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The Election

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Originally posted by Farmboy:
[qb] I don‘t know how any one could ever vote Lieberal.

$1 BILLION wasted on registering law abiding gun owners
Maher Arar betrayal to the Syrians, then ignored his pleas for help
Khadr terrorists not arrested
Democratic Deficit - appointing candidates
Secret Lieberal Slush Fund .......[/qb]
Farmboy had the best post on this so far so I will add to it here - on www.canoe.ca they have a poll about the election - while not scientific it will work for me and my fellow ranters - note below - Defence is not a really big issue yet but accountability is -

Q1: At this point in the election campaign which issue matters to you the most?
Total Votes for this Question: 10113
So far, 17% have voted for Health care.
So far, 45% have voted for Government accountability.
So far, 10% have voted for The economy.
So far, 6% have voted for Defence.
So far, 0% have voted for Trade.
So far, 4% have voted for Gun registry:
So far, 3% have voted for Same-sex marriage.
So far, 9% have voted for Gas prices.
So far, 5% have voted for Other.

Can we, should, we could we - get rid of the current regime?

Whoever comes in can`t do worse - can they?

Can we get back to Kansas Toto? :eek:

My new rank as shown above is per my old rank when I first met Herr George (ex PEIR) the Tanker

Ain‘t that right George - Henry Gerhardt and the rest of the best of the RCR in Shilo in 74 - are we really that old?
3% believe that same-sex marriage is the issue of greatest importance? 9% think that gas prices are? Well, at least they took the time to select a radio button. Good grief.
I‘m not a fan of hyperbole, and as such I have a hard time taking claims that "anyone" could do a better job of running this country seriously.

For me, neither the sponsorship scandal, nor other instances of bureaucratic waste (which all nations suffer from) change the fact that for the past decade this country has been fiscally very well managed. We‘re in a better position to meet the coming demographic challenges (and they are coming) than any other western nation. As Finance Minister Martin was particularly competant. So much so he was named the best finance minister in the world in 2001 by the World Economic Forum. That being the case I‘m not eager to toss aside all his accomplishments over the sponsorship scandal, which the cynic in me sees as an inevitable part of the bureaucracy anyway.

That isn‘t to say Martin‘s a saint. He clearly bears responsibility for what was being done with monies under his nose. As Finance Minister it was Martin who wielded the shears that pruned the CF to the roots, but let‘s be realists here: the government follows the priorities of Canadians, and until very recently defence wasn‘t even on the political radar. Even now, when some Canadians are newly sympathetic to it, it is still a very tertiary issue. Sure, as a member of the CF I think it sucks, but that alone won‘t decide my vote.

What it all comes down to is that I don‘t believe the Liberals have done a terrible job of running the country. Add to that my deep distrust of the old Reform/CA platforms and policies, and I will more than likely vote for the Liberals in the coming election. I‘m not going to throw away a party I‘m overall tolerant of (if not ecstatic for) for one which makes me deeply uncomfortable.

When the new Conservatives show to me that they‘re more PC (for whom I routinely voted) than CA (whom I wouldn‘t touch with a ten foot barge pole), then they can have my vote, but not before.
Originally posted by logau:
[qb] Ain‘t that right George - Henry Gerhardt and the rest of the best of the RCR in Shilo in 74 - are we really that old?
:tank: [/qb]
YES....we are! :(

Now I know how Henry must have felt running with us eighteen year olds and still blowing our doors off. :D

Here‘s to MCpl‘s Terry Seaver and Jack Van Fleet. An amazing "Double Team".

Originally posted by Rick_Donald:
[qb] Disbandment of the Airborne Regiment
Sponsorship scandal
The Khadr‘s
Will Sampson
Challengers instead of Seakings
Sheila Copps
Adrienne Clarkson‘s spending spree
cutbacks to transfer payments to provinces (read health care)

I‘m sure that this list and the previous list only scratches the surface of what went on for the last 12 years. Makes you wonder what we don‘t know about, eh?

I‘ll be voting conservative if you haven‘t figured it out. Stephen Harper may be younger and fresher than what we‘re used to but perhaps that‘s what this country needs. Not some past relic from days gone by. Change is needed and only the Conservatives are providing that change. [/qb]
Rick,I can‘t forget lyin‘ Brian and what he did to us.
Free Trade was a sell off of our resource‘s and more. :mad:

I still remember the election of 68 and all the hoopla over sneaky Pete.Thats when Canada realy started going down the tubes and it has not stopped and won‘t untill qwe change the rules how we are governed by!

