their put into OUR communities no one protests?Why do we let people like this feel at home?Maybe we should start airing be-headings on CTV evening news.As most Canadians have their head so far up their *** they have never sat and watched a man choke out his last few breaths.His only crime being driving a humanitarian truck in an Islamic country full of terrorist.

Maybe next time some one is petitioning on Parliament we can bring up some mothers of the soldiers killed by Khadr.

This subject vexes me very much.Almost as much as the average"I don't care till it's too late"Canadians.

And now that my neck vein is pumping I have to laugh.....

the spell check tries to change Khadr to Jihad.....coincidence>?
Wow.. people like these?? what particular people are you talking about? Thats a bit of a generalization isnt it? Other religions have their particular churches, so why not Muslims?

Up to last night, the War Measures Act has not been invoked, so I hardly think Canada needs saving from any group
sgf said:
Wow.. people like these?? what particular people are you talking about? Thats a bit of a generalization isnt it? Other religions have their particular churches, so why not Muslims?

Up to last night, the War Measures Act has not been invoked, so I hardly think Canada needs saving from any group

hardline Muslims in this country.

It's in the first sentence.
X-mo-1979 said:
hardline Muslims in this country.

It's in the first sentence.

what hardline Muslims and how do you tell the diffrence between a hardline and a regular Muslim Canadian in
Canada? Have their been any reports about their activities against this country, say in the last two years?

Interesting article that has a lot to say about Omar Khadr, especially the part about evidence against Omar

Lately, it has dawned on Canadians that the United States may well have lied about its evidence against Mr. Khadr. Far from having proof that only he could have thrown the grenade that killed their soldier, the U.S. appears to have hidden the truth: that the teenage Canadian was in the company of an adult al-Qaeda fighter and was himself unarmed, on his knees and facing away from battle when a U.S. soldier shot him twice — in the back.


another part of the article

The irony has never really penetrated Canadians' consciousness. Canada, the country of the liberal Youth Criminal Justice Act, is the only Western nation to give the United States carte blanche with one of its nationals at Guantanamo. Britain, Australia, Sweden and Germany fought to repatriate their nationals — adults, all of them. And Canada let a juvenile languish.
sgf said:
what hardline Muslims and how do you tell the diffrence between a hardline and a regular Muslim Canadian in
Canada? Have their been any reports about their activities against this country, say in the last two years?

Since this thread is thread is about the Khadr crowd, would that be the type he is talking about?  Ones that live in a free country like Canada, and support monsters like Binladen.

Does it have to be explained any simpler than that?



Hows that for you?2006 good enough?Or is that too passe for you?

What is the difference between hardline Muslims and normal praticing Muslims?

Oh stuff like going to Afghanistan to fight,working here in Canada and sending money to terrorist groups disguised as humanitarian fund's.Running training camps for terrorist north of Toronto.Bringing in extremest Imam's to speak to your congregation from Saudi Arabia and England....

Do you need more examples or can you surf the net and watch the media yourself>?

Slippery slope is not a logical argument, so you might want another angle if that is your intent.  You know that people in this thread are referring specifically to individuals who it has been determined are most likely actively supporting terrorist (or anti-coalition) activities.  These individual still deserve their due process (which some have advocated against), so maybe you want to set your aim there.
sgf said:
what hardline Muslims and how do you tell the diffrence between a hardline and a regular Muslim Canadian in
Canada? Have their been any reports about their activities against this country, say in the last two years?

The arrests outside Toronto in Sept 06, thats the first one that comes to mind

X-mo-1979 said:
I think we need open dialog with the hardline Muslims in this country.Maybe give them their own province.

Having children opened my eyes to many things.And when are we as Canadians going to do something about it?When were the minority?Good luck then.Islamic religious schools in Scarborough...

We will leave a Country to our children that WE HAVE MADE.

Also on the little Khadr kid.Everytime I hear about the poor little 15 yr old on the news they show the poor little guy's school picture smiling.How about showing the picture of him hooking land mines up as IED's?Or the video still with him and his cute little AK.

Canadians will walk around Parliament to protect these peoples rights,yet when their put into OUR communities no one protests?Why do we let people like this feel at home?Maybe we should start airing be-headings on CTV evening news.As most Canadians have their head so far up their *** they have never sat and watched a man choke out his last few breaths.His only crime being driving a humanitarian truck in an Islamic country full of terrorist.

Maybe next time some one is petitioning on Parliament we can bring up some mothers of the soldiers killed by Khadr.

This subject vexes me very much.Almost as much as the average"I don't care till it's too late"Canadians.

And now that my neck vein is pumping I have to laugh.....

the spell check tries to change Khadr to Jihad.....coincidence>?


One of the reasons we should take the US approch (An American first, or get the F*** out).  You don't see to many people using the US as a country of convenience

Well my personal views are that they should be treated as they treat others (ie. like the people they capture beheaded, and left to rot in a ditch).  But thats just my personal views, that I am entitled to as a Canadian Citizen  :salute: :cdn:
I read the quote about the arrests, but what about convictions? How long are the sentences these people have received?

I also beg to differ about the States being used as a country of convenience, seems they have their own issues with illegal immigrants who are cross the Mexican border at will.

I dont doubt that there are many muslims that raise money and sent home, just like.. hmm lets see.. maybe irish immigrants who raised money for the IRA but I didnt hear a large outcry over that.
sgf said:
I dont doubt that there are many muslims that raise money and sent home, just like.. hmm lets see.. maybe irish immigrants who raised money for the IRA but I didnt hear a large outcry over that.

