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The Canadian Peacekeeping Myth (Merged Topics)

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In chemistry, after aiding the chemical reaction, the catalyst itself does not undergo any permanent chemical modification.

Does that mean that none of the CAF members deployed as "catalyst" will suffer any permanent physical or mental injury?

Just asking. After all, with the questions they refused to answer, this whole press meet was nothing but a lot of self-congratulatory smoke void of any content whatsoever (save perhaps the fact that we have now discovered that this is to become a permanent "program" - not just an ad hoc deployment) .
Oldgateboatdriver said:
In chemistry, after aiding the chemical reaction, the catalyst itself does not undergo any permanent chemical modification.

Does that mean that none of the CAF members deployed as "catalyst" will suffer any permanent physical or mental injury?

Just asking. After all, with the questions they refused to answer, this whole press meet was nothing but a lot of self-congratulatory smoke void of any content whatsoever (save perhaps the fact that we have now discovered that this is to become a permanent "program" - not just an ad hoc deployment) .

So, just another "Sunny Ways" group announcement, in other words.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
After all, with the questions they refused to answer, this whole press meet was nothing but a lot of self-congratulatory smoke void of any content whatsoever....
Well, they did announce that they're spending $450 million to rename the "Stabilization and Reconstruction Task Force" to "Peace and Stabilization Operations Program."  There's new business cards, letterhead and other stationary, office signs.....

Canada is back!  :nod:
Is Global Affairs Canada another ministry or conglomeration of ministries or a new Crown corporation in aid of Canadian government LCF?  Maybe we should just have a Minster/Ministry of LCF?

medicineman said:
Is Global Affairs Canada another ministry or conglomeration of ministries or a new Crown corporation in aid of Canadian government LCF?  Maybe we should just have a Minster/Ministry of LCF?

GAC is what was DFATD which was DFAIT which was, long ago, External Affairs.

Clearly, the lobbyists from the Sign Painters union have been quite successful...
ModlrMike said:
[rant]Can people stop f%#*ing with the language and speak plain bloody English![/rant]

Obviously, they have trouble with their exhaust systems on their cars there.  They must be wanting to set up some Mr. Muffler franchise opportunities in country.  :nod:
We collectively tuned out as soon as "root causes" were mentioned.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
In chemistry, after aiding the chemical reaction, the catalyst itself does not undergo any permanent chemical modification.

Does that mean that none of the CAF members deployed as "catalyst" will suffer any permanent physical or mental injury?

Just asking. After all, with the questions they refused to answer, this whole press meet was nothing but a lot of self-congratulatory smoke void of any content whatsoever (save perhaps the fact that we have now discovered that this is to become a permanent "program" - not just an ad hoc deployment) .

In my processes catalysts are dropped in, forced into associations, subjected to heat and pressure, hauled out then recycled indefinitely until exhausted.......
dapaterson said:
GAC is what was DFATD which was DFAIT which was, long ago, External Affairs.

Clearly, the lobbyists from the Sign Painters union have been quite successful...


dapaterson said:
Admit it. Secretly,  you always wanted to be a PAffO.

I did once, then I hung out with one.  Strange fellow, like the guys who hand out the bullets and rifles in Enemy at Gates; "Man in front gets rifle, man in back gets bullets, when man in front dies, man in back picks up rifle......"
Journeyman said:
Ouch.  What a crappy thing to say to anyone.  :(

Well, I could save said "Int O", but even I have some small degree of mercy when I insult people.
One wonders if the "air transport' announced will include armed helos:

One hopes we do not end up with a hodge-podge of penny-packet missions, with none making a really major contribution but rather simply showing the UN flag for the sake of showing that flag.

And one wishes our media took the government’s hint and stopped reflexively referring to “peacekeeping”:

Prof. Thomas Juneau gets to the heart of the matter:

What is also disappointing is that the government did not clearly explain how all of this is in Canada’s interest. It seems to assume that “doing” UN peace operations is intrinsically good, which is at best simplistic. Peace operations are a means, not an end. Canada should definitely be more involved, but on a case-by-case basis and provided that individual commitments are in its interests. Friday’s announcement said little, in particular, on how the forthcoming decision regarding a mission in Africa will be made…

MarkOttawa said:
And one wishes our media took the government’s hint and stopped reflexively referring to “peacekeeping”:

Thing is, the term "peacekeeping", like "drone" for RPA/UAV, has become so entrenched in the media that regardless of what the MND or CAF call it instead, the MSM and others will call it by that name.

The only way I could see that changing is if:
a) We don't wear the UN blue berets/helmets, and/or (god forbid)
b) CAF members on that operation come home in body bags
Dimsum said:
Thing is, the term "peacekeeping", like "drone" for RPA/UAV, has become so entrenched in the media that regardless of what the MND or CAF call it instead, the MSM and others will call it by that name.

The only way I could see that changing is if:
a) We don't wear the UN blue berets/helmets, and/or (god forbid)
b) CAF members on that operation come home in body bags

But even then, maybe not.  People are happy to live in their own ignorance.


More than 125,000 Canadian Armed Forces members have served in dozens of international peace missions to more than 35 countries over the past six decades. Approximately 130 Canadians have died in these efforts and many more have suffered physical and mental injury.
MarkOttawa said:
One wonders if the "air transport' announced will include armed helos:

Really? UN "Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation" Mission? Aside from its already-known shortcomings, the UN has now adopted an internet buzzword generator for naming its missions? What's next? Multidimensional Integrated Corruption? Sharable Synchronous Incompetence? Effects-Based Synergistic Dysfunction?

The first photo is very dated - we've not had SAR hoists on green Griffons for many years.
MarkOttawa said:
One hopes we do not end up with a hodge-podge of penny-packet missions, with none making a really major contribution but rather simply showing the UN flag for the sake of showing that flag.

Ever the optimist...
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