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The Election

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I can not take credit for the list, Nimrod, at Canadian Gun Nutz keeps us well informed. http://www.canadiangunnutz.com/viewtopic.php?t=9479&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=40
Disbandment of the Airborne Regiment
Sponsorship scandal
The Khadr‘s
Will Sampson
Challengers instead of Seakings
Sheila Copps
Adrienne Clarkson‘s spending spree
cutbacks to transfer payments to provinces (read health care)

I‘m sure that this list and the previous list only scratches the surface of what went on for the last 12 years. Makes you wonder what we don‘t know about, eh?

I‘ll be voting conservative if you haven‘t figured it out. Stephen Harper may be younger and fresher than what we‘re used to but perhaps that‘s what this country needs. Not some past relic from days gone by. Change is needed and only the Conservatives are providing that change.
"I would probably vote for the Conservatives if it wasn‘t for Stephen Harper. Just something about that guy that I don‘t like." "Yeah I get that feeling too. He doesn‘t seem inspiring and he doesn‘t look like a leader."

Comparison perhaps..............
‘He [King] was a man of no charisma, in public the blandest of the bland, whose tedious speeches, in and out of parliment, were hedged about with qualifications and parentheses that verged on the ponderous‘
Pierre Burton,Marching As To War : Canada's Turbulent Years, 1899 â “1953. Doubleday Canada, 2001. pg. 242

King was the longest serving PM in the whole of the Commonwealth so sometimes image isn‘t everything.
I‘ll be voting on the issues. We‘ll see who stands where before judging.
Don‘t get me wrong I won‘t be casting my vote based on wether or not I think the candidate could win the Swan competition. I was just chimming in on what absent_element said and I agreed with him. His (Stephen Harper) appearance doesn‘t have any bearing on his competency. Maybe if he didn‘t seem so scripted all the time and acted with a little more exhuberance. He is running for Prime Minister after all.

BTW, I read that King would sometimes consult with the spirit of his dead dog and looked for assurance from spirits rather than the advice of his political peers.
I like how everyone that wasn‘t alive when Joe Who was Prime Minister are now advocating him.

In case anyone really, really hasn‘t figured it out by now, Joe Who is not a good candidate for the Prime Minister, he is a Political Animal. It means he doesn‘t care about consituents, he cares about getting votes and inflating his ego. You should have seen him as the Grand Marshall of the Gay Pride Parade in Calgary. I have nothing against what people do in their bedrooms, it‘s when they have parades to walk around in their underwear - male, female, gay, straight, doesn‘t matter - that I start to wonder how exactly this is going to convince anyone that they want to be part of the mainstream.

But I digress.

Why was Joe Who there? To get points. Why is Joe Who stepping down from Parliament? To get a Senate appointment, naturally. Joe Who saw the writing on the wall, he refused to co-operate with the Party merger, he did every **** thing he could to sink the new Conservative Party at the polls by badmouthing Harper, and all this to score points with the Liberals so he can get appointed to the Senate.

I would like to see a Party come to the House of Commons, refuse to play kindergarten games like tossing insults or refusing to listen to the other parties, and make that place an instrument of thoughtful debate and real political change.

Pigs might fly someday, but Joe Who won‘t be Prime Minister again.
I am voting Conservative because IMO:

We have had the liberals lead for too long, it is time for change.

The Conservatives are pro military.
Look, with the Conservatives proposing $1.2 billion to defence,maritime helicopters, new aircraft,ships and destroyers, an increase to 80,000 personell to reg force and 60,000 to reserves, increased naval training, improvements to veteran‘s rights and benefits it is a pretty clear choice who all of you should be voting for.
Rick, Perhaps the Conservatives will do what they claim.

But, more often than not promises get broken.

So what‘s a fella to do?
Yeah, right, election promises ALWAYS get kept, too. :rolleyes:

Spending money without a plan is worth than spending no money at all. Do the Conservatives actually have a vision for what they want DND to be doing for the next 10 years? Or are they simply buying votes?

Now that Joe Clark is no longer in my riding, I will be voting Conservative, especially since Reform has since merged with them.

I‘m not optimistic about any of the parties, really.
Well, if you refer back to the lists of Liberal boondogles you will note the billions of dollars that already exist in the system.
Now take the money out of the free spending Liberals hands and put it into a parties hands that for the last 10 years has preached on deaf ears about government reform and see what happens.
I don‘t know what the future holds any more than you but I do know what the past held with Chretien and Martin at the helm.
I don‘t know about you guys here in the West, but I sure miss the good old days of the Reform party. Preston Manning was a guy with some great ideas, and he brought a sence of excitement to politics.

Those days over (sadly), Stever Harper and the ‘new‘ Conservative party is not a pretty choice. Harper lacks good ideas (Harper policy: What do the Americans want us to do?...Let‘s do that!) and I think he totally lacks an ability to excite the population. I don‘t think they will be able to do anything and I don‘t think Harper will keep things together. I think the Conservative party will infight constantly.

On the other hand, we have the corrupt Liberals who won‘t change anything. They will also do very little for the Forces.

That being said, I feel this election is like having two bags of **** held up to you and being told to choose. Both of them stink. Bad. I think it is a sad sad time in Canadian politics.

Too bad that Ralf Klein would not run for the conservative leadership. He has the influence to unite and light up the west again...a lot of people would disagree with that one mind you!
I‘m so embarassed when i watch political debates and commercials on TV.

Voting for one party over the other because they are "pro military" might be a little off. Chances are we won‘t really see a difference at our level and like Michael pointed out, promises aren‘t always kept.

I don‘t know half as much about politics or the different parties compared to most of the people here. I‘m going to vote conservative simply because i think they are the lesser of two evils and quite frankly all it seems the liberals have been doing is lying to us, breaking promises or wasting money. Every time you turn on the news it‘s something else with these guys. The conservatives CAN‘T possibly be worse and if they turn out to be then atleast i‘ll have tried to fix a broken record instead of sitting around getting screwed over and over.

If the liberals win the election I am never ever voting again, i‘m going to give up and admit defeat. if the liberals win again we will truely be in country a country surrounded by idiots.
If you are in the military and vote LIEBERAL you should be drummed out at the soonest time availible.No party has done more to ruin this country and the military more than that crew of incompetant buffoons,everyting the touch has come to ruin from taxes to the Firearms Regestry.My vote will be for the CPC,if you are in uniform your vote should be the same.
I‘m not optimistic about any of the parties, really.
Pretty much sums up my feelings on the issue. Unlike the last election, which had the Stockwell Day boogey man as a highlight, this one is just dry toast. As much as we flame the Liberals for corruption, one only has to look at the Tory‘s under Mulroney for a good comparison.

However, the bungling of our nation‘s foreign policy under Cretin has left a sour taste in my mouth and confirmed my Conservative vote.
If the Liberals win, I might as well go back to Israel and join the IDF. The US Air Force is also a possiblity.
If you can even get into the US what with their horrible backwards immigration system.
I‘ve researched every way to head south so I can serve but nope.. Nothing. Unless I have an American parent I can‘t. The real zinger is if I was a Somalia or something I could enter the Green Card lottery.
I‘ve researched every way to head south so I can serve but nope.. Nothing. Unless I have an American parent I can‘t.
Either that or you wait out the process for getting a citizenship, I looked into it for a while too, for all the trouble it would have taken I figured it‘s better to stay...even if it means I can‘t be a Navy SEAL :D

Anyhoo, this election should be a real scrap. Hoorah.