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The Election

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Originally posted by Chesterfield:
[qb] My personal politics aside, doesn‘t it seem like a failing of democracy for somebody to be forced to vote for the ‘most likely party‘ to win, even if their personal politics are more akin to the NDP than the conservatives?

Clearly, if left-leaning NDPers were forced to vote for a right-wing Conservative party, this would not be a democracy?

One could hope that a certain amount of votes for the NDP/Green could influence the ruling Liberals/Conservatives to alter their policy in order to bring those voters into the fold?

Cheers. [/qb]
Frankly, I don‘t care what your politics are. If you want to vote Communist or Pink, go ahead. Don‘t waste your vote, though. Our political system, however, is turning into a facimile of the Italian Parliament, with way too many parties.
By spliting the votes up so much we are guaranteeing a Liberal win. If you don‘t want that and want change, then think smartly when you vote.
The last election had Reform running a close second in many of the country‘s ridings, even in some Quebec ridings, but the Conservative‘s split that vote, coming in third and allowed the Liberal candidates the win. Don‘t even imagine that this did not throw some fear into the Liberal polsters. Why do you think they started out slamming Harper, even before an election was called, with their "Harper said" webpage ads?

What I am saying is the Liberals are guaranteed a win if everyone refuses to vote or makes a protest vote for some obscure party. If you really want to change the government then make your vote count. That does not mean that the Conservative Candidate in your riding is the best either. Perhaps you live in Ottawa Center, which is strongly NDP for some reason. There the people would be silly to split the vote and allow the Liberals to win.

Originally posted by Goober:
I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst".
Smart more. I supose it‘s better to have the worst of the worst than the best of the worst eh?

Probably one of the dumbest things i‘ve heard in a while. Your pretty quick to call people (everyone?) ignorant. Maybe you should give some consideration to the fact that most of the people here seem to disagree with you.

maybe YOU mr Goober [Mil Experience: Cadets only] Should have some respect and refrain from telling someone like Mr Donald [Mil Experience: 4 years, 1 RCR,3 CDO CAR 1983-1987 ] to stop posting on a military forum.

EDIT: Just read in the paper today that the liberals are promising cities up to 2 billion dollars from the gas-taxs, *IF* they are elected again. I think i‘ll change my vote to liberal now, i mean a promise is a promise, right?
Goober, if you choose not to vote and say nobody‘s worth your vote, thats your right. And no, I dont believe anyone should lose their right to speak up and criticize whether they vote or not.

But other than some weird fringe websites and forums, and reading in a sinister meaning to some (true) statement that Harper made, can you provide any reasons you classify Harper as anti-Canadian? Has he been selling secrets to the Russians or something?
I‘m amazed at the amount of people who will vote for Harper. I can‘t see how any Canadian can vote for him.

What is so "amazing" about people voting for the Conservative party? Is there something they don‘t know about that you‘ve managed to figure out that we don‘t know?
Yes we are amazing !
I think they lose the right to complain, but not in any formal sense. I just don‘t think they should complain. Just like I don‘t think people who don‘t have kids shouldn‘t lecture anybody on parenting, and I don‘t think Dr. Phil should be some sort of weight-loss guru.

Apathy doesn‘t work on any level. You‘re sure showing everybody else when you don‘t vote... because you... did nothing? If a person who doesn‘t vote honestly gave a ****, they‘d come up with better excuses. In the last federal election, only 55% of the voting age population voted. The remaining 45% is enough to change the results in nearly any riding. Granted, some of those 45% are too stupid or lazy to vote, but at least they have a reasonable excuse. And in many cases, the "I don‘t vote, because there‘s nobody good to vote for" is just another excuse for the lazy, because lazy people try to pretend they‘re not lazy.

Goober: I want you to tell me off the top of your head, every single fringe party candidate in your riding, what their basic policies are. If you don‘t like the liberals or the conservatives, then you‘d better **** well know what everybody else is about before you choose not to vote.

Not voting doesn‘t prove anything, except for the fact that you don‘t care about how the country you live in is run. You might pretend you do, but you don‘t. If you honestly did care, you‘d have voted.
...and for the record, casting your vote for a smaller/fringe party (Green, Canadian Action Party, etc.) is in no way "wasting" your vote. You‘ve exercised your sovereignty and contributed to the democratic dialogue.

I‘d rather have an educated voter who knows the issues vote for the Green Party than have some dummy vote Liberal or Conservative just because their parents did.
Originally posted by Infanteer:
[qb] ...and for the record, casting your vote for a smaller/fringe party (Green, Canadian Action Party, etc.) is in no way "wasting" your vote. You‘ve exercised your sovereignty and contributed to the democratic dialogue.