I don't think the site was up and running at the time of the Irish Troubles, however I stand to be corrected....

Terrorists are terrorists, regardless what t-shirt they wear sgf.

Try as you might, you can't pidgeon hole anywone for being anti-muslim,

Fair effort though.


sgf said:
I dont doubt that there are many muslims that raise money and sent home, just like.. hmm lets see.. maybe irish immigrants who raised money for the IRA but I didnt hear a large outcry over that.

One can find whatever they wish on the internet. Even old newspaper articles (where, during the IRA heyday -- the outcry occured) from the 70s/80s/90s decrying the funding of the IRA by immigrants & business fronts in North America. You just need to search for them, instead of pretending that "outcry" didn't exists simply because the "outcry" didn't occur during the internet era.


Last warning.

The Milnet.ca Staff
sgf said:
I don't doubt that there are many Muslims that raise money and sent home, just like.. hmm lets see.. maybe Irish immigrants who raised money for the IRA but I didn't hear a large outcry over that.

No?Maybe type "IRA Canada" into Google.Here is a good comparison actually.

Khadr family:
-mother quoted saying "We are an Al Qaeda family."

-Father arrest by Pakistani authorities in 1995 for siphoning off HCI funds to pay for an Al Qaeda terrorist operation

-Wife Maha Elsamnah took her then 14-year-old son Omar from Canada to Pakistan in 2001 and enrolled him for Al Qaeda training.

-Daughter Zaynab, 23, was engaged to one terrorist and married, with Osama bin Laden himself present at the nuptials, a Qaeda member in 1999. Zaynab endorses the 9/11 atrocities and hopes her infant daughter will die fighting Americans.
Son Abdullah, 22, is a Qaeda fugitive constantly on the move to elude capture. Canadian intelligence states he ran a Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan during the Taliban period, something Abdullah denies.

-Son Omar, 17, stands accused of hurling a grenade in July 2002, killing an American medic in Afghanistan. Omar lost sight in one eye in the fighting and is now a U.S. detainee in Guantánamo.

-Son Abdul Karim, 14, half-paralyzed by wounds sustained in the October 2003 shoot-out that left his father dead, is presently prisoner in a Pakistani hospital.

SO what does Canada do?
-On April 9, 2004, (brother)Khadr and his mother returned to Canada, flying from Islamabad, Pakistan, to Toronto.

Yet if you look here:

Former IRA member turned back at the border
Last Updated: Friday, May 26, 2006 | 11:38 PM ET
CBC News
A former member of the Irish Republican Army was sent back to Ireland this week while en route to Fort Augustus, P.E.I., for Irish heritage celebrations.
Pat Treanor, the mayor of County Monaghan in Ireland, had been to Canada twice in the past year. But when he flew into St. John's on Wednesday, border security officials asked him whether he had a record.
He told them he was convicted once — for being a member of the IRA. He was refused admittance to Canada and sent back home.
"I'm disappointed and I would like to be part of the celebrations on Prince Edward Island," he told CBC News in an interview from his hometown.
But he expects he'll get this travel problem straightened out. "I do believe it was just some kind of a cock-up at the airport, seeing that I got in twice before. I will be meeting with the Canadian ambassador and I'm fairly confident we'll resolve whatever difficulties there are there."
The IRA officially ended its armed struggle against British rule in July 2005.
Treanor said he was a member for a few years in the 1970s, but that he's never committed any crime. He remains a member of Sinn Fein, the IRA's political wing.
The Canada Border Services Agency won't talk about the case. But spokeswoman Jennifer Morrison said people can be turned away for a number of reasons, such as having a criminal record or belonging to a terrorist group.
Treanor was travelling with three other members of the Monaghan county council, who were able to continue on to Fort Augustus.

So SGF yes Canada also takes a hard (I say HARDER)stance on other terrorist.The Khadr mother who said "We are an Al Qaeda family" gets to live here....yet an ex IRA terrorist is turned away.So yet another hole in your poorly argued,poorly researched, and trolling point of view.

P.S Can you please start using spell check,as it takes longer for other members to correct your work than their own when quoting you.
sgf said:
I dont doubt that there are many muslims that raise money and sent home, just like.. hmm lets see.. maybe irish immigrants who raised money for the IRA but I didnt hear a large outcry over that.
Ignoring the accuracy or inaccuracy of your statement, this is a wholly irrelevant argument.  The Canadian response to IRA funding in Canada neither validates nor invalidates arguments about what we should be doing today in response to terrorist supporters in Canada.  Appeal to hypocrisy is not a logical argument.
I dunno, I've never made any secret here of my feelings on that topic.  try this:

Re: Flap over UK Plan to Train Local Militia
« Reply #4 on: 05-02-2008, 14:12:28 »
  Reply with quoteQuote
Just going to hit the nest with a stick here.  The "Global War On Terrorism" is a misnomer.  If it were indeed a global effort, the Brits would have had a free hand to invade the Republic of Ireland and hunt down the IRA.  "We will root out terrorists and destroy them wherever they are, well, at least the brown ones that don't get funding from half the population of Boston and New York, anyway."

Nomex skiddies on, fire away.

sgf said:
I dont doubt that there are many muslims that raise money and sent home, just like.. hmm lets see.. maybe irish immigrants who raised money for the IRA but I didnt hear a large outcry over that.