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The General Hillier Years. The Merged Superthread

tlg said:
John de Chastelain came back from retirement AFTER Anderson AND before Boyle.
Just to clarify.
Gen DeChastelaine transfered to the Cadets.
This initial post caught my interest.  So Gen. DeChastelaine was recalled back to fill the post of CDS and they transfered him to the CIC to get him past the retirement age ? thanks for the info and clarification.


That't the funny thing about CICs... there are really no medical (or weight) standards nor are there any age standards to tie up the paperwork.
CIC retire at 65 vice 60; at the time, the CDS was over 55 (then CRA).

Better still, by being a CIC officer he could double dip; draw his pension and work 330 days per year.  Regulations at the time precluded Primary Res folks with an annuity from doing that - they were limited to 180 days (or had to be re-enrolled in the pension plan, meaning your benefits grow, but you stop geting paid your annuity).

At the time, between his annuity, his pay, and his pension from his brief foray to the US as Canadian ambassador he was likely the highest paid person in the mploy of the government of Canada.
Think he's still being paid for his service to the people of Northern Ireland
geo said:
That't the funny thing about CICs... there are really no medical (or weight) standards nor are there any age standards to tie up the paperwork.

That's not correct; however, the medical category required for CIC officers is similar to, if not identical to, that required for flag and general officers.  There is a CRA for CIC officers; last time I checked it was the same as for the Supp. Res.

All of that aside, though, I believe the notion that the good sir was enrolled as a CIC officer has been debunked either here or in another forum, but I'll be damned if I can find it now.  I could be mistaken.
Haggis said:
I doubt he'd be a greeter.  Maybe more like housewares, working alongside Ash from "Army of Darkness".
"If you're going to shop, shop smart: shop S-Mart!"
"I'm the bad Ash, you're the Good Ash" "Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun!"
"Let's dance, She-B*tch!"

geo said:
Teh current CDS was appointed during a Liberal term in office & was approved by the Liberals.  Gen Hillier & Bill Graham got along famously.
That was the Martin Liberals.

If Bob Rae or even Ignatieff with all the weird comment he is making come to power, I doubt they want a... robust CDS.
As a general rule, dynamic organizations like the CF do not do well if the leadership, however good, is left in place too long.

Many of us would have dearly loved to have stayed in a command position for years and years.  I suspect General Hillier is thoroughly enjoying himself, as I think he did every time he commanded anything: troop, squadron, regiment, brigade, the army, and ISAF.  I also suspect that he knows that the CF will benefit from a change of command: new ideas and new methods will come with a new CDS, just as they did when he took over.

A generation ago some smart, forward looking officers identified some excellent people like Findley, Hillier, Natynczyk and Robertson and ‘streamed’ them through the system.  They are, I am sure, doing the same for some bright, aggressive commanders and colonels today.

General Hillier will, I hope, retire while he is still ‘at the top of his game’ and he will, I also hope, be replaced by a solid, skilled professional.
There is the rub, will the next CDS be a political soldier or a soldier's soldier.
Technicaly, the Navy has next kick at the cat...... followed by Air - unless someone jumps off or jumps the queue.......
geo said:
Technicaly, the Navy has next kick at the cat...... followed by Air - unless someone jumps off or jumps the queue.......

Anybody remember when we last had a naval CDS (and not just an acting one)?
(might as well ask when we had our last good CDS)
Neill McKay said:
Anybody remember when we last had a naval CDS (and not just an acting one)?

Was it not JR Anderson?? He was CO of the Naval Officers' Training Centre in the early 1980s, and was called "JR" by his own instructor officers(in front of students) given the popularity of "Dallas" at the time and some personality quirks. As CDS he was out of his element and in over his head. It was not a pretty sight; my boss used to come back from the Daily Executive Meeting scratching his head at "JRisms".
Anderson was CDS for a short time and "resigned" over the cancellation of the MHP.  VAdm Larry Murray was the A/CDS after Boyle was punted.  I didn't know him well but he was a fine gentleman the few times I dealt with him and he was well regarded by others I've spoken to.
geo said:
Technicaly, the Navy has next kick at the cat...... followed by Air - unless someone jumps off or jumps the queue.......

Technically?  Is there any written rule over the way a CDS is selected?  Reading the NDA, I think not - we are at war and we do need dynamic leadership.  General Hillier's accession should demonstrate that we aren't about to follow some silly idea of apportionment in the unified CF.  I don't care if it's 5 Generals in a row or 5 Admirals - as long as we continue to recieve the quality of guys at the top that all our soldiers on the pointy-end deserve.
A short list will be forwarded to cabinet to make a decision.  There is alot of talent out there right now (Leslie, Natynczyk, etc) that would carry on Gen Hillier's reforms as well as style.
Gunner said:
  VAdm Larry Murray was the A/CDS after Boyle was punted.  I didn't know him well but he was a fine gentleman the few times I dealt with him and he was well regarded by others I've spoken to.

Agree 100%. I am not quite sure why he was not promoted and left in the job, but guess it was the Army's turn.
Murray was tainted by the Somalia inquiry and the government wanted to start afresh.  He retired and went to work with an aerospace firm (Boeing?) and worked alot less, less responsibility and made more money.