I‘d rather have an educated voter who knows the issues vote for the Green Party than have some dummy vote Liberal or Conservative just because their parents did. [/qb]
Thank you, you just stated my point.
I believe your point was "I‘m not going to vote" and not "an educated voter is better than an uneducated one". Unless you have a really convoluted way of making your point.
Originally posted by Ghost778:
Originally posted by Goober:
I refuse to vote for someone just because they are the "best of the worst".
Smart more. I supose it‘s better to have the worst of the worst than the best of the worst eh?

Probably one of the dumbest things i‘ve heard in a while. Your pretty quick to call people (everyone?) ignorant. Maybe you should give some consideration to the fact that most of the people here seem to disagree with you.
I didn‘t call everyone ignorant. Who said I didn‘t consider the fact that most people here seem to disagree with me? Please show me where I said that, a link would help. Re-read the paragraph where I said the IDEA that someone who doesn‘t like the Liberals AND doesn‘t like the Conservatives loses the right to complain, is ignorant.

Besides only a few of the members here voiced thier opposition to me (people have different opinions, not everyone has to go with the crowd), and I‘m willing to bet many exercised thier right to NOT post too, perhaps because they see this is simple bickering and doesn‘t serve any constructive purpose.

maybe YOU mr Goober [Mil Experience: Cadets only] Should have some respect and refrain from telling someone like Mr Donald [Mil Experience: 4 years, 1 RCR,3 CDO CAR 1983-1987 ] to stop posting on a military forum.
Congratulations, you just proved his is bigger than mine. I asked him to stop posting if all he does is flame, just repeating what a moderator said in another post.

I have plenty of respect, just not for flamers or trolls, thats all.

The race is between the Liberals and the Conservatives, I think thats pretty aparent. Let me ask you, hypothetically, who would you vote for if you believe one party told only lies and couldn‘t be trusted, and you disagreed with most, if not everything the other party said, and/or promised?
Originally posted by hoser rd:
[qb] I believe your point was "I‘m not going to vote" and not "an educated voter is better than an uneducated one". Unless you have a really convoluted way of making your point. [/qb]
The fact that I‘m not going to vote (as of now, still a month to go) is the ACTION, or the VERB as some would say, it is not the subject of my point, therefore, it cannot be said that my point is "I‘m not going to vote".
I believe your point was "I‘m not going to vote" and not "an educated voter is better than an uneducated one". Unless you have a really convoluted way of making your point.
No kidding. I am now trying to figure out what your point was, goober; is it that you are a dummy so you won‘t vote for anyone?
The fact that I‘m not going to vote (as of now, still a month to go) is the ACTION, or the VERB as some would say, it is not the subject of my point, therefore, it cannot be said that my point is "I‘m not going to vote".



Your doing a good job of relegating yourself to obscurity on this board.
Again with the flames. Anyway, answer this question, this is the sum of my point.

"The race is between the Liberals and the Conservatives, I think thats pretty aparent. Let me ask you, hypothetically, who would you vote for if you believe one party told only lies and couldn‘t be trusted, and you disagreed with most, if not everything the other party said, and/or promised?"

There is no alternative. I will not vote ignorantly. I‘ll wait until I see evidence of a party that is in line with my views and values, and vote for them. If none comes along, perhaps I‘ll have to do something about that myself.
Only after reading the platforms presented in the newspapers on all the major parties did I decide that the Conservatives stand on some of the issues appealed to me.
I‘ve observed the antics of the ruling party for the last 12 years and absolutely refuse to stand back and let it happen all over again because of low voter turnout.
Just look at their track record in earlier posts to this thread.
The Liberals inherited a great economy in 92 and claimed it as their accomplishment. We watched them slowly erode it to tatters.
If health care is your issue who do think cut transfer payments to the provinces?
If defence is your issue do I need to say anymore?
Education? Same deal as health care. The money is there,always has been there but has been squandered and funnelled to various institutions which benefit none of us.

