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The Geopolitics of it all

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Couple of days ago, wife's friend calls up, her kid in Grade 3 was told by the teacher that by now they should be masturbating. The kid came home confused and unsure. Not really understanding what it is and if he was bad for not doing it. Unfucking believable. I hear a lot of immigrant parents having a lot of concerns with the direction that public schools are going.
Couple of days ago, wife's friend calls up, her kid in Grade 3 was told by the teacher that by now they should be masturbating. The kid came home confused and unsure. Not really understanding what it is and if he was bad for not doing it. Unfucking believable. I hear a lot of immigrant parents having a lot of concerns with the direction that public schools are going.

To play devils advocate, kids will say the darndest things... I can tell you much of the time what they tell their parents can be very different from what actually happened.

But that would make me call my daughters school administration... and my wife is the VP at her school...
Couple of days ago, wife's friend calls up, her kid in Grade 3 was told by the teacher that by now they should be masturbating. The kid came home confused and unsure. Not really understanding what it is and if he was bad for not doing it. Unfucking believable. I hear a lot of immigrant parents having a lot of concerns with the direction that public schools are going.

Meanwhile, Private/ Independent Schools be like....

Donald Duck Money GIF
Meanwhile, Private/ Independent Schools be like....

Donald Duck Money GIF

I know quite a few parents who have pulled their kids out of public school for various reasons... And the amount of private schools in Halifax must be growing... They seem to be everywhere now...
To play devils advocate, kids will say the darndest things... I can tell you much of the time what they tell their parents can be very different from what actually happened.

But that would make me call my daughters school administration... and my wife is the VP at her school...
Don't underestimate how stupid some of the teachers are. I seen some excellent ones, some rabid nutbars and some that are just arrogant. My wife finds teaching far easier than Law. Plus she has a much thicker skin than the teachers.
Don't underestimate how stupid some of the teachers are. I seen some excellent ones, some rabid nutbars and some that are just arrogant. My wife finds teaching far easier than Law. Plus she has a much thicker skin than the teachers.

Teaching is no different than any other profession. 20% are fantastic, 20% are horrid and 60% are somewhere in the middle...

Having said that, no way in hell could I be a teacher... I hate coaching minis rugby... and that's 1 hour a week...
There is a difference in educating and rearing children.

Some where along the way we F'd this up.
It starts exactly where everything else starts - listening and heeding what “experts” are saying.

A doctor is an expert in human health . He says smoking is bad for you it’s probably believable. Some experts are truly that.

Some are not.

“I’m an expert in child care! You peasants need to listen to me! Even though I have never raised a child in my entire life!!” Never mind the point children are individuals and highly susceptible to manipulation.
Progressives can be as selective as anyone else about following only the guidelines which suit them.

My (usual) reminder: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Canada approved (voted in favour), article 26 (note third paragraph):
Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.

Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.​
Governments should also probably be providing per-child funding to people who choose non-public schools.
Progressives can be as selective as anyone else about following only the guidelines which suit them.

My (usual) reminder: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which Canada approved (voted in favour), article 26 (note third paragraph):

Governments should also probably be providing per-child funding to people who choose non-public schools.
Here they do if the school agrees to follow the BC curriculum. Same if you home school. The BC government allots X amount of money a year to each school age child for education and that money is meant to follow them wherever they go. The amount used to be $500 a year for supplies. So you can see why public school lament the effect of home schooling and private schools as it also effects their budget.
Here they do if the school agrees to follow the BC curriculum. Same if you home school. The BC government allots X amount of money a year to each school age child for education and that money is meant to follow them wherever they go. The amount used to be $500 a year for supplies. So you can see why public school lament the effect of home schooling and private schools as it also effects their budget.

And alot of people are willing to pay for the decreased amount of political interference in the educational life of their kids, e.g., :

I know quite a few parents who have pulled their kids out of public school for various reasons... And the amount of private schools in Halifax must be growing... They seem to be everywhere now...
Never pulled mine out, but then again I never sent mine to a public school in the first place for a variety of reasons.
I know quite a few parents who have pulled their kids out of public school for various reasons... And the amount of private schools in Halifax must be growing... They seem to be everywhere now...
Really? I'm only tracking three: Halifax Grammar, Sacred Heart, and Shambhala... mind you I've never really looked.

Also, the thing I don't get about private school: they offer financial assistance, but you need to be a lower income family to qualify. Anyone who is middle-income can't qualify, but doesn't have enough disposable income to pay for it unless they sacrifice everything to pay for private school. So, private school is made up of mostly rich people's kids, and a few lower-income family on assistance. No meddle income families. Does that track?
Really? I'm only tracking three: Halifax Grammar, Sacred Heart, and Shambhala... mind you I've never really looked.

Also, the thing I don't get about private school: they offer financial assistance, but you need to be a lower income family to qualify. Anyone who is middle-income can't qualify, but doesn't have enough disposable income to pay for it unless they sacrifice everything to pay for private school. So, private school is made up of mostly rich people's kids, and a few lower-income family on assistance. No meddle income families. Does that track?

I count 9 on that cursory search...


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I count 9 on that cursory search...
And then there is the venerable Kings Edgehill, where the real Maritime Elite attend:

That and Rothesay Netherwood in New Brunswick.

What you really see is a lot of smaller private schools with a religious focus. A large number of these have also appeared in New Brunswick.
Really? I'm only tracking three: Halifax Grammar, Sacred Heart, and Shambhala... mind you I've never really looked.

Also, the thing I don't get about private school: they offer financial assistance, but you need to be a lower income family to qualify. Anyone who is middle-income can't qualify, but doesn't have enough disposable income to pay for it unless they sacrifice everything to pay for private school. So, private school is made up of mostly rich people's kids, and a few lower-income family on assistance. No meddle income families. Does that track?
I’m not rich nor am I low income. But my kid went to Private School. Granted a lot of well to do people sent their kids there and military, diplomat staff that had their tuition covered.
Really? I'm only tracking three: Halifax Grammar, Sacred Heart, and Shambhala... mind you I've never really looked.

Also, the thing I don't get about private school: they offer financial assistance, but you need to be a lower income family to qualify. Anyone who is middle-income can't qualify, but doesn't have enough disposable income to pay for it unless they sacrifice everything to pay for private school. So, private school is made up of mostly rich people's kids, and a few lower-income family on assistance. No meddle income families. Does that track?
Middle incomers always get screwed in everything, not enough money to attract the really good stuff, but to much money to qualify for any rebates or grants. We are the cow to be milked contentiously.