They are all liers and cheat‘s once elected because we are all forgotten.
Because they all end up power hungry!
Rick,I can‘t forget lyin‘ Brian and what he did to us.
Free Trade was a sell off of our resource‘s and more.
Spr Earl, I know Mulroney was a disaster in most ways for the country. But it was people like Steven Harper as a Reform Party MP who in the 1993 election wiped out the Mulroneyite conservatives in parliament. Harper is the opposite of what Clark/Mulroney/Campbell was.

Today when he was campaigning, in rebuttal to what Martin was throwing, Harper actually said that the roll of governments shouldn‘t be to throw money at social programs.

When was the last time you heard that said by a Canadian politician.

that took guts, not like Martin who has promised everything to everyone.
I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.

Who will I vote for? Noone, I‘m not going to vote, didn‘t vote last election either. Why? Noone to vote for.

I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst".
I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.

Who will I vote for? Noone, I‘m not going to vote, didn‘t vote last election either. Why? Noone to vote for.

I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst".
And your apathetic additude is the reason why politicians are able to get away with what they do. How is it that you condemn members here for pledging their support to Harper (ie: you feel strongly about some of his views) and yet you say you will not vote for any candidate in your riding (ie: you don‘t know or don‘t care about any issues).

Democracy doesn‘t work if the demos do not participate. In ancient Athens there was a fine for not showing up to the Assembly to vote on matters of the city.
This is a good article...


A little snippet:

"In a May, 2003, speech to the Institute for Research on Public Policy, Harper said: "The time has come to recognize that the U.S. will continue to exercise unprecedented power in a world where international rules are still unreliable and where security and advancing of the free democratic order still depend significantly on the possession and use of military might."

Maybe something good will come of it, if Harper does become PM, he‘d join the US war machine, and we could prosecute him for war crimes along with the Bush administration.


Originally posted by Infanteer:
I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.

Who will I vote for? Noone, I‘m not going to vote, didn‘t vote last election either. Why? Noone to vote for.

I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst".
And your apathetic additude is the reason why politicians are able to get away with what they do. How is it that you condemn members here for pledging their support to Harper (ie: you feel strongly about some of his views) and yet you say you will not vote for any candidate in your riding (ie: you don‘t know or don‘t care about any issues).

Democracy doesn‘t work if the demos do not participate. In ancient Athens there was a fine for not showing up to the Assembly to vote on matters of the city. [/qb]
You just took me totally out of context, and you pass judgement on me stating I don‘t know or care about any issues.

Such ignorance doesn‘t even deserve a rebuttal.
"In a May, 2003, speech to the Institute for Research on Public Policy, Harper said: "The time has come to recognize that the U.S. will continue to exercise unprecedented power in a world where international rules are still unreliable and where security and advancing of the free democratic order still depend significantly on the possession and use of military might."
I don‘t really see this statement as being too far off from the truth. Would you rather us stick to the dreamy-eyed Axworthy approach that has essentially neutered us internationally?

Maybe something good will come of it, if Harper does become PM, he‘d join the US war machine, and we could prosecute him for war crimes along with the Bush administration.
Is that you again, FUBAR?!? Back from the peace rally yet?

You just took me totally out of context, and you pass judgement on me stating I don‘t know or care about any issues.
No, you critized people for carrying through with their democratic right to choose the representative of their choice, and then proceeded to tell us that you will not that soverign privledge.

Such ignorance doesn‘t even deserve a rebuttal.
Whatever, Tinkerbell.
I didn‘t "critized" anyone, simply stated my opinion, of how I couldn‘t "see" anyone vote for him. It doesn‘t mean my view is the correct one. Its obvious people have thier own views based on things they‘ve seen or read.

If your not going to contribute to the thread constructively, you can go troll somewhere else.
Okay, lets try this again.

I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.
What is so "amazing" about people voting for the Conservative party? Is there something they don‘t know about that you‘ve managed to figure out that we don‘t know?

Instead of tap-dancing with this notion of it being "un-Canadian" to vote for Harper, just be a big-boy and say you don‘t like the Conservative party.

If your not going to contribute to the thread constructively, you can go troll somewhere else.
13 posts and your off and running. I‘ll take that one to heart....
Democracy doesn‘t work if the demos do not participate. In ancient Athens there was a fine for not showing up to the Assembly to vote on matters of the city. [/QB][/QUOTE]

Correct me if I‘m wrong but doesn‘t Australia have legislature to that effect now?
Originally posted by Goober:
[qb] I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.