If I was in my early twenties I probably wouldn‘t care enough to vote either. When I was Goober‘s age all I cared about was my FN, beer, women,jumping, my next posting, beer, women, etc.
I didn‘t have time to keep up with politics. Mulroney was a cartoon character I saw on page 5 every so often. But I sure as **** didn‘t sit around the Kyrenia Club discussing something I knew nothing about. I talked about jumping,beer,women,war stories,beer,women.....
You can always tell who the message board vets are when they pop up throwing around the classic catch words such as flaming, ignorant and trolls and trolling. Show me where i said this show me where i said that. What i really ment was. Im new here but im going to be as loud and confrontational as possible. Please do not FLAME me i find it very offensive

Unlike happy feely PLUR message boards if you act like a door nob or make an *** out of yourself your going to get negitive attention. yes, maybe even "flames" too.

Look, if you don‘t feel like voting than don‘t vote. If you can‘t find someone you want to support go order some stickers that say "Vote Goober, quit begging the question it‘s very trollish of you.
I am not going to vote either. This is because all of the political parties are awful, and although some have their good points, which would improve the nation, they ALL have very very bad points and would end up damaging this nation more then helping it, if they were elected.

GOOD: Well I cannot really think of any good points because anything good that they do, they will change their minds and do the opposite the next week.
BAD: They backtrack and change their minds on every policy decision, they have destroyed the military budget over the last decade, they support idiotic things such as the gun registry, they are corrupt, and they are just plain criminals.

GOOD: They realize that the gun registry must be scrapped right away, and are in favour of supporting the military in infusing a lot of cash into defence.
BAD: They have the most regressive and backwards social policies ever imagined. If elected they would destroy any sovereignty that this nation has, force every Canadian to pledge allegiance to the stars and stripes, beg the terrorists to attack us so they can help colonize the middle east, force all immigrants and non-white-straight-christians into concentration camps, destroy our healthcare and education systems, and stomp on cute little kittens with their big red and white laced doc martins.

GOOD: Proper social policies, which are in step with Canadian values. Correct policies on health care and education.
BAD: They would rather see me as a bum living on the street then dare have me in the military where golly gee I may end up learning how to swear or something. Allah forbid I ever held a weapon on duty as they would have to send me to my room to see that holding a weapon is not correct behaviour for a soldier. They also have retarded policies on the gun registry, and they only support "decriminalization" of marijuana, which is not much better then having it completely illegal, as it will do nothing to solve the problem of illegal drug dealing on the streets and all the negative things that come with that. Also lets face it, the NDP is basically a joke.

Bloc Quebecois:
GOOD: They are not any of the other parties.
BAD: They want Quebec to seperate (I like Quebec).

Green party, man:
GOOD: Ummmm.......well they are the only political party to realize that full legalization is the only reasonable answer to the marijuana issue.
BAD: They want to dismantle the military and create some sort of police force, that will go to Afghanistan and plant flowers or some stupid $hit like that. They want to do away with prisons and put all criminals under house arrest for some retarded reason.

So you see, no matter which party gets elected, Canada is ****ed. We need a new political party, that is a true alternative to the liberals, not some backwards radical fundamentalists. The liberals will be in power for a long time because Canadians are too intelligent to support other political parties which would destroy this country even worse. And if they do elect another party next election...I want to say I would feel very bad for Canada‘s future, but I would feel the same way if the liberals were elected again, so no matter what happens, I feel bad for Canada‘s future.

So if we do not want to see any of these parties win, what are we suppost to do on election day? If I bothered to go vote I would write in my name on the ballot, and I would encourage everyone to do the same. I am the only person who knows how to properly run this country, so none of these stupid parties are going to get any support from me. I respect this nation too much to participate in having it destroyed by any of these political parties.

And plus if I dont vote I can disagree with whichever party gets into power, because I do not have any silly allegiances to keep.
Originally posted by nbk:
[qb] I am the only person who knows how to properly run this country, so none of these stupid parties are going to get any support from me. I respect this nation too much to participate in having it destroyed by any of these political parties.
Of course you are. Just because you think you‘re right, doesn‘t mean you are. If you can do a better job form a party and run for a seat. If you get voted in, then obviously people agree with you. Otherwise your just another toilet king with an opinion.

And just for the record, you (and Goober) are exactly the type of people politicians love. They don‘t have to worry about getting your vote, and also don‘t have to worry about you voting for another party. You think you‘re making a statement by not voting, but merely making things easier for the parties and politicians you so despise. Perfect for them. Good job stud.
Canada has sovereignty? I must have missed that while I was pledging undying allegience to a non-Canadian Queen and all.
Canada has sovereignty? I must have missed that while I was pledging undying allegience to a non-Canadian Queen and all.
Oh? Was that against your will? If you didn‘t agree with the pledge you took, the honourable thing would‘ve been not to take it. Maybe you support your personal principles through internet message boards, as opposed to personal actions...