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The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

Gaspasser said:
CRC, if your 9er opens a new combat bra or cammied undies at Christams, you'll be in the doghouse for days...
That's better than opening up a new vacuum
The Librarian said:
That's better than opening up a new vacuum

Hey...what's wrong with a new vacuum?....and maybe a blender too!  ;D
Oh, ouch!  Or a new stove.
Ouch....does logistek sell diamonds and gold yet?
Gaspasser said:
Oh, ouch!  Or a new stove.
Ouch....does logistek sell diamonds and gold yet?

Gentlemen please,

PM me in December and I shall impart great knowledge to you. I shall tell you what to buy your respective 9er Domestics for Christmas.

Now...about General Hillier and his PT gear...

I'd wager that next week *somewhere* near you...there will be a picture of him plastered on the front page of a paper with the headline "CDS Runs Without Bodyguards" and then we shall truly know what he wears for PT!!
The Librarian said:
Gentlemen please,

PM me in December and I shall impart great knowledge to you. I shall tell you what to buy your respective 9er Domestics for Christmas.

How is Logistikunicorp going to deliver it in time?  ;D ;D ;D

Now...about General Hillier and his PT gear...

I'd wager that next week *somewhere* near you...there will be a picture of him plastered on the front page of a paper with the headline "CDS Runs Without Bodyguards" and then we shall truly know what he wears for PT!!

Too bad the photographer was hip checked by a burly guy jogging in the same direction wearing Oakley sunglasses and a Carleton University sweatshirt. That was some weird looking iPOD the guy had too.........
a_majoor said:
Too bad the photographer was hip checked by a burly guy jogging in the same direction wearing Oakley sunglasses and a Carleton University sweatshirt. That was some weird looking iPOD the guy had too.........
Ooops and there he goes...
OK...I can't make it work!!  >:(
If nothing else, then this should be good fodder for those folks who have trouble getting time off from work to do their PT every day. It was a real eye opener to see the differences between the Army and the Navy during my PDT in Pet this Spring. The CDS setting another great example for his troops.
GO!!! said:
Now, I wonder whose PT kit he wears? Do they have the tri-force symbol on sweats for him? :)
He, of course, would only wear the best in PT kit...RCD gear!  Gives everyone else in the CF something to aspire to ;D
The Librarian said:
Hmmm I seem to only have 240 points left...hubby must have ordered me something for Christmas... ::)

Do they have Paint Brushes and Rock Identifying Kits at Logistikunicorps (or whatever the heck it's called)?  If so, I think "Santa" thinks you've been good this year :D
A while back I was riding a bus in downtown Ottawa and saw Gen. Hillier run by, I almost came to attention on the bus, but then realised where I was and that I was off duty.  And he wears the grey issued PT kit.
Link said:
And he wears the grey issued PT kit.
Well then I highly recommend that all Units in Canada forward him a set of their Unit PT strip...for his wear and rotation...just think of the laundry bills he'll save. It'd be good for morale too...each Unit could put up a pic of him wearing their gear.

Perhaps Mike could even send him some army.ca swag to wear on a run!!
GO!!! said:
I see. So you say Gen. Hillier runs through the streets of ottawa in his St.Jean issue PT ensemble, complete with grey wool socks?


Link said:
A while back I was riding a bus in downtown Ottawa and saw Gen. Hillier run by.....  And he wears the grey issued PT kit.

Link said:
There is a single tear of joy running down a Sergeant Major's face right now, somewhere; "look at that troops, what a fine leader, nothing but issued kit!"

*sniff*  :salute:  What a leader indeed!
Link said:
A while back I was riding a bus in downtown Ottawa and saw Gen. Hillier run by, I almost came to attention on the bus, but then realised where I was and that I was off duty.  And he wears the grey issued PT kit.
That's what I call a well disciplined soldier!
I see him in the gym from time to time and I almost don't recognize him. He's actually pretty low key and says hi to who ever is around him. I don't recall that he wears any issue crap PT gear...
signalsguy said:
I don't recall that he wears any issue crap PT gear...


HERETIC!!!  Non believer!!!  Don't tarnish my dream!

Haggis: There, there, it's ok, the Boss has been known to stray on occasion and been found wearing a t-shirt from Memorial U, but for the majority of the time, he's in grey issued PT strip.  Your dreams are safe for now.
1.  Just cause i stated that it is, in theory, the Navy's turn at the CDS role.... I would be inclined to think that it would be theirs to lose.....

2.  What do our troops being in the fight of their lives have to do with the selection of the CDS?
There have been many capable Generals who have been passed over / encouraged to retire / buried for little or no reason.... Including the last LFC, LGen Caron.

signalsguy said:
I see him in the gym from time to time and I almost don't recognize him. He's actually pretty low key and says hi to who ever is around him. I don't recall that he wears any issue crap PT gear...


So the CDS does'nt wear issue kit, the standard has been set, time to break out the gucci kit!! WOO HOO!!


Sigma vest and black touque - here I come!  ;D
That's what I call a well disciplined soldier!

Thanks BYT Driver