Who will I vote for? Noone, I‘m not going to vote, didn‘t vote last election either. Why? Noone to vote for.

I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst". [/qb]
If you don‘t vote you lose the right to criticize. Seeing as you didn‘t vote in the previous election maybe you should shut your pie hole and leave this thread to those of us that give a **** what direction this country is going in.
Originally posted by Rick_Donald:
[qb]If you don‘t vote you lose the right to criticize. Seeing as you didn‘t vote in the previous election maybe you should shut your pie hole and leave this thread to those of us that give a **** what direction this country is going in. [/qb]
That is about it. Don‘t complain about the way the politicians decide to run the country because you never voted. It is you who run the country by voting in people who will make the decissions on how to do so. If you don‘t vote, then you agree fully with those who are elected by others, and agree with the way they will administer the nations business.

To me, anyone who doesn‘t vote or votes in protest for NDP, Green, Rhino, or whatever party is agreeing to the Liberals and their managing our country‘s affairs. If you seriously don‘t like the way the Liberals are running the country, then you should be voting for the most likely party to replace them with a ‘majority government‘ and that would be the Conservatives. Don‘t waste you vote.

Originally posted by George Wallace:
[qb] To me, anyone who doesn‘t vote or votes in protest for NDP, Green, Rhino, or whatever party is agreeing to the Liberals and their managing our country‘s affairs. If you seriously don‘t like the way the Liberals are running the country, then you should be voting for the most likely party to replace them with a ‘majority government‘ and that would be the Conservatives. Don‘t waste you vote.

GW [/qb]
My personal politics aside, doesn‘t it seem like a failing of democracy for somebody to be forced to vote for the ‘most likely party‘ to win, even if their personal politics are more akin to the NDP than the conservatives?

Clearly, if left-leaning NDPers were forced to vote for a right-wing Conservative party, this would not be a democracy?

One could hope that a certain amount of votes for the NDP/Green could influence the ruling Liberals/Conservatives to alter their policy in order to bring those voters into the fold?

Originally posted by Rick_Donald:
Originally posted by Goober:
[qb] I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.

Who will I vote for? Noone, I‘m not going to vote, didn‘t vote last election either. Why? Noone to vote for.

I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst". [/qb]
If you don‘t vote you lose the right to criticize. Seeing as you didn‘t vote in the previous election maybe you should shut your pie hole and leave this thread to those of us that give a **** what direction this country is going in. [/qb]
I totally disagree with you. How can you say someone loses the right to criticize just because they exercized thier right to not vote? I would feel pretty bad if the party I voted for was elected and happened to screw the country (sponsorship scandel).

Again I‘m judged and thrashed by a member of these forums. You can keep your insults to yourself, and please refrain from posting any more.
Originally posted by George Wallace:
Originally posted by Rick_Donald:
[qb]If you don‘t vote you lose the right to criticize. Seeing as you didn‘t vote in the previous election maybe you should shut your pie hole and leave this thread to those of us that give a **** what direction this country is going in. [/qb]
That is about it. Don‘t complain about the way the politicians decide to run the country because you never voted. It is you who run the country by voting in people who will make the decissions on how to do so. If you don‘t vote, then you agree fully with those who are elected by others, and agree with the way they will administer the nations business.

To me, anyone who doesn‘t vote or votes in protest for NDP, Green, Rhino, or whatever party is agreeing to the Liberals and their managing our country‘s affairs. If you seriously don‘t like the way the Liberals are running the country, then you should be voting for the most likely party to replace them with a ‘majority government‘ and that would be the Conservatives. Don‘t waste you vote.

GW [/qb]
So what you are saying is for those who don‘t agree with the Liberals and those who don‘t want an anti-Canadian running the country don‘t give a ****, and don‘t have any rights to voice thier say? I think thats just ignorant.
Originally posted by Goober:
[qb] So what you are saying is for those who don‘t agree with the Liberals and those who don‘t want an anti-Canadian running the country don‘t give a ****, and don‘t have any rights to voice thier say? I think thats just ignorant. [/qb]

1. First off; Who is anti-Canadian? Paul Martin, who fired all his Canadian sailors at CSL and hired cheaper foreigners to sail his foreign registered ships or who?

2. If you don‘t exercise your right to vote, then you must agree with the way things are being run and don‘t have the right to B***h.
